Uses of Interface

Packages that use UnaryPredicate
org.apache.commons.functor.adapter Classes that adapt one functor interface to another. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core Commonly used functor implementations. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm Various algorithm-esque functors. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection Collection-based functors, algorithms and utilities. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.comparator Comparator- and Comparable-based functors, algorithms and utilities. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite Functors composed of other functors. 
org.apache.commons.functor.generator Contains code related to Generators. 

Uses of UnaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter that implement UnaryPredicate
 class BinaryPredicateUnaryPredicate<A>
          Adapts a BinaryPredicate as a UnaryPredicate by sending the same argument to both sides of the BinaryPredicate.
 class LeftBoundPredicate<A>
          Adapts a BinaryPredicate to the UnaryPredicate interface using a constant left-side argument.
 class PredicateUnaryPredicate<A>
          Adapts a Predicate to the UnaryPredicate interface by ignoring the given argument.
 class RightBoundPredicate<A>
          Adapts a BinaryPredicate to the UnaryPredicate interface using a constant left-side argument.
 class UnaryFunctionUnaryPredicate<A>
          Adapts a Boolean-valued UnaryFunction to the UnaryPredicate interface.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter that return UnaryPredicate
<A> UnaryPredicate<A>
BinaryPredicateUnaryPredicate.adapt(BinaryPredicate<? super A,? super A> predicate)
          Adapt a BinaryFunction as a UnaryFunction.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter with parameters of type UnaryPredicate
<A> UnaryPredicateUnaryFunction<A>
UnaryPredicateUnaryFunction.adapt(UnaryPredicate<? super A> predicate)
          Adapt a UnaryPredicate to the UnaryFunction interface.
<L,R> IgnoreRightPredicate<L,R>
IgnoreRightPredicate.adapt(UnaryPredicate<? super L> predicate)
          Adapt a UnaryPredicate as an IgnoreRightPredicate.
<L,R> IgnoreLeftPredicate<L,R>
IgnoreLeftPredicate.adapt(UnaryPredicate<? super R> predicate)
          Adapt a UnaryPredicate to an IgnoreLeftPredicate.
<A> BoundPredicate
BoundPredicate.bind(UnaryPredicate<? super A> predicate, A arg)
          Adapt the given, possibly-null, UnaryPredicate to the Predicate interface by binding the specified Object as a constant argument.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter with parameters of type UnaryPredicate
BoundPredicate(UnaryPredicate<? super A> predicate, A arg)
          Create a new BoundPredicate instance.
IgnoreLeftPredicate(UnaryPredicate<? super R> predicate)
          Create a new IgnoreLeftPredicate.
IgnoreRightPredicate(UnaryPredicate<? super L> predicate)
          Create a new IgnoreRightPredicate.
UnaryPredicateUnaryFunction(UnaryPredicate<? super A> predicate)
          Create a new UnaryPredicateUnaryFunction.

Uses of UnaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.core

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core that implement UnaryPredicate
 class Constant<T>
          Evaluates to constant value.
 class Identity<T>
          Evaluates to its input argument.
 class IsNotNull<T>
          Tests false iff its argument is null.
 class IsNull<A>
          Tests true iff its argument is null.
 class Limit
          A predicate that returns true the first n times it is invoked.
 class Offset
          A predicate that returns false the first n times it is invoked, and true thereafter.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core that return UnaryPredicate
<L,R> UnaryPredicate<L> object)
          Get an IsSame UnaryPredicate.
<L,R> UnaryPredicate<L> object)
          Get an IsNotSame UnaryPredicate.
<T> UnaryPredicate<T>
IsInstance.of(Class<?> clazz)
          Get an IsInstanceOf UnaryPredicate.
<L,R> UnaryPredicate<L> object)
          Get an IsNotEqual UnaryPredicate.
<L,R> UnaryPredicate<L> object)
          Get an IsEqual UnaryPredicate.

Uses of UnaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm with parameters of type UnaryPredicate
 E FindWithinGenerator.evaluate(Generator<? extends E> left, UnaryPredicate<? super E> right)
          Evaluate this function.
 Number IndexOfInGenerator.evaluate(Generator<? extends T> left, UnaryPredicate<? super T> right)
          Evaluate this function.
 void<? extends T> left, UnaryPredicate<? super T> right)
          Execute this procedure.
 void<? extends T> left, UnaryPredicate<? super T> right)
          Execute this procedure.
 boolean GeneratorContains.test(Generator<? extends T> left, UnaryPredicate<? super T> right)
          Evaluate this predicate.

Uses of UnaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection that implement UnaryPredicate
 class IsEmpty<A>

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection that return UnaryPredicate
<A> UnaryPredicate<A>
IsElementOf.instance(Object obj)
          Get an IsElementOf(collection|array) UnaryPredicate.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection with parameters of type UnaryPredicate
<T> Iterator<T>
FilteredIterator.filter(Iterator<? extends T> iter, UnaryPredicate<? super T> pred)
          Get a filtered Iterator instance applying pred to iter.
 FilteredIterable<T> FilteredIterable.retain(UnaryPredicate<? super T> predicate)
          Retain only elements matching predicate.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection with parameters of type UnaryPredicate
FilteredIterator(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, UnaryPredicate<? super T> predicate)
          Create a new FilteredIterator.

Uses of UnaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.core.comparator

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.comparator that implement UnaryPredicate
 class IsWithinRange<A extends Comparable<A>>
          A UnaryPredicate that tests whether a Comparable object is within a range.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.comparator that return UnaryPredicate
<T extends Comparable<?>>
IsNotEquivalent.instance(T right)
          Get an IsNotEquivalent UnaryPredicate.
<T extends Comparable<?>>
IsLessThanOrEqual.instance(T right)
          Get an IsLessThanOrEqual UnaryPredicate.
<T extends Comparable<?>>
IsLessThan.instance(T right)
          Get an IsLessThan UnaryPredicate.
<T extends Comparable<?>>
IsGreaterThanOrEqual.instance(T right)
          Get an IsGreaterThanOrEqual UnaryPredicate.
<T extends Comparable<?>>
IsGreaterThan.instance(T right)
          Get an IsGreaterThan UnaryPredicate.
<T extends Comparable<?>>
IsEquivalent.instance(T right)
          Get an IsEquivalent instance that always compares to arg.

Uses of UnaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite that implement UnaryPredicate
 class CompositeUnaryPredicate<A>
          A UnaryPredicate representing the composition of UnaryFunctions, "chaining" the output of one to the input of another.
 class ConditionalUnaryPredicate<A>
          A UnaryPredicate similiar to Java's "ternary" or "conditional" operator (? :).
 class UnaryAnd<A>
          Tests true iff none of its children test false.
 class UnaryNot<A>
          Tests to the logical inverse of some other predicate.
 class UnaryOr<A>
          Tests true iff at least one of its children test true.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite that return UnaryPredicate
<A> UnaryPredicate<A>
UnaryNot.not(UnaryPredicate<? super A> pred)
          Invert a UnaryPredicate.
<A> UnaryPredicate<A>
Conditional.predicate(UnaryPredicate<? super A> q, UnaryPredicate<? super A> r, UnaryPredicate<? super A> s)
          Create a conditional UnaryPredicate.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite with parameters of type UnaryPredicate
 UnaryAnd<A> UnaryAnd.and(UnaryPredicate<? super A> p)
          Fluently add a UnaryPredicate.
<A,T> UnaryFunction<A,T>
Conditional.function(UnaryPredicate<? super A> q, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> r, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> s)
          Create a conditional UnaryFunction.
<A> UnaryPredicate<A>
UnaryNot.not(UnaryPredicate<? super A> pred)
          Invert a UnaryPredicate.
 UnaryOr<A> UnaryOr.or(UnaryPredicate<? super A> p)
          Fluently add a Predicate.
<A> CompositeUnaryPredicate<A>
Composite.predicate(UnaryPredicate<? super A> pred)
          Create a composite UnaryPredicate.
<A> UnaryPredicate<A>
Conditional.predicate(UnaryPredicate<? super A> q, UnaryPredicate<? super A> r, UnaryPredicate<? super A> s)
          Create a conditional UnaryPredicate.
<A> UnaryPredicate<A>
Conditional.predicate(UnaryPredicate<? super A> q, UnaryPredicate<? super A> r, UnaryPredicate<? super A> s)
          Create a conditional UnaryPredicate.
<A> UnaryPredicate<A>
Conditional.predicate(UnaryPredicate<? super A> q, UnaryPredicate<? super A> r, UnaryPredicate<? super A> s)
          Create a conditional UnaryPredicate.
<A,T> CompositeUnaryPredicate<A>
Composite.predicate(UnaryPredicate<? super T> predicate, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> function)
          Create a composite UnaryPredicate.
<A> UnaryProcedure<A>
Conditional.procedure(UnaryPredicate<? super A> q, UnaryProcedure<? super A> r)
          Create a guarded UnaryProcedure.
<A> UnaryProcedure<A>
Conditional.procedure(UnaryPredicate<? super A> q, UnaryProcedure<? super A> r, UnaryProcedure<? super A> s)
          Create a conditional UnaryProcedure.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite with parameters of type UnaryPredicate
CompositeUnaryPredicate(UnaryPredicate<? super A> predicate)
          Create a new CompositeUnaryPredicate.
ConditionalUnaryFunction(UnaryPredicate<? super A> ifPred, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> thenFunc, UnaryFunction<? super A,? extends T> elseFunc)
          Create a new ConditionalUnaryFunction.
ConditionalUnaryPredicate(UnaryPredicate<? super A> ifPred, UnaryPredicate<? super A> thenPred, UnaryPredicate<? super A> elsePred)
          Create a new ConditionalUnaryPredicate.
ConditionalUnaryPredicate(UnaryPredicate<? super A> ifPred, UnaryPredicate<? super A> thenPred, UnaryPredicate<? super A> elsePred)
          Create a new ConditionalUnaryPredicate.
ConditionalUnaryPredicate(UnaryPredicate<? super A> ifPred, UnaryPredicate<? super A> thenPred, UnaryPredicate<? super A> elsePred)
          Create a new ConditionalUnaryPredicate.
ConditionalUnaryProcedure(UnaryPredicate<? super A> ifPred, UnaryProcedure<? super A> thenProc)
          Create a new ConditionalUnaryProcedure.
ConditionalUnaryProcedure(UnaryPredicate<? super A> ifPred, UnaryProcedure<? super A> thenProc, UnaryProcedure<? super A> elseProc)
          Create a new ConditionalUnaryProcedure.
UnaryAnd(UnaryPredicate<? super A>... predicates)
          Create a new UnaryAnd instance.
UnaryNot(UnaryPredicate<? super A> predicate)
          Create a new UnaryNot.
UnaryOr(UnaryPredicate<? super A>... predicates)
          Create a new UnaryOr instance.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite with type arguments of type UnaryPredicate
UnaryAnd(Iterable<UnaryPredicate<? super A>> predicates)
          Create a new UnaryAnd instance.
UnaryOr(Iterable<UnaryPredicate<? super A>> predicates)
          Create a new UnaryOr instance.

Uses of UnaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.generator

Constructors in org.apache.commons.functor.generator with parameters of type UnaryPredicate
FilteredGenerator(Generator<? extends E> wrapped, UnaryPredicate<? super E> pred)
          Create a new FilteredGenerator.
GenerateUntil(Generator<? extends E> wrapped, UnaryPredicate<? super E> test)
          Create a new GenerateUntil.
GenerateWhile(Generator<? extends E> wrapped, UnaryPredicate<? super E> test)
          Create a new GenerateWhile.
UntilGenerate(UnaryPredicate<? super E> test, Generator<? extends E> wrapped)
          Create a new UntilGenerate.
WhileGenerate(UnaryPredicate<? super E> test, Generator<? extends E> wrapped)
          Create a new WhileGenerate.

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