Package org.apache.commons.graph

Main APIs that describe Graph data structure.


Interface Summary
DirectedGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> A DirectedGraph or digraph is an ordered pair D = ( V, E ) with V a set whose elements are called vertices or nodes, and E a set of ordered pairs of vertices, called arcs, directed edges, or arrows.
Edge<V extends Vertex> An Edge is the link that connect a pair of Vertex.
Graph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> A Graph data structure consists of a finite (and possibly mutable) set of ordered pairs, called Edges or arcs, of certain entities called Vertex or node.
Labeled A Label is an identifier to be assigned to a Vertex or to an Edge.
LabeledEdge<V extends Vertex> An edge labeling is a function mapping Edges of a Graph to a set of labels.
LabeledVertex A vertex labeling is a function mapping a set of Vertex of a Graph to a set of labels.
LabeledWeightedEdge<V extends Vertex> A LabeledEdge with weight.
MutableDirectedGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> The MutableDirectedGraph is a directed graph that supports the addition and removal of Vertex and Edges.
MutableGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> The MutableGraph is a graph that supports the addition and removal of Vertex and Edges.
Path<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> A Path in a Graph is a sequence of Vertex such that from each of its vertices there is an Edge to the next Vertex in the sequence.
UndirectedGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> An UndirectedGraph is a graph in which edges have no orientation, i.e., they are not ordered pairs, but sets {u, v} (or 2-multisets) of vertices.
Vertex A Vertex or Node is the fundamental unit out of which graphs are formed.
WeightedEdge<V extends Vertex> A WeightedEdge is an Edge where a number (weight) is assigned to represent, for example, costs, lengths or capacities, etc.
WeightedGraph<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>> A graph is a WeightedGraph if a number (weight) is assigned to each edge.
WeightedPath<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>> A Path where Edge are weighted.

Exception Summary
GraphException GraphException This is the superclass of all exceptions that can be thrown.

Package org.apache.commons.graph Description

Main APIs that describe Graph data structure.

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