Project Dependencies


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License guice 4.0-beta5 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
javax.inject javax.inject 1 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License
javax.inject javax.inject-tck 1 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0


The following is a list of provided dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile the application, but should be provided by default when using the library:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License
commons-logging commons-logging 1.2 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
log4j log4j 1.2.17 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.logging.log4j log4j-api 2.1 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.slf4j slf4j-api 1.7.7 jar MIT License

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License
aopalliance aopalliance 1.0 jar Public Domain guava 16.0.1 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License
junit junit 4.7 jar Common Public License Version 1.0

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree


Public Domain: AOP alliance

Common Public License Version 1.0: JUnit

MIT License: SLF4J API Module

The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons Inject, Apache Commons Logging, Apache Log4j, Apache Log4j API, Google Guice - Core Library, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, javax.inject, javax.inject-tck

Dependency File Details

Filename Size Entries Classes Packages JDK Rev Debug
aopalliance-1.0.jar 4.36 kB 15 9 2 1.3 debug
guava-16.0.1.jar 2.12 MB 1,709 1,678 17 1.6 debug
guice-4.0-beta5.jar 627.68 kB 497 475 13 1.6 debug
commons-logging-1.2.jar 60.38 kB 42 28 2 1.2 debug
javax.inject-1.jar 2.44 kB 8 6 1 1.5 release
javax.inject-tck-1.jar 21.25 kB 31 19 3 1.5 debug
junit-4.7.jar 226.91 kB 261 225 29 1.5 debug
log4j-1.2.17.jar 478.40 kB 353 314 21 1.4 debug
log4j-api-2.1.jar 130.40 kB 100 81 6 1.6 debug
slf4j-api-1.7.7.jar 28.57 kB 35 24 3 1.5 debug
Total Size Entries Classes Packages JDK Rev Debug
10 3.67 MB 3,051 2,859 97 1.6 9
compile: 4 compile: 2.74 MB compile: 2,229 compile: 2,168 compile: 33 - compile: 3
test: 2 test: 248.16 kB test: 292 test: 244 test: 32 - test: 2
provided: 4 provided: 697.75 kB provided: 530 provided: 447 provided: 32 - provided: 4

Dependency Repository Locations

Repo ID URL Release Snapshot
apache.snapshots - Yes
sonatype-nexus-snapshots - Yes Yes Yes
central Yes -

Repository locations for each of the Dependencies.

Artifact apache.snapshots sonatype-nexus-snapshots central
aopalliance:aopalliance:jar:1.0 - - - Found at - - - Found at - - - Found at
commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.2 - - - Found at
javax.inject:javax.inject:jar:1 - - - Found at
javax.inject:javax.inject-tck:jar:1 - - - Found at
junit:junit:jar:4.7 - - - Found at
log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.17 - - - Found at
org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:jar:2.1 - - - Found at
org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.7 - - - Found at
Total apache.snapshots sonatype-nexus-snapshots central
10 (compile: 4, test: 2, provided: 4) 0 0 0 10