Package org.apache.commons.openpgp

Interface Summary
KeyRing Interface describing a key ring for use in signing or verifying data.
OpenPgpSignatureVerifier Interface for verifying data signed with OpenPGP.
OpenPgpSigner Interface for signing data with OpenPGP.
OpenPgpStreamingSignatureVerifier An interface for updating an OpenPGP signature on the fly with streaming data.
OpenPgpStreamingSigner An interface for updating an OpenPGP signature on the fly with streaming data.

Class Summary
BouncyCastleKeyRing Bouncy Castle implementation of the OpenPGP key ring.
BouncyCastleOpenPgpSignatureVerifier Verify signatures using the Bouncy Castle OpenPGP provider.
BouncyCastleOpenPgpSigner Bouncy Castle implementation of the OpenPGP signer.
BouncyCastleOpenPgpStreamingSignatureVerifier Bouncy Castle implementation of the OpenPGP signer.
BouncyCastleOpenPgpStreamingSigner Bouncy Castle implementation of the OpenPGP signer.
SignatureStatus Enumerated type indicating the status of data that was signed.

Exception Summary
OpenPgpException An exception occurring during the use of the OpenPGP library.
UnknownKeyException An exception occurring during the verification of a signature, when the key is not found in the keyring.

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