Usage Instructions

Currently only creation and verification of detached signatures is supported. This can be done in streaming and non-streaming mode.

Both modes require that you have created a key ring.

Creating a Key Ring

A key ring object needs to be created, containing an input stream for both the public and secret key rings. The password for the secret key ring also needs to be passed in for creating signatures.

For example, to create the Bouncy Castle key ring, the constructor is used:

BouncyCastleKeyRing( InputStream secretKeyRing, InputStream publicKeyRing, char[] password );

Non-streaming Mode

To sign data with a detached signature, create a OpenPgpSigner.

signer = new BouncyCastleOpenPgpSigner();

  getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/test-input" ),  // binary input file
  signature,                                        // outputstream for the signature
  keyId,                                            // key ID
  true );                                           // ascii armor?

Verifying the signature is similar.

verifier = new BouncyCastleOpenPgpSignatureVerifier();

SignatureStatus status = verifier.verifyDetachedSignature(
  getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/test-input" ),  // binary input file
  signature,                                        // inputstream for the signature

Streaming Mode

To sign data in streaming mode, create an instance of OpenPgpStreamingSigner.

The update() method is called on blocks of data to update the signature. Finally, finish() is called to receive the detached signature as a byte array.

signer = new BouncyCastleOpenPgpStreamingSigner(
  new FileOutputStream( "file.asc" ),           // detached signature
  "ABC123D",                                    // key ID
  true );                                       // ascii armor?
int len;
  len = read( buf );
  if ( len > 0 )
    signer.update( buf );
while ( len >= 0 );

byte[] signature = signer.finish();

Verifying a signature in streaming mode is similar.

verifier = new BouncyCastleOpenPgpStreamingSignatureVerifier(
  new FileInputStream( "file.asc" ),            // detached signature
  true );                                       // ascii armor?
int len;
  len = read( buf );
  if ( len > 0 )
    verifier.update( buf );
while ( len >= 0 );

SignatureStatus status = verifier.finish();

The SignatureStatus returned indicates whether the signature was valid and whether it was trusted.