Class JXPathContext

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class JXPathContext
extends java.lang.Object

JXPathContext provides APIs for the traversal of graphs of JavaBeans using the XPath syntax. Using JXPathContext, you can read and write properties of JavaBeans, arrays, collections and maps. JXPathContext uses JavaBeans introspection to enumerate and access JavaBeans properties.

JXPathContext allows alternative implementations. This is why instead of allocating JXPathContext directly, you should call a static newContext method. This method will utilize the JXPathContextFactory API to locate a suitable implementation of JXPath. Bundled with JXPath comes a default implementation called Reference Implementation.

JXPath Interprets XPath Syntax on Java Object Graphs

JXPath uses an intuitive interpretation of the xpath syntax in the context of Java object graphs. Here are some examples:

Example 1: JavaBean Property Access

JXPath can be used to access properties of a JavaBean.
public class Employee { public String getFirstName(){ ... } } Employee emp = new Employee(); ... JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(emp); String fName = (String)context.getValue("firstName");
In this example, we are using JXPath to access a property of the emp bean. In this simple case the invocation of JXPath is equivalent to invocation of getFirstName() on the bean.

Example 2: Nested Bean Property Access

JXPath can traverse object graphs:
public class Employee { public Address getHomeAddress(){ ... } } public class Address { public String getStreetNumber(){ ... } } Employee emp = new Employee(); ... JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(emp); String sNumber = (String)context.getValue("homeAddress/streetNumber");
In this case XPath is used to access a property of a nested bean.

A property identified by the xpath does not have to be a "leaf" property. For instance, we can extract the whole Address object in above example:

Address addr = (Address)context.getValue("homeAddress");

Example 3: Collection Subscripts

JXPath can extract elements from arrays and collections.
public class Integers { public int[] getNumbers(){ ... } } Integers ints = new Integers(); ... JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(ints); Integer thirdInt = (Integer)context.getValue("numbers[3]");
A collection can be an arbitrary array or an instance of java.util. Collection.

Note: in XPath the first element of a collection has index 1, not 0.

Example 4: Map Element Access

JXPath supports maps. To get a value use its key.
public class Employee { public Map getAddresses(){ return addressMap; } public void addAddress(String key, Address address){ addressMap.put(key, address); } ... } Employee emp = new Employee(); emp.addAddress("home", new Address(...)); emp.addAddress("office", new Address(...)); ... JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(emp); String homeZipCode = (String)context.getValue("addresses/home/zipCode");
Often you will need to use the alternative syntax for accessing Map elements:
String homeZipCode = (String) context.getValue("addresses[@name='home']/zipCode");
In this case, the key can be an expression, e.g. a variable.
Note: At this point JXPath only supports Maps that use strings for keys.
Note: JXPath supports the extended notion of Map: any object with dynamic properties can be handled by JXPath provided that its class is registered with the JXPathIntrospector.

Example 5: Retrieving Multiple Results

JXPath can retrieve multiple objects from a graph. Note that the method called in this case is not getValue, but iterate.
public class Author { public Book[] getBooks(){ ... } } Author auth = new Author(); ... JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(auth); Iterator threeBooks = context.iterate("books[position() < 4]");
This returns a list of at most three books from the array of all books written by the author.

Example 6: Setting Properties

JXPath can be used to modify property values.
public class Employee { public Address getAddress() { ... } public void setAddress(Address address) { ... } } Employee emp = new Employee(); Address addr = new Address(); ... JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(emp); context.setValue("address", addr); context.setValue("address/zipCode", "90190");

Example 7: Creating objects

JXPath can be used to create new objects. First, create a subclass of AbstractFactory and install it on the JXPathContext. Then call createPathAndSetValue() instead of "setValue". JXPathContext will invoke your AbstractFactory when it discovers that an intermediate node of the path is null. It will not override existing nodes.
public class AddressFactory extends AbstractFactory { public boolean createObject(JXPathContext context, Pointer pointer, Object parent, String name, int index){ if ((parent instanceof Employee) && name.equals("address"){ ((Employee)parent).setAddress(new Address()); return true; } return false; } } JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(emp); context.setFactory(new AddressFactory()); context.createPathAndSetValue("address/zipCode", "90190");

Example 8: Using Variables

JXPath supports the notion of variables. The XPath syntax for accessing variables is "$varName".
public class Author { public Book[] getBooks(){ ... } } Author auth = new Author(); ... JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(auth); context.getVariables().declareVariable("index", new Integer(2)); Book secondBook = (Book)context.getValue("books[$index]");
You can also set variables using JXPath:
context.setValue("$index", new Integer(3));
Note: you can only change the value of an existing variable this way, you cannot define a new variable.

When a variable contains a JavaBean or a collection, you can traverse the bean or collection as well:

... context.getVariables().declareVariable("book", myBook); String title = (String)context.getValue("$book/title); Book array[] = new Book[]{...}; context.getVariables().declareVariable("books", array); String title = (String)context.getValue("$books[2]/title);

Example 9: Using Nested Contexts

If you need to use the same set of variable while interpreting XPaths with different beans, it makes sense to put the variables in a separate context and specify that context as a parent context every time you allocate a new JXPathContext for a JavaBean.
JXPathContext varContext = JXPathContext.newContext(null); varContext.getVariables().declareVariable("title", "Java"); JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(varContext, auth); Iterator javaBooks = context.iterate("books[title = $title]");

Using Custom Variable Pools

By default, JXPathContext creates a HashMap of variables. However, you can substitute a custom implementation of the Variables interface to make JXPath work with an alternative source of variables. For example, you can define implementations of Variables that cover a servlet context, HTTP request or any similar structure.

Example 10: Using Standard Extension Functions

Using the standard extension functions, you can call methods on objects, static methods on classes and create objects using any constructor. The class names should be fully qualified.

Here's how you can create new objects:

Book book = (Book) context.getValue( " ('John Updike')");
Here's how you can call static methods:
Book book = (Book) context.getValue( "org. apache.commons.jxpath.example.Book.getBestBook('John Updike')");
Here's how you can call regular methods:
String firstName = (String)context.getValue("getAuthorsFirstName($book)");
As you can see, the target of the method is specified as the first parameter of the function.

Example 11: Using Custom Extension Functions

Collections of custom extension functions can be implemented as Functions objects or as Java classes, whose methods become extenstion functions.

Let's say the following class implements various formatting operations:

public class Formats { public static String date(Date d, String pattern){ return new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).format(d); } ... }
We can register this class with a JXPathContext:
context.setFunctions(new ClassFunctions(Formats.class, "format")); ... context.getVariables().declareVariable("today", new Date()); String today = (String)context.getValue("format:date($today, 'MM/dd/yyyy')");
You can also register whole packages of Java classes using PackageFunctions.

Also, see FunctionLibrary, which is a class that allows you to register multiple sets of extension functions with the same JXPathContext.

Configuring JXPath

JXPath uses JavaBeans introspection to discover properties of JavaBeans. You can provide alternative property lists by supplying custom JXPathBeanInfo classes (see JXPathBeanInfo).


See XPath Tutorial by W3Schools
. Also see XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0

You will also find more information and examples in JXPath User's Guide

$Revision: 1.16 $ $Date: 2003/03/11 00:59:12 $
Dmitri Plotnikov

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.Object contextBean
protected  java.util.HashMap decimalFormats
protected  AbstractFactory factory
protected  Functions functions
protected  IdentityManager idManager
protected  KeyManager keyManager
protected  boolean lenient
protected  java.util.Locale locale
protected  JXPathContext parentContext
protected  Variables vars
Constructor Summary
protected JXPathContext(JXPathContext parentContext, java.lang.Object contextBean)
          This constructor should remain protected - it is to be overridden by subclasses, but never explicitly invoked by clients.
Method Summary
static CompiledExpression compile(java.lang.String xpath)
          Compiles the supplied XPath and returns an internal representation of the path that can then be evaluated.
protected abstract  CompiledExpression compilePath(java.lang.String xpath)
          Overridden by each concrete implementation of JXPathContext to perform compilation.
abstract  Pointer createPath(java.lang.String xpath)
          Creates missing elements of the path by invoking an AbstractFactory, which should first be installed on the context by calling "setFactory".
abstract  Pointer createPathAndSetValue(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.Object value)
          The same as setValue, except it creates intermediate elements of the path by invoking an AbstractFactory, which should first be installed on the context by calling "setFactory".
 java.lang.Object getContextBean()
          Returns the JavaBean associated with this context.
abstract  Pointer getContextPointer()
          Returns a Pointer for the context bean.
 java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols getDecimalFormatSymbols(java.lang.String name)
 AbstractFactory getFactory()
          Returns the AbstractFactory installed on this context.
 Functions getFunctions()
          Returns the set of functions installed on the context.
 IdentityManager getIdentityManager()
          Returns this context's identity manager.
 KeyManager getKeyManager()
          Returns this context's key manager.
 java.util.Locale getLocale()
          Returns the locale set with setLocale.
 JXPathContext getParentContext()
          Returns the parent context of this context or null.
abstract  Pointer getPointer(java.lang.String xpath)
          Traverses the xpath and returns a Pointer.
 Pointer getPointerByID(java.lang.String id)
          Locates a Node by its ID.
 Pointer getPointerByKey(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Locates a Node by a key value.
abstract  JXPathContext getRelativeContext(Pointer pointer)
          Returns a JXPathContext that is relative to the current JXPathContext.
abstract  java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath)
          Evaluates the xpath and returns the resulting object.
abstract  java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.Class requiredType)
          Evaluates the xpath, converts the result to the specified class and returns the resulting object.
 Variables getVariables()
          Returns the variable pool associated with the context.
 boolean isLenient()
abstract  java.util.Iterator iterate(java.lang.String xpath)
          Traverses the xpath and returns an Iterator of all results found for the path.
abstract  java.util.Iterator iteratePointers(java.lang.String xpath)
          Traverses the xpath and returns an Iterator of Pointers.
static JXPathContext newContext(JXPathContext parentContext, java.lang.Object contextBean)
          Creates a new JXPathContext with the specified bean as the root node and the specified parent context.
static JXPathContext newContext(java.lang.Object contextBean)
          Creates a new JXPathContext with the specified object as the root node.
abstract  void removeAll(java.lang.String xpath)
          Removes all elements of the object graph described by the xpath.
abstract  void removePath(java.lang.String xpath)
          Removes the element of the object graph described by the xpath.
 void setDecimalFormatSymbols(java.lang.String name, java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols symbols)
          Sets DecimalFormatSymbols for a given name.
 void setFactory(AbstractFactory factory)
          Install an abstract factory that should be used by the createPath() and createPathAndSetValue() methods.
 void setFunctions(Functions functions)
          Install a library of extension functions.
 void setIdentityManager(IdentityManager idManager)
          Install an identity manager that will be used by the context to look up a node by its ID.
 void setKeyManager(KeyManager keyManager)
          Install a key manager that will be used by the context to look up a node by a key value.
 void setLenient(boolean lenient)
          If the context is in the lenient mode, then getValue() returns null for inexistent paths.
 void setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
          Set the locale for this context.
abstract  void setValue(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.Object value)
          Modifies the value of the property described by the supplied xpath.
 void setVariables(Variables vars)
          Installs a custom implementation of the Variables interface.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected JXPathContext parentContext


protected java.lang.Object contextBean


protected Variables vars


protected Functions functions


protected AbstractFactory factory


protected java.util.Locale locale


protected boolean lenient


protected IdentityManager idManager


protected KeyManager keyManager


protected java.util.HashMap decimalFormats
Constructor Detail


protected JXPathContext(JXPathContext parentContext,
                        java.lang.Object contextBean)
This constructor should remain protected - it is to be overridden by subclasses, but never explicitly invoked by clients.
Method Detail


public static JXPathContext newContext(java.lang.Object contextBean)
Creates a new JXPathContext with the specified object as the root node.


public static JXPathContext newContext(JXPathContext parentContext,
                                       java.lang.Object contextBean)
Creates a new JXPathContext with the specified bean as the root node and the specified parent context. Variables defined in a parent context can be referenced in XPaths passed to the child context.


public JXPathContext getParentContext()
Returns the parent context of this context or null.


public java.lang.Object getContextBean()
Returns the JavaBean associated with this context.


public abstract Pointer getContextPointer()
Returns a Pointer for the context bean.


public abstract JXPathContext getRelativeContext(Pointer pointer)
Returns a JXPathContext that is relative to the current JXPathContext. The supplied pointer becomes the context pointer of the new context. The relative context inherits variables, extension functions, locale etc from the parent context.


public void setVariables(Variables vars)
Installs a custom implementation of the Variables interface.


public Variables getVariables()
Returns the variable pool associated with the context. If no such pool was specified with the setVariables() method, returns the default implementation of Variables, BasicVariables.


public void setFunctions(Functions functions)
Install a library of extension functions.
See Also:


public Functions getFunctions()
Returns the set of functions installed on the context.


public void setFactory(AbstractFactory factory)
Install an abstract factory that should be used by the createPath() and createPathAndSetValue() methods.


public AbstractFactory getFactory()
Returns the AbstractFactory installed on this context. If none has been installed and this context has a parent context, returns the parent's factory. Otherwise returns null.


public void setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
Set the locale for this context. The value of the "lang" attribute as well as the the lang() function will be affected by the locale. By default, JXPath uses Locale.getDefault()


public java.util.Locale getLocale()
Returns the locale set with setLocale. If none was set and the context has a parent, returns the parent's locale. Otherwise, returns Locale.getDefault().


public void setDecimalFormatSymbols(java.lang.String name,
                                    java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols symbols)
Sets DecimalFormatSymbols for a given name. The DecimalFormatSymbols can be referenced as the third, optional argument in the invocation of format-number (number,format,decimal-format-name) function. By default, JXPath uses the symbols for the current locale.
name - the format name or null for default format.


public java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols getDecimalFormatSymbols(java.lang.String name)
See Also:
setDecimalFormatSymbols(String, DecimalFormatSymbols)


public void setLenient(boolean lenient)
If the context is in the lenient mode, then getValue() returns null for inexistent paths. Otherwise, a path that does not map to an existing property will throw an exception. Note that if the property exists, but its value is null, the exception is not thrown.

By default, lenient = false


public boolean isLenient()
See Also:


public static CompiledExpression compile(java.lang.String xpath)
Compiles the supplied XPath and returns an internal representation of the path that can then be evaluated. Use CompiledExpressions when you need to evaluate the same expression multiple times and there is a convenient place to cache CompiledExpression between invocations.


protected abstract CompiledExpression compilePath(java.lang.String xpath)
Overridden by each concrete implementation of JXPathContext to perform compilation. Is called by compile().


public abstract java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath)
Evaluates the xpath and returns the resulting object. Primitive types are wrapped into objects.


public abstract java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath,
                                          java.lang.Class requiredType)
Evaluates the xpath, converts the result to the specified class and returns the resulting object.


public abstract void setValue(java.lang.String xpath,
                              java.lang.Object value)
Modifies the value of the property described by the supplied xpath. Will throw an exception if one of the following conditions occurs:


public abstract Pointer createPath(java.lang.String xpath)
Creates missing elements of the path by invoking an AbstractFactory, which should first be installed on the context by calling "setFactory".

Will throw an exception if the AbstractFactory fails to create an instance for a path element.


public abstract Pointer createPathAndSetValue(java.lang.String xpath,
                                              java.lang.Object value)
The same as setValue, except it creates intermediate elements of the path by invoking an AbstractFactory, which should first be installed on the context by calling "setFactory".

Will throw an exception if one of the following conditions occurs:


public abstract void removePath(java.lang.String xpath)
Removes the element of the object graph described by the xpath.


public abstract void removeAll(java.lang.String xpath)
Removes all elements of the object graph described by the xpath.


public abstract java.util.Iterator iterate(java.lang.String xpath)
Traverses the xpath and returns an Iterator of all results found for the path. If the xpath matches no properties in the graph, the Iterator will be empty, but not null.


public abstract Pointer getPointer(java.lang.String xpath)
Traverses the xpath and returns a Pointer. A Pointer provides easy access to a property. If the xpath matches no properties in the graph, the pointer will be null.


public abstract java.util.Iterator iteratePointers(java.lang.String xpath)
Traverses the xpath and returns an Iterator of Pointers. A Pointer provides easy access to a property. If the xpath matches no properties in the graph, the Iterator be empty, but not null.


public void setIdentityManager(IdentityManager idManager)
Install an identity manager that will be used by the context to look up a node by its ID.


public IdentityManager getIdentityManager()
Returns this context's identity manager. If none has been installed, returns the identity manager of the parent context.


public Pointer getPointerByID(java.lang.String id)
Locates a Node by its ID.
id - is the ID of the sought node.


public void setKeyManager(KeyManager keyManager)
Install a key manager that will be used by the context to look up a node by a key value.


public KeyManager getKeyManager()
Returns this context's key manager. If none has been installed, returns the key manager of the parent context.


public Pointer getPointerByKey(java.lang.String key,
                               java.lang.String value)
Locates a Node by a key value.

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