Uses of Class

Packages that use Expression
org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri Reference implementation of JXPath. 
org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.axes Implementations of EvalContext used for different XPath axes (child::, parent:: etc). 
org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler XPath parse tree. 

Uses of Expression in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri

Methods in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri that return Expression
protected  Expression JXPathCompiledExpression.getExpression()

Methods in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri with parameters of type Expression
 java.lang.Object JXPathContextReferenceImpl.getValue(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 java.lang.Object JXPathContextReferenceImpl.getValue(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr, java.lang.Class requiredType)
 java.util.Iterator JXPathContextReferenceImpl.iterate(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 Pointer JXPathContextReferenceImpl.getPointer(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 void JXPathContextReferenceImpl.setValue(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr, java.lang.Object value)
 Pointer JXPathContextReferenceImpl.createPath(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 Pointer JXPathContextReferenceImpl.createPathAndSetValue(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr, java.lang.Object value)
 java.util.Iterator JXPathContextReferenceImpl.iteratePointers(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 void JXPathContextReferenceImpl.removePath(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 void JXPathContextReferenceImpl.removeAll(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)

Constructors in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri with parameters of type Expression
JXPathCompiledExpression(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.axes

Methods in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.axes with parameters of type Expression
static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.interpretSimpleExpressionPath(EvalContext context, NodePointer root, Expression[] predicates, Step[] steps)
          Interpret the steps of a simple expression path that starts with the given root, which is the result of evaluation of the root expression of the expression path, applies the given predicates to it and then follows the given steps.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.axes with parameters of type Expression
PredicateContext(EvalContext parentContext, Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler

Subclasses of Expression in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler
 class Constant
          A compile tree element containing a constant number or string.
 class CoreFunction
          An element of the compile tree representing one of built-in functions like "position()" or "number()".
 class CoreOperation
          The common subclass for tree elements representing core operations like "+", "- ", "*" etc.
 class CoreOperationAdd
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "+".
 class CoreOperationAnd
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "and".
 class CoreOperationCompare
          Common superclass for the implementations of Expression for the operations "=" and "!=".
 class CoreOperationDivide
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "div".
 class CoreOperationEqual
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "=".
 class CoreOperationGreaterThan
          Implementation of Expression for the operation ">".
 class CoreOperationGreaterThanOrEqual
          Implementation of Expression for the operation ">=".
 class CoreOperationLessThan
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "<".
 class CoreOperationLessThanOrEqual
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "<=".
 class CoreOperationMod
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "mod".
 class CoreOperationMultiply
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "*".
 class CoreOperationNegate
          Implementation of Expression for the operation unary "-".
 class CoreOperationNotEqual
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "!=".
 class CoreOperationOr
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "or".
 class CoreOperationSubtract
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "-".
 class CoreOperationUnion
          Implementation of Expression for the operation "|".
 class ExpressionPath
          An element of the parse tree that represents an expression path, which is a path that starts with an expression like a function call: getFoo(.) /bar.
 class ExtensionFunction
          Represents an element of the parse tree representing an extension function call.
 class LocationPath
 class NameAttributeTest
          Captures the foo[@name=expr] expression.
 class Operation
 class Path
 class VariableReference
          An element of the compile tree holding a variable reference.

Fields in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler declared as Expression
protected  Expression[] Operation.args

Methods in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler that return Expression
 Expression[] Operation.getArguments()
 Expression ExpressionPath.getExpression()
 Expression[] ExpressionPath.getPredicates()
          Predicates are the expressions in brackets that may follow the root expression of the path.
 Expression NameAttributeTest.getNameTestExpression()
 Expression[] Step.getPredicates()
 Expression CoreFunction.getArg1()
 Expression CoreFunction.getArg2()
 Expression CoreFunction.getArg3()

Methods in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler with parameters of type Expression
protected  boolean Path.areBasicPredicates(Expression[] predicates)
protected  boolean CoreOperationCompare.equal(EvalContext context, Expression left, Expression right)
          Compares two values

Constructors in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler with parameters of type Expression
Operation(Expression[] args)
CoreOperation(Expression[] args)
CoreOperationMod(Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
CoreOperationGreaterThanOrEqual(Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
CoreOperationAnd(Expression[] args)
CoreOperationCompare(Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
CoreOperationEqual(Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
ExpressionPath(Expression expression, Expression[] predicates, Step[] steps)
NameAttributeTest(Expression namePath, Expression nameValue)
CoreOperationMultiply(Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
CoreOperationGreaterThan(Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
CoreOperationSubtract(Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
Step(int axis, NodeTest nodeTest, Expression[] predicates)
ExtensionFunction(QName functionName, Expression[] args)
CoreOperationLessThanOrEqual(Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
CoreOperationOr(Expression[] args)
CoreOperationLessThan(Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
CoreOperationNotEqual(Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
CoreOperationUnion(Expression[] args)
CoreOperationNegate(Expression arg)
CoreFunction(int functionCode, Expression[] args)
CoreOperationAdd(Expression[] args)
CoreOperationDivide(Expression arg1, Expression arg2)

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