Uses of Interface

Packages that use BinaryPredicate
org.apache.commons.functor.adapter Classes that adapt one functor interface to another. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core Commonly used functor implementations. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm Various algorithm-esque functors. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection Collection-based functors, algorithms and utilities. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.comparator Comparator- and Comparable-based functors, algorithms and utilities. 
org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite Functors composed of other functors. 

Uses of BinaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter that implement BinaryPredicate
 class BinaryFunctionBinaryPredicate<L,R>
          Adapts a Boolean-valued BinaryFunction to the BinaryPredicate interface.
 class IgnoreLeftPredicate<L,R>
          Adapts a UnaryPredicate to the BinaryPredicate interface by ignoring the first binary argument.
 class IgnoreRightPredicate<L,R>
          Adapts a UnaryPredicate to the BinaryPredicate interface by ignoring the second binary argument.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter with parameters of type BinaryPredicate
<A> UnaryPredicate<A>
BinaryPredicateUnaryPredicate.adapt(BinaryPredicate<? super A,? super A> predicate)
          Adapt a BinaryFunction as a UnaryFunction.
<L,R> BinaryPredicateBinaryFunction<L,R>
BinaryPredicateBinaryFunction.adapt(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> predicate)
          Adapt the given, possibly-null, BinaryPredicate to the BinaryFunction interface.
<L,R> LeftBoundPredicate<R>
LeftBoundPredicate.bind(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> predicate, L arg)
          Adapt a BinaryPredicate to the UnaryPredicate interface.
<L,R> FullyBoundPredicate
FullyBoundPredicate.bind(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> predicate, L left, R right)
          Adapt a BinaryPredicate to the Predicate interface.
<L,R> RightBoundPredicate<L>
RightBoundPredicate.bind(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> predicate, R arg)
          Adapt a BinaryPredicate as a UnaryPredicate.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.functor.adapter with parameters of type BinaryPredicate
BinaryPredicateBinaryFunction(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> predicate)
          Create a new BinaryPredicateBinaryFunction.
BinaryPredicateUnaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate<? super A,? super A> predicate)
          Create a new BinaryPredicateUnaryPredicate.
FullyBoundPredicate(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> predicate, L left, R right)
          Create a new FullyBoundPredicate instance.
LeftBoundPredicate(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super A> predicate, L arg)
          Create a new LeftBoundPredicate.
RightBoundPredicate(BinaryPredicate<? super A,? super R> predicate, R arg)
          Create a new RightBoundPredicate.

Uses of BinaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.core

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core that implement BinaryPredicate
 class Constant<T>
          Evaluates to constant value.
 class IsEqual<L,R>
          Tests true iff its arguments are equal or both null.
 class IsInstance<T>
          Tests true iff its argument is an instance of some specified Class.
 class IsNotEqual<L,R>
          Tests true iff its arguments are not equal or both null.
 class IsNotSame<L,R>
          Tests the reference (!=) inequality of its arguments.
 class IsSame<L,R>
          Tests the reference (==) equality of its arguments.
 class Limit
          A predicate that returns true the first n times it is invoked.
 class Offset
          A predicate that returns false the first n times it is invoked, and true thereafter.

Fields in org.apache.commons.functor.core declared as BinaryPredicate
static BinaryPredicate<Object,Object> IsNull.LEFT
          Left-handed BinaryPredicate.
static BinaryPredicate<Object,Object> IsNotNull.LEFT
          Left-handed BinaryPredicate.
static BinaryPredicate<Object,Boolean> RightIdentity.PREDICATE
          Right-identity predicate.
static BinaryPredicate<Boolean,Object> LeftIdentity.PREDICATE
          Left-identity predicate.
static BinaryPredicate<Object,Object> IsNull.RIGHT
          Right-handed BinaryPredicate.
static BinaryPredicate<Object,Object> IsNotNull.RIGHT
          Right-handed BinaryPredicate.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core that return BinaryPredicate
<A> BinaryPredicate<A,Object>
          Get a BinaryPredicate that matches if the left argument is null.
<A> BinaryPredicate<A,Object>
          Get a BinaryPredicate that matches if the left argument is not null.
<L> BinaryPredicate<L,Boolean>
          Get a typed right-identity BinaryPredicate.
<R> BinaryPredicate<Boolean,R>
          Get a left-identity BinaryPredicate.
<A> BinaryPredicate<Object,A>
          Get a BinaryPredicate that matches if the right argument is null.
<A> BinaryPredicate<Object,A>
          Get a BinaryPredicate that matches if the right argument is null.

Uses of BinaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.algorithm that implement BinaryPredicate
 class GeneratorContains<T>
          Tests whether a Generator contains an element that matches a UnaryPredicate.

Uses of BinaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.collection that implement BinaryPredicate
 class IsElementOf<L,R>
          A BinaryPredicate that checks to see if the specified object is an element of the specified Collection.

Uses of BinaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.core.comparator

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.comparator that implement BinaryPredicate
 class IsEquivalent<T>
          A BinaryPredicate that tests true iff the left argument is equal to the right argument under the specified Comparator.
 class IsGreaterThan<T>
          A BinaryPredicate that tests true iff the left argument is greater than the right argument under the specified Comparator.
 class IsGreaterThanOrEqual<T>
          A BinaryPredicate that tests true iff the left argument is greater than or equal to the right argument under the specified Comparator.
 class IsLessThan<T>
          A BinaryPredicate that tests true iff the left argument is greater than the right argument under the specified Comparator.
 class IsLessThanOrEqual<T>
          A BinaryPredicate that tests true iff the left argument is less than or equal to the right argument under the specified Comparator.
 class IsNotEquivalent<T>
          A BinaryPredicate that tests true iff the left argument is not equal to the right argument under the specified Comparator.

Uses of BinaryPredicate in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite

Classes in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite that implement BinaryPredicate
 class BinaryAnd<L,R>
          Tests true iff none of its children test false.
 class BinaryNot<L,R>
          Tests to the logical inverse of some other predicate.
 class BinaryOr<L,R>
          Tests true iff at least one of its children test true.
 class ConditionalBinaryPredicate<L,R>
          A BinaryPredicate similiar to Java's "ternary" or "conditional" operator (? :).
 class TransposedPredicate<L,R>
          Transposes (swaps) the arguments to some other predicate.
 class UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate<L,R>
          A BinaryPredicate composed of one binary predicate, p, and two unary functions, f and g, evaluating the ordered parameters x, y to p(f(x),g(y)).

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite that return BinaryPredicate
<L,R> BinaryPredicate<L,R>
BinaryNot.not(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> that)
          Negate a BinaryPredicate.
<L,R> BinaryPredicate<L,R>
Conditional.predicate(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> q, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> r, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> s)
          Create a conditional BinaryPredicate.

Methods in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite with parameters of type BinaryPredicate
 BinaryAnd<L,R> BinaryAnd.and(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> p)
          And in a BinaryPredicate.
<L,R,T> BinaryFunction<L,R,T>
Conditional.function(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> q, BinaryFunction<? super L,? super R,? extends T> r, BinaryFunction<? super L,? super R,? extends T> s)
          Create a conditional BinaryFunction.
<L,R> BinaryPredicate<L,R>
BinaryNot.not(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> that)
          Negate a BinaryPredicate.
 BinaryOr<L,R> BinaryOr.or(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> p)
          Fluently add a BinaryPredicate.
<L,R,G,H> UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate<L,R>
Composite.predicate(BinaryPredicate<? super G,? super H> p, UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends G> g, UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends H> h)
          Create a composite BinaryPredicate.
<L,R> BinaryPredicate<L,R>
Conditional.predicate(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> q, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> r, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> s)
          Create a conditional BinaryPredicate.
<L,R> BinaryPredicate<L,R>
Conditional.predicate(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> q, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> r, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> s)
          Create a conditional BinaryPredicate.
<L,R> BinaryPredicate<L,R>
Conditional.predicate(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> q, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> r, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> s)
          Create a conditional BinaryPredicate.
<L,R> BinaryProcedure<L,R>
Conditional.procedure(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> q, BinaryProcedure<? super L,? super R> r)
          Create a guarded BinaryProcedure.
<L,R> BinaryProcedure<L,R>
Conditional.procedure(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> q, BinaryProcedure<? super L,? super R> r, BinaryProcedure<? super L,? super R> s)
          Create a conditional BinaryProcedure.
<L,R> TransposedPredicate<R,L>
TransposedPredicate.transpose(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> p)
          Return the transposition of p.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite with parameters of type BinaryPredicate
BinaryAnd(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R>... predicates)
          Create a new BinaryAnd instance.
BinaryNot(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> predicate)
          Create a new BinaryNot.
BinaryOr(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R>... predicates)
          Create a new BinaryOr instance.
ConditionalBinaryFunction(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> ifPred, BinaryFunction<? super L,? super R,? extends T> thenFunc, BinaryFunction<? super L,? super R,? extends T> elseFunc)
          Create a new ConditionalBinaryFunction.
ConditionalBinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> ifPred, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> thenPred, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> elsePred)
          Create a new ConditionalBinaryPredicate.
ConditionalBinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> ifPred, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> thenPred, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> elsePred)
          Create a new ConditionalBinaryPredicate.
ConditionalBinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> ifPred, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> thenPred, BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> elsePred)
          Create a new ConditionalBinaryPredicate.
ConditionalBinaryProcedure(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> ifPred, BinaryProcedure<? super L,? super R> thenProc)
          Create a new ConditionalBinaryProcedure.
ConditionalBinaryProcedure(BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R> ifPred, BinaryProcedure<? super L,? super R> thenProc, BinaryProcedure<? super L,? super R> elseProc)
          Create a new ConditionalBinaryProcedure.
TransposedPredicate(BinaryPredicate<? super R,? super L> predicate)
          Create a new TransposedPredicate.
UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate<? super G,? super H> f, UnaryFunction<? super L,? extends G> g, UnaryFunction<? super R,? extends H> h)
          Create a new UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite with type arguments of type BinaryPredicate
BinaryAnd(Iterable<BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R>> predicates)
          Create a new BinaryAnd instance.
BinaryOr(Iterable<BinaryPredicate<? super L,? super R>> predicates)
          Create a new BinaryOr instance.

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