Uses of Interface

Packages that use PipelineValidator
org.apache.commons.pipeline This package provides a set of pipeline utilities designed around work queues that run in parallel to sequentially process data objects. 
org.apache.commons.pipeline.validation Utilities for validating stage connectivity within a pipeline. 

Uses of PipelineValidator in org.apache.commons.pipeline

Methods in org.apache.commons.pipeline that return PipelineValidator
 PipelineValidator Pipeline.getValidator()
          Returns the validator being used to validate the pipeline structure, or null if no validation is being performed..

Methods in org.apache.commons.pipeline with parameters of type PipelineValidator
 void Pipeline.setValidator(PipelineValidator validator)
          Sets the validator used to validate the pipeline as it is contstructed.

Uses of PipelineValidator in org.apache.commons.pipeline.validation

Classes in org.apache.commons.pipeline.validation that implement PipelineValidator
 class SimplePipelineValidator
          This is a simple default implementation of the PipelineValidator interface that checks stage and branch connectivity.

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