Class ASTStaticField

  extended by org.apache.commons.ognl.SimpleNode
      extended by org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTStaticField
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, JavaSource, Node, NodeType

public class ASTStaticField
extends SimpleNode
implements NodeType

$Id: 1198661 2011-11-07 09:14:07Z mcucchiara $

Luke Blanshard (, Drew Davidson (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.commons.ognl.SimpleNode
children, id, parent, parser
Constructor Summary
ASTStaticField(int id)
ASTStaticField(OgnlParser p, int id)
Method Summary
<R,P> R
accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
          Supports the Visitor pattern.
 Class getGetterClass()
          The type returned from the expression - if any.
 Class getSetterClass()
          The type used to set the value - if any.
protected  Object getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
          Subclasses implement this method to do the actual work of extracting the appropriate value from the source object.
 boolean isNodeConstant(OgnlContext context)
          Returns true iff this node is constant without respect to the children.
 String toGetSourceString(OgnlContext context, Object target)
          Expected to return a java source representation of itself such that it could be turned into a literal java expression to be compiled and executed for ExpressionAccessor.get(OgnlContext, Object) calls.
 String toSetSourceString(OgnlContext context, Object target)
          Expected to return a java source representation of itself such that it could be turned into a literal java expression to be compiled and executed for ExpressionAccessor.get(OgnlContext, Object) calls.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.ognl.SimpleNode
dump, evaluateGetValueBody, evaluateSetValueBody, flattenTree, getAccessor, getIndexInParent, getNextSibling, getValue, isConstant, isEvalChain, isNodeSimpleProperty, isSimpleNavigationChain, isSimpleProperty, jjtAddChild, jjtClose, jjtGetChild, jjtGetNumChildren, jjtGetParent, jjtOpen, jjtSetParent, lastChild, setAccessor, setValue, setValueBody, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ASTStaticField(int id)


public ASTStaticField(OgnlParser p,
                      int id)
Method Detail


protected Object getValueBody(OgnlContext context,
                              Object source)
                       throws OgnlException
Description copied from class: SimpleNode
Subclasses implement this method to do the actual work of extracting the appropriate value from the source object.

Specified by:
getValueBody in class SimpleNode


public boolean isNodeConstant(OgnlContext context)
                       throws OgnlException
Description copied from class: SimpleNode
Returns true iff this node is constant without respect to the children.

isNodeConstant in class SimpleNode


public Class getGetterClass()
Description copied from interface: NodeType
The type returned from the expression - if any.

Specified by:
getGetterClass in interface NodeType
The type.


public Class getSetterClass()
Description copied from interface: NodeType
The type used to set the value - if any.

Specified by:
getSetterClass in interface NodeType
The type.


public String toGetSourceString(OgnlContext context,
                                Object target)
Description copied from interface: JavaSource
Expected to return a java source representation of itself such that it could be turned into a literal java expression to be compiled and executed for ExpressionAccessor.get(OgnlContext, Object) calls.

Specified by:
toGetSourceString in interface JavaSource
toGetSourceString in class SimpleNode
Literal java string representation of an object get.


public String toSetSourceString(OgnlContext context,
                                Object target)
Description copied from interface: JavaSource
Expected to return a java source representation of itself such that it could be turned into a literal java expression to be compiled and executed for ExpressionAccessor.get(OgnlContext, Object) calls.

Specified by:
toSetSourceString in interface JavaSource
toSetSourceString in class SimpleNode
Literal java string representation of an object get.


public <R,P> R accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor,
                      P data)
         throws OgnlException
Description copied from interface: Node
Supports the Visitor pattern. The method which corresponds to the runtime type of this Node will be called.

Specified by:
accept in interface Node
Type Parameters:
R - The return type of the visitor.visit method.
P - The type of the second parameter type.
visitor - The visitor to accept.
data - The second parameter to pass through to visitor.visit
the value returned by visitor.visit

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