Interface JavaSource

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ASTAnd, ASTChain, ASTConst, ASTCtor, ASTInstanceof, ASTList, ASTMethod, ASTOr, ASTProperty, ASTRootVarRef, ASTSequence, ASTStaticField, ASTStaticMethod, ASTThisVarRef, ASTVarRef, BooleanExpression, ComparisonExpression, ExpressionNode, NumericExpression, SimpleNode

public interface JavaSource

Defines an object that can return a representation of itself and any objects it contains in the form of a String embedded with literal java statements.


Method Summary
 String toGetSourceString(OgnlContext context, Object target)
          Expected to return a java source representation of itself such that it could be turned into a literal java expression to be compiled and executed for ExpressionAccessor.get(OgnlContext, Object) calls.
 String toSetSourceString(OgnlContext context, Object target)
          Expected to return a java source representation of itself such that it could be turned into a literal java expression to be compiled and executed for ExpressionAccessor.get(OgnlContext, Object) calls.

Method Detail


String toGetSourceString(OgnlContext context,
                         Object target)
Expected to return a java source representation of itself such that it could be turned into a literal java expression to be compiled and executed for ExpressionAccessor.get(OgnlContext, Object) calls.

Literal java string representation of an object get.


String toSetSourceString(OgnlContext context,
                         Object target)
Expected to return a java source representation of itself such that it could be turned into a literal java expression to be compiled and executed for ExpressionAccessor.get(OgnlContext, Object) calls.

Literal java string representation of an object get.

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