Commons Primitives provides collections implementations and utilities for each of the primitive types. This guide outlines the naming convention used.
- org.apache.commons.collections.primitives
Contains interfaces, base classes and concrete implementations for primitive collections.
- <Type>Collection
- The java.util.Collection interface adapted for the primitive type <Type>
- <Type>Iterator
- The java.util.Iterator interface adapted for the primitive type <Type>
- <Type>List
- The java.util.List interface adapted for the primitive type <Type>
- <Type>ListIterator
- The java.util.ListIterator interface adapted for the primitive type <Type>
- Abstract<Type>Collection
- An abstract base for <Type>Collection implementations
- RandomAccess<Type>List
- An abstract base for <Type>List implementations backed by random access data structures like arrays
- Array<Type>List
- A <Type>List backed by an array
- <Type>Collections
- Static utility methods for working with <Type>Collection instances
- org.apache.commons.collections.primitives.adapters
Contains adapters between the Object-based and primitive collections.
Contains adapters that convert between I/O Streams/Readers and byte/char iterators.
- org.apache.commons.collections.primitives.decorators
- Umodifiable<Type>List
- Makes a <Type>List unmodifiable
- Umodifiable<Type>Iterator
- Makes a <Type>Iterator unmodifiable
- Umodifiable<Type>ListIterator
- Makes a <Type>ListIterator unmodifiable
For more information on Commons Primitives, you might like to visit the FAQ or javadoc.