Apache Commons BCEL 6.10.0 API
Basic classes for the Apache Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL) and constants defined by the
JVM specification.
Classes that describe the structure of a Java class file and a class file parser.
Generic part of the Apache Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL), classes to dynamically modify class objects
and byte code instructions.
Utility classes for the Apache Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL), namely:
Collection classes for JavaClass objects
A converter for class files to HTML
A tool to find instructions patterns via regular expressions
A class to find classes as defined in the CLASSPATH
A class loader that allows to create classes at run time
BCEL's verifier JustIce is there to help you dump correct Java class files created or modified with BCEL.
Exception classes used by JustIce, mostly used internally.
PassVerifier classes used internally by JustIce.
A PassVerifier class mostly used internally by JustIce, yielding a control flow graph for public use as a nice side effect.