Class SuppressPropertiesBeanIntrospector

All Implemented Interfaces:

A specialized BeanIntrospector implementation which suppresses some properties.

An instance of this class is passed a set with the names of the properties it should process. During introspection of a bean class it removes all these properties from the IntrospectionContext. So effectively, properties added by a different BeanIntrospector are removed again.

  • Field Details


      A specialized instance which is configured to suppress the special class properties of Java beans. Unintended access to the property class (which is common to all Java objects) can be a security risk because it also allows access to the class loader. Adding this instance as BeanIntrospector to an instance of PropertyUtilsBean suppresses the class property; it can then no longer be accessed.
  • Constructor Details

    • SuppressPropertiesBeanIntrospector

      public SuppressPropertiesBeanIntrospector(Collection<String> propertiesToSuppress)
      Creates a new instance of SuppressPropertiesBeanIntrospector and sets the names of the properties to be suppressed.
      propertiesToSuppress - the names of the properties to be suppressed (must not be null)
      IllegalArgumentException - if the collection with property names is null
  • Method Details

    • getSuppressedProperties

      Returns a (unmodifiable) set with the names of the properties which are suppressed by this BeanIntrospector.
      a set with the names of the suppressed properties
    • introspect

      Performs introspection on a Java class. The current class to be inspected can be queried from the passed in IntrospectionContext object. A typical implementation has to obtain this class, determine its properties according to the rules it implements, and add them to the passed in context object. This implementation removes all properties from the given context it is configured for.
      Specified by:
      introspect in interface BeanIntrospector
      icontext - the context object for interaction with the initiator of the introspection request
      IntrospectionException - if an error occurs during introspection