Type |
Changes |
By |
Resolved generic parameter inconsistency for various static fields, e.g. BagUtils.EMPTY_BAG,
TruePredicate.INSTANCE and many others. All accessible static fields use raw types so that
they can be used directly without explicit casting. To avoid compiler warnings about unchecked
conversion and/or rawtypes use the corresponding factory methods, e.g. BagUtils.emptyBag(). Fixes COLLECTIONS-502. |
tn |
Renamed methods "V MultiKeyMap#remove(Object, Object, ...)" to
"V MultiKeyMap#removeMultiKey(Object, Object, ...)" to avoid future conflicts
with a default method of the Map interface in Java 8. Fixes COLLECTIONS-501. |
tn |
Renamed "V MultiMap#remove(K, V)" to "boolean MultiMap#removeMapping(K, V)"
to avoid future conflicts with a default method of the Map interface in Java 8. Fixes COLLECTIONS-500. |
tn |
Refactored the test framework for Bag implementations to extend from
"AbstractCollectionTest" by decorating the concrete Bag instance with
a CollectionBag or CollectionSortedBag. Fixes COLLECTIONS-499. |
tn |
"CollectionBag" will now also respect the contract of the decorated bag in case
a null argument is provided to either removeAll or retainAll. Fixes COLLECTIONS-498. |
tn |
Added bag decorator "CollectionSortedBag" which decorates a SortedBag to make it
comply with the Collection contract. Fixes COLLECTIONS-497. |
tn |
"UnmodifiableBoundedCollection" does now also implement the marker interface "Unmodifiable"
similar as all other unmodifiable decorators. Fixes COLLECTIONS-496. |
tn |
"UnmodifiableTrie#unmodifiableTrie(Trie)" will not decorate again an already
unmodifiable Trie. Also the return type has been changed to "Trie" to be consistent
with other Unmodifiable decorators. Fixes COLLECTIONS-495. |
tn |
Moved "Equator" interface to base package for consistency. Fixes COLLECTIONS-494. Thanks to Emmanuel Bourg. |
tn |
Added "CollectionsUtils#matchesAll(Iterable, Predicate)" to test if all elements
of a collection match a given predicate. Fixes COLLECTIONS-488. Thanks to Josh Cain. |
tn |
Accept wildcard input where possible, e.g. in copy-constructors, Unmodifiable* decorators
and iterators. Fixes COLLECTIONS-485. Thanks to Hollis Waite. |
tn |
No collision detection/resolution was performed when calling "CompositeSet#addComposited(...)"
with more than one Set as argument. Additionally use varargs parameters instead of arrays
in CompositeSet and CompositeCollection constructor and addComposited method. Fixes COLLECTIONS-481. Thanks to Hollis Waite. |
tn |
Narrow return type of "BidiMap#values()" to Set as the values are required to be unique. Fixes COLLECTIONS-480. Thanks to Hollis Waite. |
tn |
Fixed conversion of timeout parameters in "PassiveExpiringMap". Fixes COLLECTIONS-475. |
tn |
Exception in "ListOrderedMap#putAll" if map contains null values. Fixes COLLECTIONS-474. Thanks to Ning Chen. |
sebb |
Made field "collection" in class "AbstractCollectionDecorator" private and added
setter "setCollection(Collection)" with scope protected to set the decorated collection
during de-serialization. Fixes COLLECTIONS-473. Thanks to sebb. |
tn |
Improved performance of "AbstractMapBag#containsAll(Collection)" by returning immediately
after a difference has been found. Fixes COLLECTIONS-472. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Renamed class "TransformedMap" in package "splitmap" to "TransformedSplitMap" to avoid
name clash with similar class in package "map". Fixes COLLECTIONS-470. Thanks to sebb. |
tn |
Added bag decorator "CollectionBag" which decorates a bag to make it comply with the
Collection contract. Fixes COLLECTIONS-468. |
tn |
Replaced "Collection" with "Iterable" for method arguments where applicable. Fixes COLLECTIONS-466. |
tn |
Added "PushbackIterator" decorator to support pushback of elements during iteration. Fixes COLLECTIONS-463. Thanks to Andy Seaborne, Claude Warren. |
tn |
Added "PeekingIterator" decorator to support one-element lookahead during iteration. Fixes COLLECTIONS-462. Thanks to Andy Seaborne, Claude Warren. |
tn |
Added additional clarification to javadoc of interface "Put" wrt return type of
"put(Object, Object)" method. Fixes COLLECTIONS-461. Thanks to Matt Benson, sebb. |
tn |
Changed "IteratorChain" to use internally a "Queue" instead of a "List". Iterators are
removed from the queue once used and can be garbage collected after being exhausted.
Additionally removed the methods "setIterator(Iterator)" and "getIterators()". Fixes COLLECTIONS-460. |
tn |
Removed method "setArray(Object)" in class ArrayIterator and method "setArray(Object[])"
in class ObjectArrayIterator and made fields array, startIndex and endIndex final. Fixes COLLECTIONS-459. Thanks to sebb. |
tn |
Removed unused class "AbstractUntypedCollectionDecorator<E, D>". Fixes COLLECTIONS-458. |
sebb |
Added methods "ListUtils#longestCommonSubsequence(...)" to get the longest common subsequence
of arbitrary lists or CharSequences. Fixes COLLECTIONS-456. |
tn |
Changed scope of fields to private where appropriate. Fixes COLLECTIONS-455. |
sebb |
An iterator over a "Flat3Map#entrySet()" will now return
independent Map.Entry objects that will not change anymore when
the iterator progresses. Fixes COLLECTIONS-454. |
tn |
Several closure and transformer implementations in the functors package
will now copy an array as input to their constructor (e.g. ChainedClosure). Fixes COLLECTIONS-453. |
tn |
Change base package to org.apache.commons.collections4. Fixes COLLECTIONS-452. |
tn |
The constructors for all Utils classes are now private to prevent instantiation. Fixes COLLECTIONS-451. |
tn |
Added methods "forAllButLastDo(Collection, Closure)" and "forAllButLastDo(Iterator, Closure)"
to class "CollectionUtils". Fixes COLLECTIONS-450. Thanks to J. Moldawski. |
tn |
Tree traversal with a TreeListIterator will not be affected anymore by
the removal of an element directly after a call to previous(). Fixes COLLECTIONS-447. Thanks to Jeffrey Barnes. |
tn |
Added method "CollectionUtils#isEqualCollection(Collection, Collection, Equator)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-446. Thanks to Matt Lachman. |
tn |
Adapt and/or ignore several unit tests when run on an IBM J9 VM (specification version 1.6.0)
due to a faulty "java.util.TreeMap" implementation. Fixes COLLECTIONS-445. |
tn |
SetUniqueList.set(int, E) now works correctly if the object to be inserted
is already placed at the given position. Fixes COLLECTIONS-444. Thanks to Thomas Vahrst, John Vasileff. |
tn |
MultiKeyMap.clone() now correctly calls super.clone(). Fixes COLLECTIONS-441. Thanks to Thomas Vahrst. |
tn |
Added "emptyIfNull" methods to classes "CollectionUtils", "ListUtils", "SetUtils"
and "MapUtils". Fixes COLLECTIONS-436. Thanks to Arman Sharif. |
tn |
Improve performance of "TreeList#addAll" and "TreeList(Collection)" by converting
the input collection into an AVL tree and efficiently merge it into the existing tree. Fixes COLLECTIONS-433. Thanks to Jeffrey Barnes. |
tn |
Replaced "Buffer" interface with "java.util.Queue". Kept "CircularFifoQueue"
as well as "Predicated", "Transformed" and "Unmodifiable" decorators. Fixes COLLECTIONS-432. |
tn |
Added method "CollectionUtils#containsAll(Collection, Collection)" with guaranteed
runtime complexity of O(n + m) and space complexity of O(n). This method may yield much
better performance than "Collection#containsAll(Collection)" depending on the use-case and
type of collection used. Fixes COLLECTIONS-429,COLLECTIONS-434. Thanks to Adrian Nistor, Mert Guldur. |
tn |
Fixed performance issue in "SetUniqueList#retainAll" method for large collections. Fixes COLLECTIONS-427. Thanks to Mert Guldur. |
brentworden |
Fixed performance issue in "ListOrderedSet#retainAll" method for large collections. Fixes COLLECTIONS-426. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
brentworden |
Improved performance of "ListOrderedMap#remove(Object)" method. Fixes COLLECTIONS-425. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
"CompositeSet" does not inherit from "CompositeCollection" anymore. The inner class
"SetMutator" has been updated accordingly. Fixes COLLECTIONS-424. Thanks to Michael Pradel. |
tn |
Added method "CollectionUtils#permutations(Collection)" and class "PermutationIterator"
to generate unordered permutations of a collection. Fixes COLLECTIONS-422. Thanks to Benoit Corne. |
tn |
Update javadoc for "ListUtils#lazyList()" and "ListUtils#fixedSizeList()". Fixes COLLECTIONS-421. Thanks to Benedikt Ritter. |
tn |
Added clarifying javadoc wrt runtime complexity of "AbstractDualBidiMap#retainAll". Fixes COLLECTIONS-419. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Added clarifying javadoc wrt runtime complexity of "AbstractLinkedList#retainAll". Fixes COLLECTIONS-417. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Added clarifying javadoc wrt runtime complexity of "AbstractLinkedList#removeAll". Fixes COLLECTIONS-415. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Fixed several compilation issues with older Java 1.6 compilers. Fixes COLLECTIONS-414. |
tn |
Improved performance of "removeAll()" method for sets returned by "DualHashBidiMap#entrySet()". Fixes COLLECTIONS-413. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Improved performance of "CollectionUtils#subtract" methods. Fixes COLLECTIONS-412. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Fixed possible "IndexOutOfBoundsException" in "ListOrderedMap#putAll". Fixes COLLECTIONS-411. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Improved performance of "SetUniqueList#addAll" method. Fixes COLLECTIONS-410. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Improved performance of "ListOrderedSet#addAll" method. Fixes COLLECTIONS-409. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Improved performance of "SetUniqueList#removeAll". Fixes COLLECTIONS-408. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Improved performance of "ListOrderedSet#remove(Object)" in case the object is
not contained in the Set. Fixes COLLECTIONS-407. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Improved performance of "ListUtils#subtract" method. Fixes COLLECTIONS-406. Thanks to Adrian Nistor. |
tn |
Added "ListUtils#select" and "ListUtils#selectRejected" methods. Fixes COLLECTIONS-405. Thanks to Adam Dyga. |
brentworden |
Added an implementation of Eugene Myers difference algorithm in package
o.a.c.c.sequence. Fixes COLLECTIONS-404. Thanks to Jordane Sarda. |
luc |
Added missing null check in "CollectionUtils#addIgnoreNull(Collection, Object)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-400. Thanks to Shin Hwei Tan. |
tn |
Added new method "get(int)" to "CircularFifoQueue". Fixes COLLECTIONS-399. Thanks to Sebb. |
tn |
Added "LazyIteratorChain" iterator. Fixes COLLECTIONS-396. Thanks to Jeff Rodriguez. |
tn |
Added "ListUtils#partition" method to split a List into consecutive sublists. Fixes COLLECTIONS-393. Thanks to Chris Shayan. |
tn |
Fixed javadoc for "MapUtils#toProperties(Map)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-391. Thanks to Shin Hwei Tan. |
tn |
Clarified javadoc for "TransformerUtils#mapTransformer" for null input. Fixes COLLECTIONS-389. Thanks to Shin Hwei Tan. |
tn |
Clarified javadoc for "FactoryUtils#prototypeFactory" for null input. Fixes COLLECTIONS-388. Thanks to Shin Hwei Tan. |
tn |
Fixed inconsistent javadoc for "MapUtils#synchronizedMap(Map)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-384. Thanks to Shin Hwei Tan. |
ggregory |
Added "CollectionUtils#forAllDo" implementation which takes an "Iterator" as input. Fixes COLLECTIONS-383. Thanks to Adrian Cumiskey. |
tn |
Change maven coordinates to "org.apache.commons.commons-collections4". Fixes COLLECTIONS-382. Thanks to Olivier Lamy. |
tn |
Move the project structure to a standard maven layout. Fixes COLLECTIONS-381. Thanks to Olivier Lamy. |
sebb |
Fixed infinite loop when calling "UnmodifiableBoundedCollection#unmodifiableBoundedCollection()". Fixes COLLECTIONS-380. Thanks to Dave Brosius. |
tn |
Fixed javadoc for several methods wrt expected NullPointerExceptions. Fixes COLLECTIONS-379. Thanks to Shin Hwei Tan. |
tn |
Added method "ListUtils#defaultIfNull(List, List)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-375. Thanks to Ivan Hristov. |
tn |
TransformingComparator now supports different types for its input/output values. Fixes COLLECTIONS-372. |
tn |
"DualTreeBidiMap" now uses the correct comparator for the reverse map during de-serialization. Fixes COLLECTIONS-364. |
sebb |
"TransformedMap" in the package "splitmap" can now be serialized. Fixes COLLECTIONS-363. |
sebb |
"CollectionUtils#filter(Iterable, Predicate)" will now return whether the collection
has been modified. Fixes COLLECTIONS-362. Thanks to Jean-Noel Rouvignac. |
brentworden |
Add method "CollectionUtils#filterInverse(Iterable, Predicate)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-361. Thanks to Jean-Noel Rouvignac. |
tn |
"FilterListIterator#hasNext" does not throw a NullPointerException anymore
to comply to the Java iterator specification. Fixes COLLECTIONS-360. Thanks to Sai Zhang. |
jochen |
"ListUtils#intersection(List, List)" will now also work correctly if there
are duplicate elements in the provided lists. Fixes COLLECTIONS-359. Thanks to Mark Shead. |
bayard |
"AbstractCollectionDecorator" will now use internally "decorated()" to access
the decorated collection. Fixes COLLECTIONS-352. Thanks to Adam Gent. |
bayard |
Removed features which are now supported by the JDK. Fixes COLLECTIONS-351. Thanks to Henri Yandell. |
bayard |
Removed debug output in "MapUtils#getNumber(Map)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-350. Thanks to Michael Akerman. |
bayard |
Fixed javadoc for all "transformedXXX(XXX)" methods in the respective Utils classes
to clarify that existing objects in the list are not transformed. Fixes COLLECTIONS-348. Thanks to Paul Benedict. |
brentworden |
Singleton classes in package "functors" are now correctly de-serialized. Fixes COLLECTIONS-343. Thanks to Goran Hacek. |
mbenson |
"NOPClosure" is now a final class. Fixes COLLECTIONS-341. Thanks to Goran Hacek. |
mbenson |
Removed broken methods "equals(Object)" and "hashCode()" in class "NOPClosure". Fixes COLLECTIONS-340. Thanks to Goran Hacek. |
mbenson |
Simplified exceptions as the cause is available from the parent. Fixes COLLECTIONS-336. Thanks to sebb. |
bayard |
Fixed cache assignment for "TreeBidiMap#entrySet". Fixes COLLECTIONS-335. Thanks to sebb. |
jochen |
Synchronized access to lock in "StaticBucketMap#size()". Fixes COLLECTIONS-334. Thanks to sebb. |
jochen |
Added clarification to javadoc of "ListOrderedMap" that "IdentityMap" and
"CaseInsensitiveMap" are not supported. Fixes COLLECTIONS-332. Thanks to Tom Parker. |
jochen |
Improve javadoc of "CollatingIterator" wrt the used "Comparator" and throw a
NullPointerException in "CollatingIterator#least" if no comparator is set. Fixes COLLECTIONS-331. Thanks to Michael Krkoska. |
jochen |
"LRUMap#keySet()#remove(Object)" will not throw a "ConcurrentModificationException" anymore. Fixes COLLECTIONS-330. Thanks to Joerg Schaible. |
mbenson |
Improved performance of "ListUtils#intersection(List, List)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-328. Thanks to Thomas Rogan, Jilles van Gurp. |
bayard |
Added serialVersionUID fields for "CompositeCollection", "CompositeSet",
"EmptyMapMutator", "EmptySetMutator". Fixes COLLECTIONS-327. Thanks to sebb. |
brentworden |
Fields transformer and decorated in class "TransformingComparator" are now final. Fixes COLLECTIONS-324. Thanks to sebb. |
tn |
Changed behavior of "CaseInsensitiveMap" constructor to be compliant with "HashMap"
in case the initial capacity is set to zero. Fixes COLLECTIONS-323. Thanks to Maarten Brak. |
jochen |
Added NodeListIterator and convenience methods in IteratorUtils to iterate over
an org.w3c.dom.NodeList. Fixes COLLECTIONS-322. Thanks to Thomas Vahrst. |
tn |
Improved performance of "StaticBucketMap#putAll(Map)" by iterating over the entry set. Fixes COLLECTIONS-320. Thanks to sebb. |
bayard |
Avoid redundant null check in "IteratorUtils#getIterator(Object)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-319. Thanks to sebb. |
bayard |
Use a private method to populate the object in "AbstractHashedMap(Map)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-317. Thanks to sebb. |
bayard |
Fixed javadoc of "LRUMap" wrt to the maxSize parameter of the constructor. Fixes COLLECTIONS-316. Thanks to ori. |
bayard |
Added new abstract class "CatchAndRethrowClosure" that re-throws any checked exception
as unchecked "FunctorException". Fixes COLLECTIONS-313. Thanks to David J. M. Karlsen. |
brentworden |
Use of final keyword where applicable, minor performance improvements by properly
initializing the capacity of newly created collections when known in advance. Fixes COLLECTIONS-312. Thanks to Peter Lawrey, Gary Gregory. |
tn |
"SetUniqueList#subList()" will now return an unmodifiable list as changes to it
may invalidate the parent list. Fixes COLLECTIONS-307. Thanks to Christian Semrau, Thomas Vahrst. |
tn |
"SetUniqueList#subList()#contains(Object)" will now correctly check the subList
rather than the parent list. Fixes COLLECTIONS-307. Thanks to Christian Semrau. |
bayard |
Added method "CollectionUtils#subtract(Iterable, Iterable, Predicate)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-306. Thanks to Chris Shayan. |
brentworden |
"SetUniqueList#set(int, Object)" will now correctly enforce the uniqueness constraint. Fixes COLLECTIONS-304. Thanks to Rafał Figas,Bjorn Townsend. |
bayard |
Improved javadoc for "Unmodifiable*" classes wrt behavior when the user tries
to modify the collection. Fixes COLLECTIONS-303. Thanks to Emmanuel Bourg. |
bayard |
Calling "CollectionUtils#sizeIsEmpty(null)" will now return true. Fixes COLLECTIONS-298. Thanks to Benjamin Bentmann. |
bayard |
Added methods "CollectionUtils#collate(...)" to merge two sorted Collections
into a sorted List using the standard O(n) merge algorithm. Fixes COLLECTIONS-296. Thanks to Julius Davies. |
tn |
"CaseInsensitiveMap" will now convert input strings to lower-case in a
locale-independent manner. Fixes COLLECTIONS-294. Thanks to Benjamin Bentmann. |
bayard |
Added support for using custom "Equator" objects in "EqualPredicate". Fixes COLLECTIONS-293. Thanks to Stephen Kestle. |
tn |
Added method "CollatingIterator#getIteratorIndex()". Fixes COLLECTIONS-289. Thanks to Fredrik Kjellberg. |
bayard |
Fixed javadoc for "ListUtils#transformedList(List)" to clarify that existing objects
in the list are not transformed. Fixes COLLECTIONS-256,COLLECTIONS-288. Thanks to Paul Benedict. |
bayard |
Added method "CollectionUtils#extractSingleton(Collection)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-286. Thanks to Geoffrey De Smet. |
mbenson |
Added serialization support for "TreeBidiMap". Fixes COLLECTIONS-285. Thanks to Christian Gruenberg. |
tn |
The predicate that rejected an object to be added to a "PredicatedCollection"
is now contained in the respective exception message. Fixes COLLECTIONS-280. Thanks to Chris Lewis. |
bayard |
Added "IndexedCollection" collection decorator which provides a map-like
view on an existing collection. Fixes COLLECTIONS-275. Thanks to Stephen Kestle. |
tn |
Added serialization support for "FixedOrderComparator" and "TransformingComparator". Fixes COLLECTIONS-272. Thanks to Chaitanya Mutyala. |
tn |
"MultiKey" will now be correctly serialized/de-serialized. Fixes COLLECTIONS-266. Thanks to Joerg Schaible. |
bayard |
"TreeBag" will now only accept "Comparable" objects as input when used with natural ordering. Fixes COLLECTIONS-265. Thanks to David Saff. |
bayard |
Added methods "MapUtils#populateMap(MultiMap, ...)" to support also "MultiMap" instances
as input. Fixes COLLECTIONS-263. Thanks to John Hunsley. |
tn |
Fixed javadoc for methods "firstKey()" and "lastKey()" in class "AbstractLinkedMap". Fixes COLLECTIONS-262. Thanks to Lisen Mu. |
bayard |
"Flat3Map#remove(Object)" will now return the correct value mapped to the removed key
if the size of the map is less or equal 3. Fixes COLLECTIONS-261. Thanks to ori. |
bayard |
Added constructor "TransformingComparator(Transformer)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-260. Thanks to Stephen Kestle. |
mbenson |
Added "DualLinkedHashBidiMap" bidi map implementation. Fixes COLLECTIONS-258. Thanks to Nathan Blomquist. |
tn |
Removed unused variables in "TreeBidiMap". Fixes COLLECTIONS-255. Thanks to Henri Yandell. |
mbenson |
The static factory methods have been renamed from "getInstance()" to a camel-case
version of the class name, e.g. "truePredicate()" for class "TruePredicate". Fixes COLLECTIONS-251,COLLECTIONS-321. Thanks to Stephen Kestle. |
mbenson |
"SetUniqueList.addAll(int, Collection)" now correctly add the collection at the
provided index. Fixes COLLECTIONS-249. Thanks to Joe Kelly. |
bayard |
Added "Equator" interface. Fixes COLLECTIONS-242. |
skestle |
Added "PassiveExpiringMap" map decorator. Fixes COLLECTIONS-241. Thanks to Elifarley Callado Coelho. |
brentworden |
"MultiValueMap" is now serializable. Fixes COLLECTIONS-240. Thanks to Wouter de Vaal. |
bayard |
Added method "MultiValueMap#iterator()" to return a flattened version of
"entrySet().iterator()". Clarified javadoc for "entrySet()" that the returned Entry
objects are unflattened, i.e. the Entry object for a given key contains all values
mapped to this key. Fixes COLLECTIONS-237. Thanks to Nils Kaiser, Alan Mehlo. |
tn |
Added method "ListUtils#indexOf(List, Predicate)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-235. Thanks to Nathan Egge. |
bayard |
Fixed several unit tests which were using parameters to "assertEquals(...)" in wrong order. Fixes COLLECTIONS-232. Thanks to Mark Hindess. |
bayard |
Return concrete class in static factory methods instead of base class interface
(except for Unmodifiable decorators). Fixes COLLECTIONS-231. Thanks to Torsten Curdt. |
tn |
"CollectionUtils#size(Collection)" now returns 0 when called with null as input. Fixes COLLECTIONS-230,COLLECTIONS-297,COLLECTIONS-318. Thanks to Stepan Koltsov,sebb. |
bayard |
Removed deprecated classes and methods. Fixes COLLECTIONS-229. |
scolebourne |
"MultiValueMap#put(Object, Object)" and "MultiValueMap#putAll(Object, Collection)"
now correctly return if the map has changed by this operation. Fixes COLLECTIONS-228. |
scolebourne |
Added method "ListOrderedMap#putAll(int, Map)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-226. Thanks to Vasily Ivanov. |
bayard |
Added new "Trie" interface with a first concrete implementation "PatriciaTrie"
together with decorators "Unmodifiable" and "Synchronized". Fixes COLLECTIONS-225. Thanks to Sam Berlin, Roger Kapsi. |
tn |
"CollectionUtils#addAll(...)" methods now return if the collection has been changed
by this operation. Fixes COLLECTIONS-223. Thanks to Vasily Ivanov. |
bayard |
"CompositeCollection", "CompositeMap" and "CompositeSet" are now serializable. Fixes COLLECTIONS-221. Thanks to Pal Denes. |
bayard |
"CollectionUtils#removeAll" wrongly called "ListUtils#retainAll". Fixes COLLECTIONS-219. Thanks to Tom Leccese. |
scolebourne |
The "CollectionUtils#select(Collection, Predicate, Collection)" method will now
return the output collection. Fixes COLLECTIONS-218. |
skestle |
Calling "setValue(Object)" on any Entry returned by a "Flat3Map" will now
correctly set the value for the current entry. Fixes COLLECTIONS-217. Thanks to Matt Bishop. |
scolebourne |
"MultiKey#toString()" will now use "Arrays#toString(List)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-216. Thanks to Hendrik Maryns. |
scolebourne |
Added support for resettable iterators in "IteratorIterable". Fixes COLLECTIONS-213. Thanks to Dusan Chromy. |
brentworden |
Added methods "MapUtils#populateMap(Map, Iterable, Transformer, ...)". Fixes COLLECTIONS-194. Thanks to Dave Meikle. |
bayard |
"CollectionUtils#forAllDo(Collection, Closure)" now returns the provided closure. Fixes COLLECTIONS-182. Thanks to Jim Cakalic. |
mbenson |
Make generic versions of all classes in collections. Fixes COLLECTIONS-110,COLLECTIONS-243,COLLECTIONS-245,COLLECTIONS-247, COLLECTIONS-253,COLLECTIONS-273,COLLECTIONS-282. |
multiple |
Added class "ComparatorPredicate". Fixes COLLECTIONS-8. Thanks to Rune Peter Bjørnstad. |
brentworden |