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Release notes for version 4.3

Apache Commons Collections is a project to develop and maintain collection classes based on and inspired by the JDK collection framework.

This 4.3 release is a minor and updates the platform requirement from Java 7 to 8. This release fixes several bugs present in previous releases of the 4.X branch.

All users are strongly encouraged to update to this release.


  • Java 8 or later is now required (version 4.2 required Java 7)
  • This release is source and binary compatible with the 4.0 release of Commons Collections with the exception that some classes in the functor package do not implement the Serializable interface anymore (see COLLECTIONS-580)

Major changes since 4.2

  • Updates the platform requirement from Java 7 to 8
  • Add Automatic-Module-Name MANIFEST entry for Java 9 compatibility
  • Added a few new APIs.

Security Changes


For a full list of changes in this release, refer to the Change report.