Uses of Class

Packages that use XMLOutput
org.apache.commons.jelly This package contains the main jelly API classes. 
org.apache.commons.jelly.impl Core implementation classes for Jelly. 
org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core The core Tags from the JSTL plus Jelly extensions. 

Uses of XMLOutput in org.apache.commons.jelly

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly that return XMLOutput
static XMLOutput XMLOutput.createDummyXMLOutput()
          returns an XMLOutput object that will discard all tag-generated XML events.
static XMLOutput XMLOutput.createXMLOutput( out)
          Creates a text based XMLOutput which converts all XML events into text and writes to the underlying OutputStream.
static XMLOutput XMLOutput.createXMLOutput( out, boolean escapeText)
          Creates a text based XMLOutput which converts all XML events into text and writes to the underlying OutputStream.
static XMLOutput XMLOutput.createXMLOutput( writer)
          Creates a text based XMLOutput which converts all XML events into text and writes to the underlying Writer.
static XMLOutput XMLOutput.createXMLOutput( writer, boolean escapeText)
          Creates a text based XMLOutput which converts all XML events into text and writes to the underlying Writer.
static XMLOutput XMLOutput.createXMLOutput(org.xml.sax.XMLReader xmlReader)
          Creates an XMLOutput from an existing SAX XMLReader
protected static XMLOutput XMLOutput.createXMLOutput( xmlWriter)
          Factory method to create a new XMLOutput from an XMLWriter

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly with parameters of type XMLOutput
 void Tag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
          Evaluates this tag after all the tags properties have been initialized.
 void TagSupport.invokeBody(XMLOutput output)
          Invokes the body of this tag using the given output
 void Tag.invokeBody(XMLOutput output)
          A helper method to invoke this tags body
 void context, XMLOutput output)
          Evaluates the body of a tag
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript( file, XMLOutput output)
          Parses the script from the given File then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript( file, XMLOutput output, boolean export, boolean inherit)
          Parses the script from the given file then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript(org.xml.sax.InputSource source, XMLOutput output)
          Parses the script from the given InputSource then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript(org.xml.sax.InputSource source, XMLOutput output, boolean export, boolean inherit)
          Parses the script from the given InputSource then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript(java.lang.String uri, XMLOutput output)
          Parses the script from the given uri using the JellyContext.getResource() API then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript(java.lang.String uri, XMLOutput output, boolean export, boolean inherit)
          Parses the script from the given uri using the JellyContext.getResource() API then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript( url, XMLOutput output)
          Parses the script from the given URL then compiles it and runs it.
 JellyContext JellyContext.runScript( url, XMLOutput output, boolean export, boolean inherit)
          Parses the script from the given URL then compiles it and runs it.

Uses of XMLOutput in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl

Fields in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl declared as XMLOutput
private  XMLOutput Embedded.m_output
          Output(default System.out)

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl with parameters of type XMLOutput
 void StaticTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void DynamicTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void DynamicDynaBeanTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void DynamicBeanTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
protected  void TagScript.endNamespacePrefixes(XMLOutput output)
          End the new namespace prefixes mapped for the current element
 void context, XMLOutput output)
          Evaluates the body of a tag
 void context, XMLOutput output)
          Evaluates the body of a tag
 void context, XMLOutput output)
 void context, XMLOutput output)
          Evaluates the body of a tag
 void context, XMLOutput output)
          Evaluates the body of a tag
protected  void TagScript.startNamespacePrefixes(XMLOutput output)
          Output the new namespace prefixes used for this element

Uses of XMLOutput in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core

Subclasses of XMLOutput in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core
(package private) static class MuteTag.MuteXMLOutput
          An XMLOutput which really outputs nothing, in particular, avoids calling toString() in objects returned...

Fields in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core declared as XMLOutput
private  XMLOutput ThreadTag.xmlOutput
          the destination of output

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core that return XMLOutput
protected  XMLOutput FileTag.createXMLOutput( writer)
          A Factory method to create a new XMLOutput from the given Writer.

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core with parameters of type XMLOutput
 void WhitespaceTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void WhileTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
          Tag interface
 void WhenTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void UseBeanTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void ThreadTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void SwitchTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void SetTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void SetPropertiesTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void ScopeTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void RemoveTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void ParseTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void OtherwiseTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void NewTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void MuteTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
          Invoke the body and produce no output.
 void JellyTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void InvokeTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void InvokeStaticTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void IncludeTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void ImportTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
          Perform tag processing
 void IfTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void GetStaticTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void ForEachTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void FileTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void ExprTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void DefaultTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void ChooseTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void CatchTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void CaseTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void BreakTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
 void ArgTag.doTag(XMLOutput output)
protected  java.lang.Object UseBeanTag.newInstance(java.lang.Class theClass, java.util.Map attributes, XMLOutput output)
          Creates a new instance of the given class, which by default will invoke the default constructor.
protected  void ParseTag.parseBody(XMLOutput output)
          Parses the body of this tag and returns the parsed document
 void ThreadTag.setXmlOutput(XMLOutput xmlOutput)
          Sets the destination of output

Uses of XMLOutput in org.apache.commons.jelly.test

Fields in org.apache.commons.jelly.test declared as XMLOutput
private  XMLOutput BaseJellyTest.xmlOutput

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.test that return XMLOutput
protected  XMLOutput BaseJellyTest.getXMLOutput()