Uses of Interface

Packages that use Expression
org.apache.commons.jelly This package contains the main jelly API classes. 
org.apache.commons.jelly.expression Implementations of the Expression classes using commons-jexl. 
org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.jexl Expressions used to turn the tag attribute values into compiled expression objects for languages such as Jexl, XPath, Velocity, beanshell, Rhino etc. 
org.apache.commons.jelly.impl Core implementation classes for Jelly. 
org.apache.commons.jelly.parser Jelly parsers both XML syntax and non-XML syntaxes are supported. 
org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core The core Tags from the JSTL plus Jelly extensions. 

Uses of Expression in org.apache.commons.jelly

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly that return Expression
 Expression TagLibrary.createExpression(ExpressionFactory factory, TagScript tagScript, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Allows taglibs to use their own expression evaluation mechanism

Uses of Expression in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression

Classes in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression that implement Expression
 class CompositeExpression
          CompositeExpression is a Composite expression made up of several Expression objects which are concatenated into a single String.
 class ConstantExpression
          ConstantExpression represents a constant expression.
 class ExpressionSupport
          ExpressionSupport an abstract base class for Expression implementations which provides default implementations of some of the typesafe evaluation methods.

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression that return Expression
 Expression ExpressionFactory.createExpression(java.lang.String text)
          Creates a new expression for the given text
static Expression CompositeExpression.parse(java.lang.String text, ExpressionFactory factory)
          Parses the given String to be either a ConstantExpresssion, an Expression denoted as "${foo}" or some String with embedded expresssions such as "abc${something}def${else}xyz" which results in a CompositeExpression being returned.

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression with parameters of type Expression
 void CompositeExpression.addExpression(Expression expression)
          Adds a new expression to the end of the expression list

Uses of Expression in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.jexl

Classes in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.jexl that implement Expression
 class JexlExpression
          Represents a Jexl expression which fully supports the Expression Language in JSTL and JSP along with some extra features like object method invocation.
private  class JexlExpressionFactory.ExpressionSupportLocal

Fields in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.jexl declared as Expression
protected  Expression JexlExpressionFactory.ExpressionSupportLocal.jexlExpression

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.jexl that return Expression
 Expression JexlExpressionFactory.createExpression(java.lang.String text)

Constructors in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.jexl with parameters of type Expression
JexlExpressionFactory.ExpressionSupportLocal(Expression jexlExpression, java.lang.String text)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.xpath

Classes in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.xpath that implement Expression
 class XPathExpression
          An expression which returns an XPath object.

Fields in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.xpath declared as Expression
private  Expression XPathExpression.xpathExpr

Constructors in org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.xpath with parameters of type Expression
XPathExpression(java.lang.String text, Expression xpathExpr, TagScript tagScript)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl

Fields in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl declared as Expression
private  Expression Attribute.defaultValue
          the default value expression
private  Expression ExpressionScript.expression
          the expression evaluated as a String and output by this script

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl that return Expression
 Expression Attribute.getDefaultValue()
          Returns the defaultValue.
 Expression ExpressionScript.getExpression()

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl with parameters of type Expression
 void TagScript.addAttribute(java.lang.String name, Expression expression)
          Add an initialization attribute for the tag.
 void Attribute.setDefaultValue(Expression defaultValue)
          Sets the defaultValue.
 void ExpressionScript.setExpression(Expression expression)
          Sets the expression evaluated as a String and output by this script

Constructors in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl with parameters of type Expression
ExpressionScript(Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in org.apache.commons.jelly.parser

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.parser that return Expression
protected  Expression XMLParser.createConstantExpression(java.lang.String tagName, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String attributeValue)

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.parser with parameters of type Expression
protected  void XMLParser.addExpressionScript(ScriptBlock script, Expression expression)
          Adds the given Expression object to the current Script.

Uses of Expression in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core

Fields in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core declared as Expression
private  Expression SetTag.defaultValue
          The default value
private  Expression UseListTag.items
private  Expression ForEachTag.items
          Holds the variable name to export for the item being iterated over.
private  Expression SwitchTag.on
private  Expression WhileTag.test
          The expression to use to determine if the while should continue
private  Expression WhenTag.test
          The expression to evaluate.
private  Expression IfTag.test
          The expression to evaluate.
private  Expression BreakTag.test
          The expression to evaluate.
private  Expression SetTag.value
          The expression to evaluate.
private  Expression ExprTag.value
          The expression to evaluate.
private  Expression CaseTag.valueExpression
private  Expression RemoveTag.var

Methods in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core with parameters of type Expression
 void SetTag.setDefaultValue(Expression defaultValue)
          Sets the default value to be used if the value exprsesion results in a null value or blank String
 void ForEachTag.setItems(Expression items)
          Sets the expression used to iterate over.
 void SwitchTag.setOn(Expression on)
          Sets the value to switch on.
 void WhileTag.setTest(Expression e)
          Setter for the expression
 void WhenTag.setTest(Expression test)
          Sets the expression to evaluate.
 void IfTag.setTest(Expression test)
          Sets the Jelly expression to evaluate.
 void BreakTag.setTest(Expression test)
          Sets the Jelly expression to evaluate (optional).
 void SetTag.setValue(Expression value)
          Sets the expression to evaluate.
 void ExprTag.setValue(Expression value)
          Sets the Jexl expression to evaluate.
 void CaseTag.setValue(Expression value)
 void RemoveTag.setVar(Expression var)
          Sets the name of the variable which will be removed by this tag..