[tag libraries]
A tag which evaluates its body if the given file is available.The file can be specified via a File object or via a relative or absoluteURI from the current Jelly script.
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
escapeText | boolean |
file | java.io.File | Sets the file to use to test whether it exists or not.
trim | boolean |
uri | java.lang.String | Sets the URI to use to test for availability.The URI can be a full file based URL or a relative URIor an absolute URI from the root context.
A tag which creates a java.io.Filefrom a given name.
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
escapeText | boolean |
name | java.lang.String | Name of the file to be placed into the context
trim | boolean |
var | java.lang.String | Name of the variable to contain the file
A tag which loads text from a file or URI into a Jelly variable.
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
encoding | java.lang.String | Sets the encoding to use to read the file |
escapeText | boolean |
file | java.io.File | Sets the file to be parsed as text |
trim | boolean |
uri | java.lang.String | Sets the uri to be parsed as text.This can be an absolute URL or a relative or absolute URIfrom this Jelly script or the root context. |
var | java.lang.String | Sets the name of the variable which will be exported with the text value of thegiven file. |
A tag which loads a properties file from a given file name or URIwhich are loaded into the current context.
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
escapeText | boolean |
file | java.lang.String | Sets the file name to be used to load the properties file. |
trim | boolean |
uri | java.lang.String | Sets the URI of the properties file to use. This can be a full URL or a relative URIor an absolute URI to the root context of this JellyContext. |
var | java.lang.String | If this is defined then a Properties object containing all theproperties will be created and exported, otherwise the current variablescope will be set to the value of the properties.
A tag that replaces occurrences of a character or string in its body or(or value) and places the result into the context
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
escapeText | boolean |
new | java.lang.String | Sets the newString.
newChar | java.lang.String | Sets the newChar.
old | java.lang.String | Sets the oldString.
oldChar | java.lang.String | Sets the oldChar.
trim | boolean |
value | org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.Expression | Sets the value.
var | java.lang.String | Sets the var.
A tag which sleeps for a given amount of time.
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
escapeText | boolean |
millis | long | Sets the amount of time that this thread should sleep for in milliseconds. |
trim | boolean |
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
escapeText | boolean |
items | java.util.List | Set the items to be sorted
property | java.lang.String |
trim | boolean |
var | java.lang.String | The variable to hold the sorted collection.
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
delim | java.lang.String | the delimiter that separates the tokens |
escapeText | boolean |
trim | boolean |
var | java.lang.String | The variable name to hold the list of tokens |