Class JXPathContextReferenceImpl

  extended byorg.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext
      extended byorg.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.JXPathContextReferenceImpl

public class JXPathContextReferenceImpl
extends JXPathContext

The reference implementation of JXPathContext.

$Revision: 1.43 $ $Date: 2004/04/04 23:16:23 $
Dmitri Plotnikov

Field Summary
private static int CLEANUP_THRESHOLD
private static int cleanupCount
private static java.util.Map compiled
private static Compiler COMPILER
private  Pointer contextPointer
protected  NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver
private static java.util.Vector nodeFactories
private static NodePointerFactory[] nodeFactoryArray
private  Pointer rootPointer
static boolean USE_SOFT_CACHE
          Change this to false to disable soft caching of CompiledExpressions.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext
contextBean, decimalFormats, factory, functions, idManager, keyManager, parentContext, vars
Constructor Summary
protected JXPathContextReferenceImpl(JXPathContext parentContext, java.lang.Object contextBean)
  JXPathContextReferenceImpl(JXPathContext parentContext, java.lang.Object contextBean, Pointer contextPointer)
Method Summary
static void addNodePointerFactory(NodePointerFactory factory)
          Call this with a custom NodePointerFactory to add support for additional types of objects.
static java.lang.Object allocateConditionally(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String existenceCheckClassName)
          Checks if existenceCheckClass exists on the class path.
private  void checkSimplePath(Expression expr)
          Checks if the path follows the JXPath restrictions on the type of path that can be passed to create...
private  Expression compileExpression(java.lang.String xpath)
protected  CompiledExpression compilePath(java.lang.String xpath)
          Overridden by each concrete implementation of JXPathContext to perform compilation.
private static void createNodeFactoryArray()
 Pointer createPath(java.lang.String xpath)
          Creates missing elements of the path by invoking an AbstractFactory, which should first be installed on the context by calling "setFactory".
 Pointer createPath(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 Pointer createPathAndSetValue(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr, java.lang.Object value)
 Pointer createPathAndSetValue(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.Object value)
          The same as setValue, except it creates intermediate elements of the path by invoking an AbstractFactory, which should first be installed on the context by calling "setFactory".
 EvalContext getAbsoluteRootContext()
private  NodePointer getAbsoluteRootPointer()
protected  Compiler getCompiler()
          Returns a static instance of TreeCompiler.
 Pointer getContextPointer()
          Returns a Pointer for the context bean.
private  EvalContext getEvalContext()
 Function getFunction(QName functionName, java.lang.Object[] parameters)
 Pointer getNamespaceContextPointer()
          Returns the namespace context pointer set with setNamespaceContextPointer() or, if none has been specified, the context pointer otherwise.
 NamespaceResolver getNamespaceResolver()
 java.lang.String getNamespaceURI(java.lang.String prefix)
          Given a prefix, returns a registered namespace URI.
static NodePointerFactory[] getNodePointerFactories()
 Pointer getPointer(java.lang.String xpath)
          Traverses the xpath and returns a Pointer.
 Pointer getPointer(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 JXPathContext getRelativeContext(Pointer pointer)
          Returns a JXPathContext that is relative to the current JXPathContext.
 java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath)
          Traverses the xpath and returns the resulting object.
 java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.Class requiredType)
          Calls getValue(xpath), converts the result to the required type and returns the result of the conversion.
 java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr, java.lang.Class requiredType)
 NodePointer getVariablePointer(QName name)
 java.util.Iterator iterate(java.lang.String xpath)
          Traverses the xpath and returns a Iterator of all results found for the path.
 java.util.Iterator iterate(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 java.util.Iterator iteratePointers(java.lang.String xpath)
          Traverses the xpath and returns an Iterator of Pointers.
 java.util.Iterator iteratePointers(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 void registerNamespace(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String namespaceURI)
          Registers a namespace prefix.
 void removeAll(java.lang.String xpath)
          Removes all elements of the object graph described by the xpath.
 void removeAll(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 void removePath(java.lang.String xpath)
          Removes the element of the object graph described by the xpath.
 void removePath(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr)
 void setNamespaceContextPointer(Pointer pointer)
          Namespace prefixes can be defined implicitly by specifying a pointer to a context where the namespaces are defined.
 void setValue(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr, java.lang.Object value)
private  Pointer setValue(java.lang.String xpath, Expression expr, java.lang.Object value, boolean create)
 void setValue(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.Object value)
          Modifies the value of the property described by the supplied xpath.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext
compile, getContextBean, getDecimalFormatSymbols, getFactory, getFunctions, getIdentityManager, getKeyManager, getLocale, getParentContext, getPointerByID, getPointerByKey, getVariables, isLenient, newContext, newContext, selectNodes, selectSingleNode, setDecimalFormatSymbols, setFactory, setFunctions, setIdentityManager, setKeyManager, setLenient, setLocale, setVariables
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final boolean USE_SOFT_CACHE
Change this to false to disable soft caching of CompiledExpressions.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final Compiler COMPILER


private static java.util.Map compiled


private static int cleanupCount


private static java.util.Vector nodeFactories


private static NodePointerFactory[] nodeFactoryArray


private Pointer rootPointer


private Pointer contextPointer


protected NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver


private static final int CLEANUP_THRESHOLD
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected JXPathContextReferenceImpl(JXPathContext parentContext,
                                     java.lang.Object contextBean)


public JXPathContextReferenceImpl(JXPathContext parentContext,
                                  java.lang.Object contextBean,
                                  Pointer contextPointer)
Method Detail


private static void createNodeFactoryArray()


public static void addNodePointerFactory(NodePointerFactory factory)
Call this with a custom NodePointerFactory to add support for additional types of objects. Make sure the factory returns a name that puts it in the right position on the list of factories.


public static NodePointerFactory[] getNodePointerFactories()


protected Compiler getCompiler()
Returns a static instance of TreeCompiler. Override this to return an aternate compiler.


protected CompiledExpression compilePath(java.lang.String xpath)
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Overridden by each concrete implementation of JXPathContext to perform compilation. Is called by compile().

Specified by:
compilePath in class JXPathContext


private Expression compileExpression(java.lang.String xpath)


public java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath)
Traverses the xpath and returns the resulting object. Primitive types are wrapped into objects.

Specified by:
getValue in class JXPathContext


public java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath,
                                 Expression expr)


public java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath,
                                 java.lang.Class requiredType)
Calls getValue(xpath), converts the result to the required type and returns the result of the conversion.

Specified by:
getValue in class JXPathContext


public java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String xpath,
                                 Expression expr,
                                 java.lang.Class requiredType)


public java.util.Iterator iterate(java.lang.String xpath)
Traverses the xpath and returns a Iterator of all results found for the path. If the xpath matches no properties in the graph, the Iterator will not be null.

Specified by:
iterate in class JXPathContext


public java.util.Iterator iterate(java.lang.String xpath,
                                  Expression expr)


public Pointer getPointer(java.lang.String xpath)
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Traverses the xpath and returns a Pointer. A Pointer provides easy access to a property. If the xpath matches no properties in the graph, the pointer will be null.

Specified by:
getPointer in class JXPathContext


public Pointer getPointer(java.lang.String xpath,
                          Expression expr)


public void setValue(java.lang.String xpath,
                     java.lang.Object value)
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Modifies the value of the property described by the supplied xpath. Will throw an exception if one of the following conditions occurs:

Specified by:
setValue in class JXPathContext


public void setValue(java.lang.String xpath,
                     Expression expr,
                     java.lang.Object value)


public Pointer createPath(java.lang.String xpath)
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Creates missing elements of the path by invoking an AbstractFactory, which should first be installed on the context by calling "setFactory".

Will throw an exception if the AbstractFactory fails to create an instance for a path element.

Specified by:
createPath in class JXPathContext


public Pointer createPath(java.lang.String xpath,
                          Expression expr)


public Pointer createPathAndSetValue(java.lang.String xpath,
                                     java.lang.Object value)
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
The same as setValue, except it creates intermediate elements of the path by invoking an AbstractFactory, which should first be installed on the context by calling "setFactory".

Will throw an exception if one of the following conditions occurs:

Specified by:
createPathAndSetValue in class JXPathContext


public Pointer createPathAndSetValue(java.lang.String xpath,
                                     Expression expr,
                                     java.lang.Object value)


private Pointer setValue(java.lang.String xpath,
                         Expression expr,
                         java.lang.Object value,
                         boolean create)


private void checkSimplePath(Expression expr)
Checks if the path follows the JXPath restrictions on the type of path that can be passed to create... methods.


public java.util.Iterator iteratePointers(java.lang.String xpath)
Traverses the xpath and returns an Iterator of Pointers. A Pointer provides easy access to a property. If the xpath matches no properties in the graph, the Iterator be empty, but not null.

Specified by:
iteratePointers in class JXPathContext


public java.util.Iterator iteratePointers(java.lang.String xpath,
                                          Expression expr)


public void removePath(java.lang.String xpath)
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Removes the element of the object graph described by the xpath.

Specified by:
removePath in class JXPathContext


public void removePath(java.lang.String xpath,
                       Expression expr)


public void removeAll(java.lang.String xpath)
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Removes all elements of the object graph described by the xpath.

Specified by:
removeAll in class JXPathContext


public void removeAll(java.lang.String xpath,
                      Expression expr)


public JXPathContext getRelativeContext(Pointer pointer)
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Returns a JXPathContext that is relative to the current JXPathContext. The supplied pointer becomes the context pointer of the new context. The relative context inherits variables, extension functions, locale etc from the parent context.

Specified by:
getRelativeContext in class JXPathContext


public Pointer getContextPointer()
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Returns a Pointer for the context bean.

Specified by:
getContextPointer in class JXPathContext


private NodePointer getAbsoluteRootPointer()


private EvalContext getEvalContext()


public EvalContext getAbsoluteRootContext()


public NodePointer getVariablePointer(QName name)


public Function getFunction(QName functionName,
                            java.lang.Object[] parameters)


public void registerNamespace(java.lang.String prefix,
                              java.lang.String namespaceURI)
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Registers a namespace prefix.

registerNamespace in class JXPathContext
prefix - A namespace prefix
namespaceURI - A URI for that prefix


public java.lang.String getNamespaceURI(java.lang.String prefix)
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Given a prefix, returns a registered namespace URI. If the requested prefix was not defined explicitly using the registerNamespace method, JXPathContext will then check the context node to see if the prefix is defined there. See setNamespaceContextPointer.

getNamespaceURI in class JXPathContext
prefix - The namespace prefix to look up
namespace URI or null if the prefix is undefined.


public void setNamespaceContextPointer(Pointer pointer)
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Namespace prefixes can be defined implicitly by specifying a pointer to a context where the namespaces are defined. By default, NamespaceContextPointer is the same as the Context Pointer, see getContextPointer()

setNamespaceContextPointer in class JXPathContext


public Pointer getNamespaceContextPointer()
Description copied from class: JXPathContext
Returns the namespace context pointer set with setNamespaceContextPointer() or, if none has been specified, the context pointer otherwise.

getNamespaceContextPointer in class JXPathContext
The namespace context pointer.


public NamespaceResolver getNamespaceResolver()


public static java.lang.Object allocateConditionally(java.lang.String className,
                                                     java.lang.String existenceCheckClassName)
Checks if existenceCheckClass exists on the class path. If so, allocates an instance of the specified class, otherwise returns null.