Class AbstractConcurrentInitializer<T,E extends Exception>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the object managed by this initializer class.
E - The exception type thrown by initialize().
All Implemented Interfaces:
ConcurrentInitializer<T>, FailableSupplier<T,ConcurrentException>
Direct Known Subclasses:
AtomicInitializer, AtomicSafeInitializer, BackgroundInitializer, LazyInitializer

public abstract class AbstractConcurrentInitializer<T,E extends Exception> extends Object implements ConcurrentInitializer<T>
Abstracts and defines operations for ConcurrentInitializer implementations.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • close

      public void close() throws ConcurrentException
      Calls the closer with the manager object.
      ConcurrentException - Thrown by the closer.
    • getTypedException

      protected abstract E getTypedException(Exception e)
      Gets an Exception with a type of E as defined by a concrete subclass of this class.
      e - The actual exception that was thrown
      a new exception with the actual type of E, that wraps e.
    • initialize

      protected T initialize() throws E
      Creates and initializes the object managed by this ConcurrentInitializer. This method is called by FailableSupplier.get() when the object is accessed for the first time. An implementation can focus on the creation of the object. No synchronization is needed, as this is already handled by get().

      Subclasses and clients that do not provide an initializer are expected to implement this method.

      the managed data object
      E - if an error occurs during object creation
    • isInitialized

      protected abstract boolean isInitialized()
      Returns true if initialization has been completed. If initialization threw an exception this will return false, but it will return true if a subsequent call to initialize completes successfully. If the implementation of ConcurrentInitializer can initialize multiple objects, this will only return true if all objects have been initialized.
      true if all initialization is complete, otherwise false