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PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 6.49.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 3


Rule Violation Line
ExcessivePublicCount This class has a bunch of public methods and attributes 183697
CyclomaticComplexity The class 'Complex' has a total cyclomatic complexity of 293 (highest 25). 643697
CognitiveComplexity The method 'multiply(double, double, double, double)' has a cognitive complexity of 16, current threshold is 15 889953
CognitiveComplexity The method 'exp()' has a cognitive complexity of 18, current threshold is 15 12481298
CognitiveComplexity The method 'log(DoubleUnaryOperator, double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cognitive complexity of 20, current threshold is 15 13931472
CognitiveComplexity The method 'sqrt(double, double)' has a cognitive complexity of 32, current threshold is 15 15971688
CognitiveComplexity The method 'asin(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cognitive complexity of 84, current threshold is 15 18341950
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'asin(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 22. 18341950
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'acos(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 25. 20292143
CognitiveComplexity The method 'acos(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cognitive complexity of 92, current threshold is 15 20292143
NPathComplexity The method 'acos(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has an NPath complexity of 288, current threshold is 200 20292143
NPathComplexity The method 'tanh(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has an NPath complexity of 216, current threshold is 200 24592552
CognitiveComplexity The method 'tanh(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cognitive complexity of 21, current threshold is 15 24592552
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'atanh(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 23. 27322896
CognitiveComplexity The method 'atanh(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cognitive complexity of 66, current threshold is 15 27322896



Rule Violation Priority Line
ExcessivePublicCount This class has a bunch of public methods and attributes 3 183697
CyclomaticComplexity The class 'Complex' has a total cyclomatic complexity of 293 (highest 25). 3 643697
CognitiveComplexity The method 'multiply(double, double, double, double)' has a cognitive complexity of 16, current threshold is 15 3 889953
CognitiveComplexity The method 'exp()' has a cognitive complexity of 18, current threshold is 15 3 12481298
CognitiveComplexity The method 'log(DoubleUnaryOperator, double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cognitive complexity of 20, current threshold is 15 3 13931472
CognitiveComplexity The method 'sqrt(double, double)' has a cognitive complexity of 32, current threshold is 15 3 15971688
CognitiveComplexity The method 'asin(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cognitive complexity of 84, current threshold is 15 3 18341950
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'asin(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 22. 3 18341950
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'acos(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 25. 3 20292143
CognitiveComplexity The method 'acos(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cognitive complexity of 92, current threshold is 15 3 20292143
NPathComplexity The method 'acos(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has an NPath complexity of 288, current threshold is 200 3 20292143
NPathComplexity The method 'tanh(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has an NPath complexity of 216, current threshold is 200 3 24592552
CognitiveComplexity The method 'tanh(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cognitive complexity of 21, current threshold is 15 3 24592552
CyclomaticComplexity The method 'atanh(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cyclomatic complexity of 23. 3 27322896
CognitiveComplexity The method 'atanh(double, double, ComplexConstructor)' has a cognitive complexity of 66, current threshold is 15 3 27322896

Suppressed Violations

Filename Rule message Suppression type Reason
org/apache/commons/numbers/complex/Complex.java A catch statement that catches an exception only to wrap it in a new instance of the same type of exception and throw it should be avoided annotation
org/apache/commons/numbers/complex/Complex.java A catch statement that catches an exception only to wrap it in a new instance of the same type of exception and throw it should be avoided annotation
org/apache/commons/numbers/complex/Complex.java Avoid really long classes. annotation
org/apache/commons/numbers/complex/Complex.java Field real has the same name as a method annotation
org/apache/commons/numbers/complex/Complex.java Avoid really long methods. annotation
org/apache/commons/numbers/complex/Complex.java Avoid really long methods. annotation
org/apache/commons/numbers/complex/Complex.java Avoid really long methods. annotation
org/apache/commons/numbers/complex/Complex.java Avoid really long methods. annotation
org/apache/commons/numbers/complex/Complex.java New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost annotation
org/apache/commons/numbers/complex/Complex.java New exception is thrown in catch block, original stack trace may be lost annotation