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Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
109 0 0 0 100% 6.038

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
org.apache.commons.numbers.core 109 0 0 0 100% 6.038

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
UserGuideTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.015
EpsilonDoubleEquivalenceTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.015
ArithmeticUtilsTest 28 0 0 0 100% 0.087
NormTest 19 0 0 0 100% 5.848
PrecisionTest 24 0 0 0 100% 0.049
SumTest 11 0 0 0 100% 0.017
ExtendedPrecisionTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.007

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


testNorm1 0.001
testSum1 0.001
testSum2 0.001
testPrecision1 0.002
testPrecision2 0
testPrecision3 0
testPrecision4 0.001
testPrecision5 0.001


testGte 0.001
testLte 0.001
testCompare_NaN 0.001
testEq 0.001
testGt 0.001
testLt 0.001
testCompare_simple 0.001
testCompare_compareToZero 0
testInvalidEpsilonValues 0.001
testCompare_infinity 0
testEqZero 0
testSignum 0
testCompare_compareNonZero 0


testGcdConsistency 0.003
testGcd 0.003
testLcm 0.001
testPow 0.001
testPowLongOverflow 0
testRemainderUnsignedLongSpecialCases 0.013
testRemainderUnsignedInt 0.001
testRemainderUnsignedIntSpecialCases 0.01
testRemainderUnsignedLong 0.001
testPowLong 0.001
testIsPowerOfTwo 0.004
testGcdLong 0.001
testPowNegativeLongOverflow 0.001
testLcmLong 0.001
testDivideUnsignedLong 0.001
testPowMinusOneLong 0.001
testDivideUnsignedLongSpecialCases 0.012
testPowNegativeInt 0.001
testPowMinusOneInt 0.001
testDivideUnsignedIntSpecialCases 0.008
testPowOneInt 0.001
testPowNegativeLong 0.001
testPowNegativeIntOverflow 0.002
testPowEdgeCases 0.002
testPowIntOverflow 0.001
testPowOneLong 0.001
testPowInt 0.001
testDivideUnsignedInt 0.001


testEuclidean_array_random 5.317
testEuclidean_array_scaled 0.003
testEuclidean_array_simple 0.002
testEuclidean_2d_random 0.199
testEuclidean_2d_scaled 0.001
testEuclidean_2d_simple 0.001
testMaximum_array 0.001
testEuclidean_2d_dominantValue 0.001
testEuclidean_3d_vsArray 0
testEuclidean_2d_vsArray 0.001
testEuclidean_2d_vsHypot 0.061
testMaximum_2d 0.001
testMaximum_3d 0.001
testEuclidean_3d_random 0.225
testEuclidean_3d_scaled 0.001
testEuclidean_3d_simple 0
testManhattan_2d 0
testManhattan_3d 0
testManhattan_array 0.001


testRepresentableDelta 0.003
testRoundDouble 0.002
testFloatEqualsWithImplicitAllowedUlpsOf1 0.003
testMath475Float 0.003
testEqualsWithImplicitAllowedUlpsOf1 0.002
testFloatEqualsWithAllowedDelta 0.001
testCompareToEpsilon 0.001
testFloatEqualsIncludingNaNWithAllowedDelta 0.001
testEqualsIncludingNaNWithAllowedDelta 0.003
testEqualsIncludingNaNWithAllowedUlps 0.001
testEqualsWithRelativeTolerance 0.001
testSortWithCompareTo 0.003
testFloatEqualsIncludingNaN 0.002
testFloatEqualsWithAllowedUlps 0.001
testMath475 0
testMath843 0.001
testEqualsWithAllowedUlps 0.001
testMath1127 0
testFloatEqualsIncludingNaNWithAllowedUlps 0.001
testSortWithCompareToMaxUlps 0.002
testEqualsWithAllowedDelta 0.001
testIssue721 0
testCompareToMaxUlps 0.001
testEqualsIncludingNaN 0.002


testSumOfProducts 0.001
testSumOfProducts_overflow 0.001
testMixedSingleTermAndProduct 0
testSumOfProducts_dimensionMismatch 0.001
testSum_simple 0.002
testSumAccuracy 0.002
testAdd_sumInstance 0.001
testSumOfProducts_huge 0.001
testUnityValuesInProduct 0.001
testSumOfProducts_nonFinite 0.001
testSumOfProducts_singleElement 0


testHighPartUnscaled 0.001
testSplitAssumptions 0.001
testSquareLowUnscaled 0.001
testProductLow 0.001
testIsNotNormal 0.001
testSubNormalSplit 0.001