Class L64X128StarStar

    • Field Detail

      • x0

        protected long x0
        State 0 of the XBG.
      • x1

        protected long x1
        State 1 of the XBG.
      • la

        protected long la
        Per-instance LCG additive parameter (must be odd). Cannot be final to support RestorableUniformRandomProvider.
      • ls

        protected long ls
        State of the LCG generator.
    • Constructor Detail

      • L64X128StarStar

        public L64X128StarStar​(long[] seed)
        Creates a new instance.
        seed - Initial seed. If the length is larger than 4, only the first 4 elements will be used; if smaller, the remaining elements will be automatically set. A seed containing all zeros in the last two elements will create a non-functional XBG sub-generator and a low quality output with a period of 264.

        The 1st element is used to set the LCG increment; the least significant bit is set to odd to ensure a full period LCG. The 2nd element is used to set the LCG state.

      • L64X128StarStar

        public L64X128StarStar​(long seed0,
                               long seed1,
                               long seed2,
                               long seed3)
        Creates a new instance using a 4 element seed. A seed containing all zeros in the last two elements will create a non-functional XBG sub-generator and a low quality output with a period of 264.

        The 1st element is used to set the LCG increment; the least significant bit is set to odd to ensure a full period LCG. The 2nd element is used to set the LCG state.

        seed0 - Initial seed element 0.
        seed1 - Initial seed element 1.
        seed2 - Initial seed element 2.
        seed3 - Initial seed element 3.