Class UrlFileName

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<FileName>, FileName

public class UrlFileName extends URLFileName
A URL FileName.
  • Constructor Details

    • UrlFileName

      public UrlFileName(String scheme, String hostName, int port, int defaultPort, String userName, String password, String path, FileType type, String queryString)
      The constructor.
      scheme - The scheme to use.
      hostName - The host name.
      port - The port.
      defaultPort - The default port.
      userName - The user's login id.
      password - The user's credentials.
      path - The file path.
      type - The file type.
      queryString - Parameters to use when locating or creating the file name.
  • Method Details

    • appendRootUri

      protected void appendRootUri(StringBuilder buffer, boolean addPassword)
      Description copied from class: GenericFileName
      Builds the root URI for this file name.
      appendRootUri in class GenericFileName
      buffer - A StringBuilder to use to construct the URI.
      addPassword - true if the password should be added, false otherwise.