Apache Commons logo Commons Proxy

Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
Commons Proxy Build Tools Provide common setup, from http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-checkstyle-plugin/examples/multi-module-config.html
Commons Proxy Core Java library for dynamic proxying
Commons Proxy JDK Proxies Module Interface-based proxies using the core JDK Proxy mechanism
Commons Proxy ASM Proxies Module Proxies based on classes dynamically generated using ASM v4+
Commons Proxy Javassist Proxies Module Proxies based on classes dynamically generated using Javassist
Commons Proxy CGLIB Proxies Module Proxies based on classes dynamically generated using cglib
Commons Proxy Test Tests things that depend on multiple modules
Apache Commons Proxy Distribution Creates the Apache Commons Proxy multimodule distribution.