Uses of Interface

Packages that use Graph
org.apache.commons.graph Main APIs that describe Graph data structure. 
org.apache.commons.graph.model In-memory based data-structures implementations. 
org.apache.commons.graph.spanning Minimum spanning tree (forest) algorithms implementation. 
org.apache.commons.graph.visit Visit algorithms implementation. 

Uses of Graph in org.apache.commons.graph

Subinterfaces of Graph in org.apache.commons.graph
 interface DirectedGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>>
          A DirectedGraph or digraph is an ordered pair D = ( V, E ) with V a set whose elements are called vertices or nodes, and E a set of ordered pairs of vertices, called arcs, directed edges, or arrows.
 interface MutableDirectedGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>>
          The MutableDirectedGraph is a directed graph that supports the addition and removal of Vertex and Edges.
 interface MutableGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>>
          The MutableGraph is a graph that supports the addition and removal of Vertex and Edges.
 interface UndirectedGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>>
          An UndirectedGraph is a graph in which edges have no orientation, i.e., they are not ordered pairs, but sets {u, v} (or 2-multisets) of vertices.
 interface WeightedGraph<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
          A graph is a WeightedGraph if a number (weight) is assigned to each edge.

Uses of Graph in org.apache.commons.graph.model

Classes in org.apache.commons.graph.model that implement Graph
 class BaseGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>>
          Basic abstract in-memory based of a simple read-only Graph implementation.
 class BaseMutableGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>>
          Basic abstract in-memory based of a simple mutable Graph implementation.
 class DirectedMutableGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>>
          A memory-based implementation of a mutable directed Graph.
 class DirectedMutableWeightedGraph<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
          A memory-based implementation of a mutable, directed weighted Graph.

Uses of Graph in org.apache.commons.graph.spanning

Methods in org.apache.commons.graph.spanning that return Graph
<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
Prim.minimumSpanningTree(WeightedGraph<V,WE> graph)
          Calculates the minimum spanning tree (or forest) of the input Graph.
<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
Kruskal.minimumSpanningTree(WeightedGraph<V,WE> graph)
          Calculates the minimum spanning tree (or forest) of the input Graph.
<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
Boruvka.minimumSpanningTree(WeightedGraph<V,WE> graph)
          Calculates the minimum spanning tree (or forest) of the input Graph.

Uses of Graph in org.apache.commons.graph.visit

Methods in org.apache.commons.graph.visit with parameters of type Graph
<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>>
Visit.breadthFirstSearch(Graph<V,E> graph, V source)
          Breadth-first search algorithm implementation.
<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>>
Visit.breadthFirstSearch(Graph<V,E> graph, V source, GraphVisitHandler<V,E> handler)
          Breadth-first search algorithm implementation.
<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>>
Visit.depthFirstSearch(Graph<V,E> graph, V source)
          Depth-first search algorithm implementation.
<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>>
Visit.depthFirstSearch(Graph<V,E> graph, V source, GraphVisitHandler<V,E> handler)
          Depth-first search algorithm implementation.
 void GraphVisitHandler.discoverGraph(Graph<V,E> graph)
          Description of the Method
 void BaseGraphVisitHandler.discoverGraph(Graph<V,E> graph)
          Description of the Method
 void GraphVisitHandler.finishGraph(Graph<V,E> graph)
          Description of the Method
 void BaseGraphVisitHandler.finishGraph(Graph<V,E> graph)
          Description of the Method

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