Uses of Interface

Packages that use WeightedEdge
org.apache.commons.graph Main APIs that describe Graph data structure. 
org.apache.commons.graph.model In-memory based data-structures implementations. 
org.apache.commons.graph.shortestpath Shortest Path algorithms implementations. 
org.apache.commons.graph.spanning Minimum spanning tree (forest) algorithms implementation. 

Uses of WeightedEdge in org.apache.commons.graph

Classes in org.apache.commons.graph with type parameters of type WeightedEdge
 interface WeightedGraph<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
          A graph is a WeightedGraph if a number (weight) is assigned to each edge.
 interface WeightedPath<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
          A Path where Edge are weighted.

Subinterfaces of WeightedEdge in org.apache.commons.graph
 interface LabeledWeightedEdge<V extends Vertex>
          A LabeledEdge with weight.

Uses of WeightedEdge in org.apache.commons.graph.model

Classes in org.apache.commons.graph.model with type parameters of type WeightedEdge
 class DirectedMutableWeightedGraph<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
          A memory-based implementation of a mutable, directed weighted Graph.
 class InMemoryPath<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
          Support WeightedPath implementation, optimized for algorithms (such Dijkstra's) that need to rebuild the path traversing the predecessor list bottom-up.

Uses of WeightedEdge in org.apache.commons.graph.shortestpath

Methods in org.apache.commons.graph.shortestpath with type parameters of type WeightedEdge
<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
Dijkstra.findShortestPath(WeightedGraph<V,WE> graph, V source, V target)
          Applies the classical Dijkstra algorithm to find the shortest path from the source to the target, if exists.

Uses of WeightedEdge in org.apache.commons.graph.spanning

Methods in org.apache.commons.graph.spanning with type parameters of type WeightedEdge
<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
Prim.minimumSpanningTree(WeightedGraph<V,WE> graph)
          Calculates the minimum spanning tree (or forest) of the input Graph.
<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
Kruskal.minimumSpanningTree(WeightedGraph<V,WE> graph)
          Calculates the minimum spanning tree (or forest) of the input Graph.
<V extends Vertex,WE extends WeightedEdge<V>>
Boruvka.minimumSpanningTree(WeightedGraph<V,WE> graph)
          Calculates the minimum spanning tree (or forest) of the input Graph.

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