Uses of Class

Packages that use OgnlException

Uses of OgnlException in org.apache.commons.ognl

Subclasses of OgnlException in org.apache.commons.ognl
 class ExpressionSyntaxException
          Exception thrown if a malformed OGNL expression is encountered.
 class InappropriateExpressionException
          Exception thrown if an OGNL expression is evaluated in the wrong context; the usual case is when an expression that does not end in a property reference is passed to setValue.
 class MethodFailedException
          Exception thrown if a method or constructor call fails.
 class NoSuchPropertyException
          Exception thrown if a property is attempted to be extracted from an object that does not have such a property.

Methods in org.apache.commons.ognl that throw OgnlException
<R,P> R
Node.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
          Supports the Visitor pattern.
<R,P> R
ASTVarRef.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTThisVarRef.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTStaticMethod.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTStaticField.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTSequence.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTRootVarRef.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTProperty.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTOr.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTMethod.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTList.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTInstanceof.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTCtor.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTConst.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTChain.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
<R,P> R
ASTAnd.accept(NodeVisitor<? extends R,? super P> visitor, P data)
static Object OgnlRuntime.callConstructor(OgnlContext context, String className, Object[] args)
 Object MethodAccessor.callMethod(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, String methodName, Object[] args)
          Calls the method named with the arguments given.
static Object OgnlRuntime.callMethod(OgnlContext context, Object target, String methodName, Object[] args)
          Invokes the specified method against the target object.
 Object MethodAccessor.callStaticMethod(Map<String,Object> context, Class<?> targetClass, String methodName, Object[] args)
          Calls the static method named with the arguments given on the class given.
static Object OgnlRuntime.callStaticMethod(OgnlContext context, String className, String methodName, Object[] args)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(boolean value, Class<T> toType)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(boolean value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(byte value, Class<T> toType)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(byte value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(char value, Class<T> toType)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(char value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(double value, Class<T> toType)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(double value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(float value, Class<T> toType)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(float value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(int value, Class<T> toType)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(int value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(long value, Class<T> toType)
<T> Object
OgnlOps.convertValue(long value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull)
protected  Object SimpleNode.evaluateGetValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  void SimpleNode.evaluateSetValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
static String OgnlRuntime.getChildSource(OgnlContext context, Object target, Node child)
          Attempts to get the java source string represented by the specific child expression via the JavaSource.toGetSourceString(OgnlContext, Object) interface method.
static String OgnlRuntime.getChildSource(OgnlContext context, Object target, Node child, boolean forceConversion)
          Attempts to get the java source string represented by the specific child expression via the JavaSource.toGetSourceString(OgnlContext, Object) interface method.
 Enumeration<?> ElementsAccessor.getElements(Object target)
          Returns an iterator over the elements of the given target object.
static ElementsAccessor OgnlRuntime.getElementsAccessor(Class<?> clazz)
 ElementsAccessor OgnlCache.getElementsAccessor(Class<?> clazz)
static Method OgnlRuntime.getGetMethod(OgnlContext unused, Class<?> targetClass, String propertyName)
static Object OgnlRuntime.getIndexedProperty(OgnlContext context, Object source, String name, Object index)
static int OgnlRuntime.getIndexedPropertyType(OgnlContext context, Class<?> sourceClass, String name)
          Determines the index property type, if any.
 int ASTProperty.getIndexedPropertyType(OgnlContext context, Object source)
          Returns true if this property is described by an IndexedPropertyDescriptor and that if followed by an index specifier it will call the index get/set methods rather than go through property accessors.
static MethodAccessor OgnlRuntime.getMethodAccessor(Class<?> clazz)
 MethodAccessor OgnlCache.getMethodAccessor(Class<?> clazz)
static Object OgnlRuntime.getMethodValue(OgnlContext context, Object target, String propertyName)
static Object OgnlRuntime.getMethodValue(OgnlContext context, Object target, String propertyName, boolean checkAccessAndExistence)
          If the checkAccessAndExistence flag is true this method will check to see if the method exists and if it is accessible according to the context's MemberAccess.
static NullHandler OgnlRuntime.getNullHandler(Class<?> clazz)
 NullHandler OgnlCache.getNullHandler(Class<?> clazz)
 Object ObjectPropertyAccessor.getPossibleProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, String name)
          Returns OgnlRuntime.NotFound if the property does not exist.
 Object SetPropertyAccessor.getProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name)
 Object PropertyAccessor.getProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name)
          Extracts and returns the property of the given name from the given target object.
 Object ObjectPropertyAccessor.getProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object oname)
 Object MapPropertyAccessor.getProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name)
 Object ListPropertyAccessor.getProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name)
 Object IteratorPropertyAccessor.getProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name)
 Object EnumerationPropertyAccessor.getProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name)
 Object ArrayPropertyAccessor.getProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name)
 Object ASTProperty.getProperty(OgnlContext context, Object source)
static Object OgnlRuntime.getProperty(OgnlContext context, Object source, Object name)
static PropertyAccessor OgnlRuntime.getPropertyAccessor(Class<?> clazz)
 PropertyAccessor OgnlCache.getPropertyAccessor(Class<?> clazz)
static PropertyDescriptor OgnlRuntime.getPropertyDescriptor(Class<?> targetClass, String propertyName)
          This method returns a PropertyDescriptor for the given class and property name using a Map lookup (using getPropertyDescriptorsMap()).
static PropertyDescriptor OgnlRuntime.getPropertyDescriptorFromArray(Class<?> targetClass, String name)
          Gets the property descriptor with the given name for the target class given.
static Map<String,PropertyDescriptor> OgnlRuntime.getPropertyDescriptors(Class<?> targetClass)
          This method returns the property descriptors for the given class as a Map.
static PropertyDescriptor[] OgnlRuntime.getPropertyDescriptorsArray(Class<?> targetClass)
static Method OgnlRuntime.getSetMethod(OgnlContext context, Class<?> targetClass, String propertyName)
static Object OgnlRuntime.getStaticField(OgnlContext context, String className, String fieldName)
<T> T
Ognl.getValue(ExpressionAccessor expression, OgnlContext context, Object root, Class<T> resultType)
          Gets the value represented by the given pre-compiled expression on the specified root object.
<T> T
Ognl.getValue(Object tree, Map<String,Object> context, Object root)
          Evaluates the given OGNL expression tree to extract a value from the given root object.
<T> T
Ognl.getValue(Object tree, Map<String,Object> context, Object root, Class<T> resultType)
          Evaluates the given OGNL expression tree to extract a value from the given root object.
<T> T
Ognl.getValue(Object tree, Object root)
          Evaluates the given OGNL expression tree to extract a value from the given root object.
<T> T
Ognl.getValue(Object tree, Object root, Class<T> resultType)
          Evaluates the given OGNL expression tree to extract a value from the given root object.
 Object SimpleNode.getValue(OgnlContext context, Object source)
 Object Node.getValue(OgnlContext context, Object source)
          Extracts the value from the given source object that is appropriate for this node within the given context.
<T> T
Ognl.getValue(String expression, Map<String,Object> context, Object root)
          Evaluates the given OGNL expression to extract a value from the given root object in a given context
<T> T
Ognl.getValue(String expression, Map<String,Object> context, Object root, Class<T> resultType)
          Evaluates the given OGNL expression to extract a value from the given root object in a given context
<T> T
Ognl.getValue(String expression, Object root)
          Convenience method that combines calls to parseExpression and getValue.
<T> T
Ognl.getValue(String expression, Object root, Class<T> resultType)
          Convenience method that combines calls to parseExpression and getValue.
protected abstract  Object SimpleNode.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
          Subclasses implement this method to do the actual work of extracting the appropriate value from the source object.
protected  Object ASTVarRef.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTThisVarRef.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTStaticMethod.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTStaticField.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTSequence.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTRootVarRef.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTProperty.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTOr.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTMethod.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTList.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTInstanceof.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTCtor.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTConst.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTChain.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
protected  Object ASTAnd.getValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object source)
static boolean OgnlRuntime.hasGetMethod(OgnlContext context, Object target, Class<?> targetClass, String propertyName)
 boolean ObjectPropertyAccessor.hasGetProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object oname)
static boolean OgnlRuntime.hasGetProperty(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object oname)
 boolean ObjectPropertyAccessor.hasGetProperty(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object oname)
static boolean OgnlRuntime.hasSetMethod(OgnlContext context, Object target, Class<?> targetClass, String propertyName)
 boolean ObjectPropertyAccessor.hasSetProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object oname)
static boolean OgnlRuntime.hasSetProperty(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object oname)
 boolean ObjectPropertyAccessor.hasSetProperty(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object oname)
static boolean v1, Object v2)
static boolean Ognl.isConstant(Object tree)
          Same as Ognl.isConstant(Object, java.util.Map) - only the Map context is created for you.
static boolean Ognl.isConstant(Object tree, Map<String,Object> context)
          Checks if the specified Node instance represents a constant expression.
 boolean SimpleNode.isConstant(OgnlContext context)
 boolean ExpressionNode.isConstant(OgnlContext context)
static boolean Ognl.isConstant(String expression)
          Same as Ognl.isConstant(String, java.util.Map) - only the Map instance is created for you.
static boolean Ognl.isConstant(String expression, Map<String,Object> context)
          Checks if the specified expression represents a constant expression.
 boolean SimpleNode.isEvalChain(OgnlContext context)
static boolean OgnlRuntime.isInstance(OgnlContext context, Object value, String className)
 boolean SimpleNode.isNodeConstant(OgnlContext context)
          Returns true iff this node is constant without respect to the children.
 boolean ExpressionNode.isNodeConstant(OgnlContext context)
          Returns true iff this node is constant without respect to the children.
 boolean ASTStaticField.isNodeConstant(OgnlContext context)
 boolean ASTConst.isNodeConstant(OgnlContext context)
 boolean SimpleNode.isNodeSimpleProperty(OgnlContext context)
 boolean ASTProperty.isNodeSimpleProperty(OgnlContext context)
static boolean Ognl.isSimpleNavigationChain(Object tree)
static boolean Ognl.isSimpleNavigationChain(Object tree, Map<String,Object> context)
 boolean SimpleNode.isSimpleNavigationChain(OgnlContext context)
 boolean ASTChain.isSimpleNavigationChain(OgnlContext context)
static boolean Ognl.isSimpleNavigationChain(String expression)
static boolean Ognl.isSimpleNavigationChain(String expression, Map<String,Object> context)
static boolean Ognl.isSimpleProperty(Object tree)
static boolean Ognl.isSimpleProperty(Object tree, Map<String,Object> context)
 boolean SimpleNode.isSimpleProperty(OgnlContext context)
static boolean Ognl.isSimpleProperty(String expression)
static boolean Ognl.isSimpleProperty(String expression, Map<String,Object> context)
static Object Ognl.parseExpression(String expression)
          Parses the given OGNL expression and returns a tree representation of the expression that can be used by Ognl static methods.
static boolean OgnlRuntime.setFieldValue(OgnlContext context, Object target, String propertyName, Object value)
static void OgnlRuntime.setIndexedProperty(OgnlContext context, Object source, String name, Object index, Object value)
static boolean OgnlRuntime.setMethodValue(OgnlContext context, Object target, String propertyName, Object value)
static boolean OgnlRuntime.setMethodValue(OgnlContext context, Object target, String propertyName, Object value, boolean checkAccessAndExistence)
 Object ObjectPropertyAccessor.setPossibleProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, String name, Object value)
          Returns OgnlRuntime.NotFound if the property does not exist.
 void PropertyAccessor.setProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name, Object value)
          Sets the value of the property of the given name in the given target object.
 void ObjectPropertyAccessor.setProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object oname, Object value)
 void MapPropertyAccessor.setProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name, Object value)
 void ListPropertyAccessor.setProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name, Object value)
 void IteratorPropertyAccessor.setProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name, Object value)
 void EnumerationPropertyAccessor.setProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name, Object value)
 void ArrayPropertyAccessor.setProperty(Map<String,Object> context, Object target, Object name, Object value)
static void OgnlRuntime.setProperty(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object name, Object value)
static void Ognl.setValue(Object tree, Map<String,Object> context, Object root, Object value)
          Evaluates the given OGNL expression tree to insert a value into the object graph rooted at the given root object.
static void Ognl.setValue(Object tree, Object root, Object value)
          Evaluates the given OGNL expression tree to insert a value into the object graph rooted at the given root object.
 void SimpleNode.setValue(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
 void Node.setValue(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
          Sets the given value in the given target as appropriate for this node within the given context.
static void Ognl.setValue(String expression, Map<String,Object> context, Object root, Object value)
          Evaluates the given OGNL expression to insert a value into the object graph rooted at the given root object given the context.
static void Ognl.setValue(String expression, Object root, Object value)
          Convenience method that combines calls to parseExpression and setValue.
protected  void SimpleNode.setValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
          Subclasses implement this method to do the actual work of setting the appropriate value in the target object.
protected  void ASTVarRef.setValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
protected  void ASTThisVarRef.setValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
protected  void ASTSequence.setValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
protected  void ASTRootVarRef.setValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
protected  void ASTProperty.setValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
protected  void ASTOr.setValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
protected  void ASTChain.setValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
protected  void ASTAnd.setValueBody(OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(boolean value, Class<?> toType)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(boolean value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(byte value, Class<?> toType)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(byte value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(char value, Class<?> toType)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(char value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(double value, Class<?> toType)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(double value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(float value, Class<?> toType)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(float value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(int value, Class<?> toType)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(int value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(long value, Class<?> toType)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(long value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(Object value, Class<?> toType)
static Object OgnlOps.toArray(Object value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNulls)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTAdd node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTAnd node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTAssign node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTBitAnd node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTBitNegate node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTBitOr node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTChain node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTConst node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTCtor node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTDivide node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTEq node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTEval node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTGreaterEq node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTGreater node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTIn node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTInstanceof node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTKeyValue node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTLessEq node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTLess node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTList node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTMap node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTMethod node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTMultiply node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTNegate node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTNotEq node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTNotIn node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTNot node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTOr node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTProject node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTProperty node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTRemainder node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTRootVarRef node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTSelectFirst node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTSelectLast node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTSelect node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTSequence node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTShiftLeft node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTShiftRight node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTStaticField node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTStaticMethod node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTSubtract node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTTest node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTThisVarRef node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTUnsignedShiftRight node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(ASTVarRef node, P data)
 R NodeVisitor.visit(org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTXor node, P data)

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