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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.1.2.


File Line
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/remote/http/server/AbstractRemoteCacheService.java 130
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/remote/server/RemoteCacheServer.java 459
            if ( puts % logInterval == 0 )
                log.info( "puts = " + puts );

        if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
            log.debug( "In update, put [" + item.getKey() + "] in [" + item.getCacheName() + "]" );

     * Returns a cache value from the specified remote cache; or null if the cache or key does not
     * exist.
     * <p>
     * @param cacheName
     * @param key
     * @return ICacheElement
     * @throws IOException
    public ICacheElement<K, V> get( String cacheName, K key )
        throws IOException
        return this.get( cacheName, key, 0 );

     * Returns a cache bean from the specified cache; or null if the key does not exist.
     * <p>
     * Adding the requestor id, allows the cache to determine the source of the get.
     * <p>
     * The internal processing is wrapped in event logging calls.
     * <p>
     * @param cacheName
     * @param key
     * @param requesterId
     * @return ICacheElement
     * @throws IOException
    public ICacheElement<K, V> get( String cacheName, K key, long requesterId )
        throws IOException
        ICacheElement<K, V> element = null;
        ICacheEvent<K> cacheEvent = createICacheEvent( cacheName, key, requesterId, ICacheEventLogger.GET_EVENT );
            element = processGet( cacheName, key, requesterId );
            logICacheEvent( cacheEvent );
        return element;
File Line
org/apache/commons/jcs/engine/memory/AbstractDoubleLinkedListMemoryCache.java 343
org/apache/commons/jcs/engine/memory/soft/SoftReferenceMemoryCache.java 147

     * Removes an item from the cache. This method handles hierarchical removal. If the key is a
     * String and ends with the CacheConstants.NAME_COMPONENT_DELIMITER, then all items with keys
     * starting with the argument String will be removed.
     * <p>
     * @param key
     * @return true if the removal was successful
     * @throws IOException
    public boolean remove(K key) throws IOException
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("removing item for key: " + key);

        boolean removed = false;

        // handle partial removal
        if (key instanceof String && ((String) key).endsWith(CacheConstants.NAME_COMPONENT_DELIMITER))
            // remove all keys of the same name hierarchy.
            for (Iterator<Map.Entry<K, MemoryElementDescriptor<K, V>>> itr = map.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
                Map.Entry<K, MemoryElementDescriptor<K, V>> entry = itr.next();
                K k = entry.getKey();

                if (k instanceof String && ((String) k).startsWith(key.toString()))
File Line
org/apache/commons/jcs/engine/memory/AbstractDoubleLinkedListMemoryCache.java 379
org/apache/commons/jcs/engine/memory/soft/SoftReferenceMemoryCache.java 184
                        removed = true;
        else if (key instanceof GroupAttrName && ((GroupAttrName<?>) key).attrName == null)
            // remove all keys of the same name hierarchy.
            for (Iterator<Map.Entry<K, MemoryElementDescriptor<K, V>>> itr = map.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
                Map.Entry<K, MemoryElementDescriptor<K, V>> entry = itr.next();
                K k = entry.getKey();

                if (k instanceof GroupAttrName && ((GroupAttrName<?>) k).groupId.equals(((GroupAttrName<?>) key).groupId))
File Line
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/lateral/socket/tcp/LateralTCPDiscoveryListener.java 237
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/lateral/socket/tcp/LateralTCPDiscoveryListener.java 295
    public void addDiscoveredService( DiscoveredService service )
        // get a cache and add it to the no waits
        // the add method should not add the same.
        // we need the listener port from the original config.
        ArrayList<String> regions = service.getCacheNames();
        String serverAndPort = service.getServiceAddress() + ":" + service.getServicePort();

        if ( regions != null )
            // for each region get the cache
            for (String cacheName : regions)
                AuxiliaryCache<?, ?> ic = cacheManager.getAuxiliaryCache(factoryName, cacheName);

                if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
                    log.debug( "Got cache, ic = " + ic );

                // add this to the nowaits for this cachename
                if ( ic != null )
                    AuxiliaryCacheAttributes aca = ic.getAuxiliaryCacheAttributes();
                    if (aca instanceof ITCPLateralCacheAttributes)
                        ITCPLateralCacheAttributes lca = (ITCPLateralCacheAttributes)aca;
                        if (lca.getTransmissionType() != LateralCacheAttributes.Type.TCP
                            || !serverAndPort.equals(lca.getTcpServer()) )
                            // skip caches not belonging to this service
File Line
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/lateral/LateralCacheNoWait.java 154
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/lateral/LateralCacheNoWaitFacade.java 234
        return null;

     * Gets multiple items from the cache based on the given set of keys.
     * <p>
     * @param keys
     * @return a map of K key to ICacheElement&lt;K, V&gt; element, or an empty map if there is no
     *         data in cache for any of these keys
    public Map<K, ICacheElement<K, V>> getMultiple(Set<K> keys)
        Map<K, ICacheElement<K, V>> elements = new HashMap<K, ICacheElement<K, V>>();

        if ( keys != null && !keys.isEmpty() )
            for (K key : keys)
                ICacheElement<K, V> element = get( key );

                if ( element != null )
                    elements.put( key, element );

        return elements;

     * Synchronously reads from the lateral cache.
     * <p>
     * @param pattern
     * @return ICacheElement&lt;K, V&gt; if found, else empty
    public Map<K, ICacheElement<K, V>> getMatching(String pattern)
File Line
org/apache/commons/jcs/engine/memory/AbstractDoubleLinkedListMemoryCache.java 546
org/apache/commons/jcs/utils/struct/AbstractLRUMap.java 470
                log.error("verifycache[" + getCacheName() + "]: map does not contain key : " + key);
                log.error("key class=" + key.getClass());
                log.error("key hashcode=" + key.hashCode());
                log.error("key toString=" + key.toString());
                if (key instanceof GroupAttrName)
                    GroupAttrName<?> name = (GroupAttrName<?>) key;
                    log.error("GroupID hashcode=" + name.groupId.hashCode());
                    log.error("GroupID.class=" + name.groupId.getClass());
                    log.error("AttrName hashcode=" + name.attrName.hashCode());
                    log.error("AttrName.class=" + name.attrName.getClass());
            else if (map.get(key) == null)
File Line
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/remote/http/server/AbstractRemoteCacheService.java 263
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/remote/server/RemoteCacheServer.java 747
    public Map<K, ICacheElement<K, V>> getMultiple( String cacheName, Set<K> keys )
        throws IOException
        return this.getMultiple( cacheName, keys, 0 );

     * Gets multiple items from the cache based on the given set of keys.
     * <p>
     * The internal processing is wrapped in event logging calls.
     * <p>
     * @param cacheName
     * @param keys
     * @param requesterId
     * @return a map of K key to ICacheElement&lt;K, V&gt; element, or an empty map if there is no
     *         data in cache for any of these keys
     * @throws IOException
    public Map<K, ICacheElement<K, V>> getMultiple( String cacheName, Set<K> keys, long requesterId )
        throws IOException
        ICacheEvent<Serializable> cacheEvent = createICacheEvent( cacheName, (Serializable) keys, requesterId,
                                                    ICacheEventLogger.GETMULTIPLE_EVENT );
            return processGetMultiple( cacheName, keys, requesterId );
            logICacheEvent( cacheEvent );
File Line
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/lateral/LateralCache.java 170
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/remote/AbstractRemoteAuxiliaryCache.java 313

     * Gets multiple items from the cache based on the given set of keys.
     * <p>
     * @param keys
     * @return a map of K key to ICacheElement&lt;K, V&gt; element, or an empty map if there is no
     *         data in cache for any of these keys
     * @throws IOException
    protected Map<K, ICacheElement<K, V>> processGetMultiple( Set<K> keys )
        throws IOException
        Map<K, ICacheElement<K, V>> elements = new HashMap<K, ICacheElement<K, V>>();

        if ( keys != null && !keys.isEmpty() )
            for (K key : keys)
                ICacheElement<K, V> element = get( key );

                if ( element != null )
                    elements.put( key, element );

        return elements;

     * Return the keys in this cache.
     * <p>
     * @see org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.AuxiliaryCache#getKeySet()
File Line
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/remote/http/server/AbstractRemoteCacheService.java 210
org/apache/commons/jcs/auxiliary/remote/server/RemoteCacheServer.java 624
    public Map<K, ICacheElement<K, V>> getMatching( String cacheName, String pattern )
        throws IOException
        return getMatching( cacheName, pattern, 0 );

     * Retrieves all matching keys.
     * <p>
     * @param cacheName
     * @param pattern
     * @param requesterId
     * @return Map of keys and wrapped objects
     * @throws IOException
    public Map<K, ICacheElement<K, V>> getMatching( String cacheName, String pattern, long requesterId )
        throws IOException
        ICacheEvent<String> cacheEvent = createICacheEvent( cacheName, pattern, requesterId,
                                                    ICacheEventLogger.GETMATCHING_EVENT );
            return processGetMatching( cacheName, pattern, requesterId );
            logICacheEvent( cacheEvent );
File Line
org/apache/commons/jcs/engine/memory/AbstractDoubleLinkedListMemoryCache.java 390
org/apache/commons/jcs/engine/memory/lru/LHMLRUMemoryCache.java 166
org/apache/commons/jcs/engine/memory/soft/SoftReferenceMemoryCache.java 195
        else if (key instanceof GroupAttrName && ((GroupAttrName<?>) key).attrName == null)
            // remove all keys of the same name hierarchy.
            for (Iterator<Map.Entry<K, MemoryElementDescriptor<K, V>>> itr = map.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
                Map.Entry<K, MemoryElementDescriptor<K, V>> entry = itr.next();
                K k = entry.getKey();

                if (k instanceof GroupAttrName && ((GroupAttrName<?>) k).groupId.equals(((GroupAttrName<?>) key).groupId))