Uses of Class

Packages that use Step
org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.axes Implementations of EvalContext used for different XPath axes (child::, parent:: etc). 
org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler XPath parse tree. 

Uses of Step in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.axes

Methods in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.axes with parameters of type Step
static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.interpretSimpleLocationPath(EvalContext context, NodePointer root, Step[] steps)
          Interpret a simple path that starts with the given root and follows the given steps.
static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.interpretSimpleExpressionPath(EvalContext context, NodePointer root, Expression[] predicates, Step[] steps)
          Interpret the steps of a simple expression path that starts with the given root, which is the result of evaluation of the root expression of the expression path, applies the given predicates to it and then follows the given steps.
private static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.doStep(EvalContext context, NodePointer parent, Step[] steps, int currentStep)
          Recursive evaluation of a path.
private static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.doStepNoPredicatesPropertyOwner(EvalContext context, PropertyOwnerPointer parentPointer, Step[] steps, int currentStep)
          We have a step that starts with a property owner (bean, map, etc) and has no predicates.
private static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.doStepNoPredicatesStandard(EvalContext context, NodePointer parentPointer, Step[] steps, int currentStep)
          A path that starts with a standard InfoSet node (e.g.
private static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.doStepPredicatesPropertyOwner(EvalContext context, PropertyOwnerPointer parentPointer, Step[] steps, int currentStep)
          A path that starts with a property owner.
private static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.createChildPointerForStep(PropertyOwnerPointer parentPointer, Step step)
private static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.doStepPredicatesStandard(EvalContext context, NodePointer parent, Step[] steps, int currentStep)
          A path that starts with a standard InfoSet node, e.g.
private static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.doPredicate(EvalContext context, NodePointer parent, Step[] steps, int currentStep, Expression[] predicates, int currentPredicate)
          Evaluates predicates and proceeds with the subsequent steps of the path.
private static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.doPredicateName(EvalContext context, NodePointer parent, Step[] steps, int currentStep, Expression[] predicates, int currentPredicate)
private static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.doPredicatesStandard(EvalContext context, java.util.List parents, Step[] steps, int currentStep, Expression[] predicates, int currentPredicate)
          Called exclusively for standard InfoSet nodes, e.g.
private static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.doPredicateIndex(EvalContext context, NodePointer parent, Step[] steps, int currentStep, Expression[] predicates, int currentPredicate)
          Evaluate a subscript predicate: see if the node is a collection and if the index is inside the collection
static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.createNullPointer(EvalContext context, NodePointer parent, Step[] steps, int currentStep)
          Creates a "null pointer" that a) represents the requested path and b) can be used for creation of missing nodes in the path.
private static NodePointer SimplePathInterpreter.createNullPointerForPredicates(EvalContext context, NodePointer parent, Step[] steps, int currentStep, Expression[] predicates, int currentPredicate)
          Creates a "null pointer" that starts with predicates.
private static NodeIterator SimplePathInterpreter.getNodeIterator(EvalContext context, NodePointer pointer, Step step)

Uses of Step in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler

Fields in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler declared as Step
private  Step[] Path.steps

Methods in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler that return Step
private  Step[] TreeCompiler.toStepArray(java.lang.Object[] array)
 Step[] Path.getSteps()

Methods in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler with parameters of type Step
protected  boolean Path.isSimpleStep(Step step)
          A Step is "simple" if it takes one of these forms: ".", "/foo", "@bar", "/foo[3]".

Constructors in org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler with parameters of type Step
Path(Step[] steps)
LocationPath(boolean absolute, Step[] steps)
ExpressionPath(Expression expression, Expression[] predicates, Step[] steps)