Ant Tasks
Commons VFS includes several Ant tasks that can be used
to create, delete, copy and move files of any supported type.
The tasks are:
Copies a set of source folders and files to a destination
Deletes a file or folder.
Creates a folder.
Moves a set of source folders and files to a destination
Synchronises a destination folder with a set of source
folder and files.
All file name attributes support relative and absolute local
file names, and
absolute URI
File names are interpreted relative to the Ant project's base
Using the Tasks
To use the Ant tasks, copy commons-vfs.jar and its
dependencies into the
and use the following in your Ant script to define the tasks:
<taskdef resource="org/apache/commons/vfs2/tasks/"/>
Alternatively, you can provide an explicit classpath when
you define the tasks:
<taskdef resource="org/apache/commons/vfs2/tasks/">
<classpath> ... </classpath>
You can also use antlib:
Notice: VFS tasks registered that way do not have te "v-" prefix.
If you migrate to antlib simply replace "v-" by e.g. "vfs:" or whatever
namespace you use.
<project ... xmlns:vfs="antlib:org.apache.commons.vfs2.tasks">
<target name="dosomething">
<vfs:copy .../>
Copies a set of files to a destination folder. Does not copy
source files where the destination file exists and is newer than
the source file. The copy task takes the following attributes:
Name |
Description |
Required |
destdir |
The destination folder. This folder is created if it
does not exist. |
One only |
destfile |
The destination file. Can only be used if there is a
single source file. |
srcdir |
The source folder. If used the includes and destdir
attributes should be specified. |
No |
includes |
A comma or space separated list of files. The files
are resolved in combination with the specified
srcdir attribute. |
Only if srcdir is specified. |
overwrite |
Always copy files, ignoring the last-modified time of
the destination file. |
No, default is
preservelastmodified |
Set the last-modified time of destination files to
the same value as the source files. May not be supported
by the destination file system. |
No, default is
srcdirisbase |
Set whether the source directory should be used as base directory.
If set to true, the subdirectories of the specified directories will be copied as well. |
No, default is
src |
A source file or folder to copy. Copies all descendants
of a folder. |
No |
Nested Elements
Defines a source file or folder to copy. It takes the
following attributes:
Name |
Description |
Required |
file |
The source file. |
Yes |
Moves a set of files to a destination folder. Has the same
attributes and elements as the copy task and following attributes:
Name |
Description |
Required |
tryRename |
The destination folder. This folder is created if it
does not exist. |
No, default is
Synchronises a destination folder with a set of source files.
Has the same attributes and elements as the copy task.
Deletes a file or folder. It takes the following attributes:
Name |
Description |
Required |
file |
The file or folder to delete. All descendants of
the folder are deleted. |
One only |
srcdir |
The source folder. If used the includes attribute
should be specified. |
includes |
A comma or space separated list of files. The files
are resolved in combination with the specified
srcdir attribute. |
Only if srcdir is specified. |
Creates a folder. It takes the following attributes:
Name |
Description |
Required |
dir |
The folder create. |
Yes |