Package org.apache.commons.vfs2.impl
package org.apache.commons.vfs2.impl
The standard VFS implementation.
ClassesClassDescriptionBase class to build a FileObject decoration.The default file content information.A polling
implementation.A simple file replicator and temporary file store.Default options usable for all file systems.The default file system manager implementation.Same asProviderConfiguration
but for the default provider.The FileContentInfoFilenameFactory.A file replicator that wraps another file replicator, performing the replication as a privileged action.This class describes the configuration for a provider.AFileSystemManager
that configures itself from an XML (Default: providers.xml) configuration file.This decorator synchronizes all access to the FileObject.A class loader that can load classes and resources from a search path.A simple file name to hold the scheme for to be created virtual file system.A virtual file system provider.A logical file system, made up of set of junctions, or links, to files from other file systems.