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The commons-build:download-page goal generates a custom Download page for the latest release of a component. Execute the goal using the following command:

mvn commons-build:download-page

The above command generates an xdoc page named download_componentid.xml in either the xdocs or src/site/xdoc directory (depending on which exists), which should be checked into subversion. This will cause a download_componentid.html page to be generated when the mvn site is run. Remember to add a Download link to download_componentid.cgi to the maven site.xml.

Note: The Download page should only need to be re-generated after a new release of the component or if the download page template changes.

This goal uses the following:


To generate a Download page, the following properties are configured in the component's pom.xml

  • commons.componentid - Commons component id
  • commons.release.version - The version number of the latest release of the component
  • commons.release.name - (optional - defaults to ${commons.release.name}) The name of the latest release of the component
  • commons.release.desc - (optional) The download links are shown in a section with the component name and release version - if this parameter is specified then this text is appended
  • commons.binary.suffix - (optional - defaults to -bin) The suffix for the binary release (some components use "-bin", others have no suffix)
  • commons.release.subdir - The subdirectory to use. This defaults to using separate source/binaries folders; it set it will be used as the directory for both.

Example configuration for Commons Text:


Sometimes there is a requirement to list two versions on the download page. This can be achieved using the following properties:

  • commons.release.2.version - The version number of the alternative release of the component
  • commons.release.2.name - (optional - defaults to ${commons.release.2.name}) The name of the alternative release of the component
  • commons.release.2.desc - (optional) Additional text to append to the section name of the alternative release
  • commons.release.2.binary.suffix - (optional - defaults to -bin) The suffix for the alternative binary release (some components use "-bin", others have no suffix)
  • commons.release.2.subdir - The subdirectory to use. This defaults to using separate source/binaries folders; it set it will be used as the directory for both.

You can have a third version on the download page. This can be achieved using the following properties:

  • commons.release.3.version - The version number of the alternative release of the component
  • commons.release.3.name - (optional - defaults to ${commons.release.3.name}) The name of the alternative release of the component
  • commons.release.3.desc - (optional) Additional text to append to the section name of the alternative release
  • commons.release.3.binary.suffix - (optional - defaults to -bin) The suffix for the alternative binary release (some components use "-bin", others have no suffix)
  • commons.release.3.subdir - The subdirectory to use. This defaults to using separate source/binaries folders; it set it will be used as the directory for both.

You can have a fourth version on the download page. This can be achieved using the following properties:

  • commons.release.4.version - The version number of the alternative release of the component
  • commons.release.4.name - (optional - defaults to ${commons.release.4.name}) The name of the alternative release of the component
  • commons.release.4.desc - (optional) Additional text to append to the section name of the alternative release
  • commons.release.4.binary.suffix - (optional - defaults to -bin) The suffix for the alternative binary release (some components use "-bin", others have no suffix)
  • commons.release.4.subdir - The subdirectory to use. This defaults to using separate source/binaries folders; it set it will be used as the directory for both.

Example configuration for Commons DBCP with two releases:

        <commons.release.desc>for JDBC 4 (JDK 1.6)</commons.release.desc>
        <commons.release.2.desc> for JDBC 3 (JDK 1.4-1.5)</commons.release.2.desc>

The above configuration generates a download page for two releases shown below:

Download Page with two release versions