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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 7.3.0.


File Line
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/IntStatistics.java 544
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/LongStatistics.java 522
stat = Statistics.getResultAsIntOrNull(min);
        case PRODUCT:
            stat = Statistics.getResultAsDoubleOrNull(product);
        case SKEWNESS:
            stat = getSkewness();
            stat = getStandardDeviation();
        case SUM:
            stat = Statistics.getResultAsBigIntegerOrNull(sum);
        case SUM_OF_LOGS:
            stat = Statistics.getResultAsDoubleOrNull(sumOfLogs);
        case SUM_OF_SQUARES:
            stat = Statistics.getResultAsBigIntegerOrNull(sumOfSquares);
        case VARIANCE:
            stat = getVariance();
        if (stat != null) {
            return stat;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNSUPPORTED_STATISTIC + statistic);

     * Gets the geometric mean.
     * @return a geometric mean supplier (or null if unsupported)
    private StatisticResult getGeometricMean() {
        if (sumOfLogs != null) {
            // Return a function that has access to the count and sumOfLogs
            return () -> GeometricMean.computeGeometricMean(count, sumOfLogs);
        return null;

     * Gets the kurtosis.
     * @return a kurtosis supplier (or null if unsupported)
    private StatisticResult getKurtosis() {
        if (moment instanceof SumOfFourthDeviations) {
            return new Kurtosis((SumOfFourthDeviations) moment)
        return null;

     * Gets the mean.
     * @return a mean supplier (or null if unsupported)
    private StatisticResult getMean() {
        if (sum != null) {
            // Return a function that has access to the count and sum
            final Int128 s = sum.getSum();
            return () -> IntMean.computeMean(s, count);
File Line
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/DoubleStatistics.java 624
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/IntStatistics.java 681
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/LongStatistics.java 659
public DoubleStatistics combine(DoubleStatistics other) {
        // Check compatibility
        Statistics.checkCombineCompatible(min, other.min);
        Statistics.checkCombineCompatible(max, other.max);
        Statistics.checkCombineCompatible(sum, other.sum);
        Statistics.checkCombineCompatible(product, other.product);
        Statistics.checkCombineCompatible(sumOfSquares, other.sumOfSquares);
        Statistics.checkCombineCompatible(sumOfLogs, other.sumOfLogs);
        Statistics.checkCombineAssignable(moment, other.moment);
        // Combine
        count += other.count;
        Statistics.combine(min, other.min);
        Statistics.combine(max, other.max);
        Statistics.combine(sum, other.sum);
        Statistics.combine(product, other.product);
        Statistics.combine(sumOfSquares, other.sumOfSquares);
        Statistics.combine(sumOfLogs, other.sumOfLogs);
        Statistics.combineMoment(moment, other.moment);
        return this;

     * Sets the statistics configuration.
     * <p>These options only control the final computation of statistics. The configuration
     * will not affect compatibility between instances during a
     * {@link #combine(DoubleStatistics) combine} operation.
     * <p>Note: These options will affect any future computation of statistics. Supplier functions
     * that have been previously created will not be updated with the new configuration.
     * @param v Value.
     * @return {@code this} instance
     * @throws NullPointerException if the value is null
     * @see #getResult(Statistic)
    public DoubleStatistics setConfiguration(StatisticsConfiguration v) {
File Line
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/IntStatistics.java 377
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/LongStatistics.java 377
public void accept(int value) {

     * Return the count of values recorded.
     * @return the count of values
    public long getCount() {
        return count;

     * Check if the specified {@code statistic} is supported.
     * <p>Note: This method will not return {@code false} if the argument is {@code null}.
     * @param statistic Statistic.
     * @return {@code true} if supported
     * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code statistic} is {@code null}
     * @see #getResult(Statistic)
    public boolean isSupported(Statistic statistic) {
        // Check for the appropriate underlying implementation
        switch (statistic) {
        case GEOMETRIC_MEAN:
        case SUM_OF_LOGS:
            return sumOfLogs != null;
        case KURTOSIS:
            return moment instanceof SumOfFourthDeviations;
        case MAX:
            return max != null;
        case MIN:
            return min != null;
        case PRODUCT:
            return product != null;
        case SKEWNESS:
            return moment instanceof SumOfCubedDeviations;
        case VARIANCE:
            return sum != null && sumOfSquares != null;
        case MEAN:
        case SUM:
            return sum != null;
        case SUM_OF_SQUARES:
            return sumOfSquares != null;
            return false;

     * Gets the value of the specified {@code statistic} as a {@code double}.
     * @param statistic Statistic.
     * @return the value
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code statistic} is not supported
     * @see #isSupported(Statistic)
     * @see #getResult(Statistic)
    public double getAsDouble(Statistic statistic) {
        return getResult(statistic).getAsDouble();

     * Gets the value of the specified {@code statistic} as an {@code int}.
     * <p>Use this method to access the {@code int} result for exact integer statistics,
     * for example {@link Statistic#MIN}.
     * <p>Note: This method may throw an {@link ArithmeticException} if the result
     * overflows an {@code int}.
     * @param statistic Statistic.
     * @return the value
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code statistic} is not supported
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the {@code result} overflows an {@code int} or is not
     * finite
     * @see #isSupported(Statistic)
     * @see #getResult(Statistic)
    public int getAsInt(Statistic statistic) {
File Line
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/Median.java 149
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/Median.java 190
final double t = x[0];
                    x[0] = x[1];
                    x[1] = t;
                return Interpolation.mean(x[0], x[1]);
            case 1:
                return x[0];
                return Double.NaN;
        // Median index
        final int m = n >>> 1;
        // Odd
        if ((n & 0x1) == 1) {
            Selection.select(x, 0, n, m);
            return x[m];
        // Even: require (m-1, m)
        Selection.select(x, 0, n, new int[] {m - 1, m});
        return Interpolation.mean(x[m - 1], x[m]);
File Line
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/IntStandardDeviation.java 122
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/IntVariance.java 124
final IntStandardDeviation stat = new IntStandardDeviation();
            for (final int x : values) {
            return stat;

        // Arrays can be processed using specialised counts knowing the maximum limit
        // for an array is 2^31 values.
        long s = 0;
        final UInt96 ss = UInt96.create();
        // Process pairs as we know two maximum value int^2 will not overflow
        // an unsigned long.
        final int end = values.length & ~0x1;
        for (int i = 0; i < end; i += 2) {
            final long x = values[i];
            final long y = values[i + 1];
            s += x + y;
            ss.addPositive(x * x + y * y);
        if (end < values.length) {
            final long x = values[end];
            s += x;
            ss.addPositive(x * x);

        // Convert
        return new IntStandardDeviation(UInt128.of(ss), Int128.of(s), values.length);
File Line
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/DoubleStatistics.java 315
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/IntStatistics.java 302
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/LongStatistics.java 302
public static DoubleStatistics of(Set<Statistic> statistics, double... values) {
        if (statistics.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(NO_CONFIGURED_STATISTICS);
        final Builder b = new Builder();
        return b.build(values);

     * Returns a new builder configured to create instances to compute the specified
     * {@code statistics}.
     * <p>Use this method to create an instance populated with an array of {@code double[]}
     * data using the {@link Builder#build(double...)} method:
     * <pre>
     * double[] data = ...
     * DoubleStatistics stats = DoubleStatistics.builder(
     *     Statistic.MIN, Statistic.MAX, Statistic.VARIANCE)
     *     .build(data);
     * </pre>
     * <p>The builder can be used to create multiple instances of {@link DoubleStatistics}
     * to be used in parallel, or on separate arrays of {@code double[]} data. These may
     * be {@link #combine(DoubleStatistics) combined}. For example:
     * <pre>
     * double[][] data = ...
     * DoubleStatistics.Builder builder = DoubleStatistics.builder(
     *     Statistic.MIN, Statistic.MAX, Statistic.VARIANCE);
     * DoubleStatistics stats = Arrays.stream(data)
     *     .parallel()
     *     .map(builder::build)
     *     .reduce(DoubleStatistics::combine)
     *     .get();
     * </pre>
     * <p>The builder can be used to create a {@link java.util.stream.Collector} for repeat
     * use on multiple data:
     * <pre>{@code
     * DoubleStatistics.Builder builder = DoubleStatistics.builder(
     *     Statistic.MIN, Statistic.MAX, Statistic.VARIANCE);
     * Collector<double[], DoubleStatistics, DoubleStatistics> collector =
     *     Collector.of(builder::build,
     *                  (s, d) -> s.combine(builder.build(d)),
     *                  DoubleStatistics::combine);
     * // Repeated
     * double[][] data = ...
     * DoubleStatistics stats = Arrays.stream(data).collect(collector);
     * }</pre>
     * @param statistics Statistics to compute.
     * @return the builder
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are no {@code statistics} to compute.
    public static Builder builder(Statistic... statistics) {
        if (statistics.length == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(NO_CONFIGURED_STATISTICS);
        final Builder b = new Builder();
        for (final Statistic s : statistics) {
        return b;

     * Updates the state of the statistics to reflect the addition of {@code value}.
     * @param value Value.
    public void accept(double value) {
File Line
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/IntStatistics.java 611
org/apache/commons/statistics/descriptive/LongStatistics.java 589
return () -> IntMean.computeMean(s, count);
        return null;

     * Gets the skewness.
     * @return a skewness supplier (or null if unsupported)
    private StatisticResult getSkewness() {
        if (moment instanceof SumOfCubedDeviations) {
            return new Skewness((SumOfCubedDeviations) moment)
        return null;

     * Gets the standard deviation.
     * @return a standard deviation supplier (or null if unsupported)
    private StatisticResult getStandardDeviation() {
        return getVarianceOrStd(true);

     * Gets the variance.
     * @return a variance supplier (or null if unsupported)
    private StatisticResult getVariance() {
        return getVarianceOrStd(false);

     * Gets the variance or standard deviation.
     * @param std Flag to control if the statistic is the standard deviation.
     * @return a variance/standard deviation supplier (or null if unsupported)
    private StatisticResult getVarianceOrStd(boolean std) {
        if (sum != null && sumOfSquares != null) {
            // Return a function that has access to the count, sum and sum of squares
            final Int128 s = sum.getSum();
            final UInt128 ss = sumOfSquares.getSumOfSquares();