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Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Needs Work 3 TODO, FIXME, XXX
Noteable Markers 10 NOTE, NOPMD, NOSONAR

Each tag is detailed below:

Needs Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 3

org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtilsTest Line
I think this should hold, needs further investigation String unescapedFromEntity = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4("𝍢"); assertEquals("High Unicode should have been unescaped", original, unescapedFromEntity); 249
refine API for escaping/unescaping specific HTML versions 266
org.apache.commons.text.lookup.ConstantStringLookup Line
it would be nice to log 129

Noteable Markers

Number of occurrences found in the code: 10

org.apache.commons.text.ExtendedMessageFormat Line
--No comment-- 482
org.apache.commons.text.ExtendedMessageFormatTest Line
FAILING - currently sub-formats not supported 134
FAILING - currently sub-formats not supported 151
org.apache.commons.text.diff.StringsComparator Line
--No comment-- 268
--No comment-- 292
org.apache.commons.text.numbers.DoubleFormatTest Line
Perform the string comparison only on non-format characters. This is required because JDK 16 adds directionality characters to strings for certain locales, such as Arabic, whereas previous JDKs do not. We will match the behavior of the previous versions here and ignore formatting for test purposes. 37
org.apache.commons.text.similarity.LevenshteinDetailedDistance Line
--No comment-- 105
--No comment-- 115
--No comment-- 177
org.apache.commons.text.similarity.LevenshteinDistance Line
--No comment-- 77