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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.36.0.


File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http4/Http4FileSystemConfigBuilder.java Apache Commons VFS 438
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http5/Http5FileSystemConfigBuilder.java Apache Commons VFS 471
setConnectionTimeout(opts, Duration.ofMillis(connectionTimeout));

     * The cookies to add to the request.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param cookies An array of Cookies.
    public void setCookies(final FileSystemOptions opts, final Cookie[] cookies) {
        setParam(opts, "cookies", cookies);

     * Sets whether to follow redirects for the connection.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param redirect {@code true} to follow redirects, {@code false} not to.
     * @see #setFollowRedirect
    public void setFollowRedirect(final FileSystemOptions opts, final boolean redirect) {
        setParam(opts, KEY_FOLLOW_REDIRECT, redirect);

     * Sets if the hostname should be verified in SSL context.
     * @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
     * @param hostnameVerificationEnabled whether hostname should be verified
    public void setHostnameVerificationEnabled(final FileSystemOptions opts, final boolean hostnameVerificationEnabled) {
        setParam(opts, HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION_ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf(hostnameVerificationEnabled));

     * Sets if the FileSystemOptions indicate that HTTP Keep-Alive is respected.
     * @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
     * @param keepAlive whether the FileSystemOptions indicate that HTTP Keep-Alive is respected or not.
    public void setKeepAlive(final FileSystemOptions opts, final boolean keepAlive) {
        setParam(opts, KEEP_ALIVE, Boolean.valueOf(keepAlive));

     * Set keystore file path for SSL connections.
     * @param opts the file system options to modify
     * @param keyStoreFile keystore file path
    public void setKeyStoreFile(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String keyStoreFile) {
        setParam(opts, KEYSTORE_FILE, keyStoreFile);

     * Set keystore pass phrase for SSL connecdtions.
     * @param opts the file system options to modify
     * @param keyStorePass keystore pass phrase for SSL connecdtions
    public void setKeyStorePass(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String keyStorePass) {
        setParam(opts, KEYSTORE_PASS, keyStorePass);

     * Set keystore type for SSL connections.
     * @param opts the file system options to modify
     * @param keyStoreType keystore type for SSL connections
     * @since 2.7.0
    public void setKeyStoreType(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String keyStoreType) {
        setParam(opts, KEYSTORE_TYPE, keyStoreType);

     * Sets the maximum number of connections allowed to any host.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param maxHostConnections The maximum number of connections to a host.
    public void setMaxConnectionsPerHost(final FileSystemOptions opts, final int maxHostConnections) {
        setParam(opts, MAX_HOST_CONNECTIONS, Integer.valueOf(maxHostConnections));

     * Sets the maximum number of connections allowed.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param maxTotalConnections The maximum number of connections.
    public void setMaxTotalConnections(final FileSystemOptions opts, final int maxTotalConnections) {
        setParam(opts, MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, Integer.valueOf(maxTotalConnections));

     * Sets the given value for preemptive HTTP authentication (using BASIC) on the given FileSystemOptions object.
     * Defaults to false if not set. It may be appropriate to set to true in cases when the resulting chattiness of the
     * conversation outweighs any architectural desire to use a stronger authentication scheme than basic/preemptive.
     * @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
     * @param preemptiveAuth the desired setting; true=enabled and false=disabled.
    public void setPreemptiveAuth(final FileSystemOptions opts, final boolean preemptiveAuth) {
        setParam(opts, KEY_PREEMPTIVE_AUTHENTICATION, Boolean.valueOf(preemptiveAuth));

     * Sets the proxy authenticator where the system should get the credentials from.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param authenticator The UserAuthenticator.
    public void setProxyAuthenticator(final FileSystemOptions opts, final UserAuthenticator authenticator) {
        setParam(opts, "proxyAuthenticator", authenticator);

     * Sets the proxy to use for http connection.
     * <p>
     * You have to set the ProxyPort too if you would like to have the proxy really used.
     * </p>
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param proxyHost the host
     * @see #setProxyPort
    public void setProxyHost(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String proxyHost) {
        setParam(opts, "proxyHost", proxyHost);

     * Sets the proxy-port to use for http connection. You have to set the ProxyHost too if you would like to have the
     * proxy really used.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param proxyPort the port
     * @see #setProxyHost
    public void setProxyPort(final FileSystemOptions opts, final int proxyPort) {
        setParam(opts, "proxyPort", Integer.valueOf(proxyPort));

     * Sets the proxy-scheme to use for http connection. You have to set the ProxyHost too if you would like to have the
     * proxy really used.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param proxyScheme the protocol scheme
     * @see #setProxyHost
     * @since 2.7.0
    public void setProxyScheme(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String proxyScheme) {
        setParam(opts, PROXY_SCHEME, proxyScheme);
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http4/Http4RandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 66
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http5/Http5RandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 66
final int status = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

        if (status != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PARTIAL && status != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider.http/get-range.error", fileObject.getName(),
                    Long.valueOf(filePointer), Integer.valueOf(status));

        monitorInputStream = new MonitoredHttpResponseContentInputStream(httpResponse);

        // If the range request was ignored
        if (status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            final long skipped = monitorInputStream.skip(filePointer);
            if (skipped != filePointer) {
                throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider.http/get-range.error", fileObject.getName(),
                        Long.valueOf(filePointer), Integer.valueOf(status));

        dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(new FilterInputStream(monitorInputStream) {
            public int read() throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read();
                if (ret > -1) {
                return ret;

            public int read(final byte[] b) throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read(b);
                if (ret > -1) {
                    filePointer += ret;
                return ret;

            public int read(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read(b, off, len);
                if (ret > -1) {
                    filePointer += ret;
                return ret;

        return dataInputStream;

    public long getFilePointer() throws IOException {
        return filePointer;

    public long length() throws IOException {
        return fileObject.getContent().getSize();

    public void seek(final long pos) throws IOException {
        if (pos == filePointer) {
            // no change

        if (pos < 0) {
            throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider/random-access-invalid-position.error", Long.valueOf(pos));

        if (dataInputStream != null) {

        filePointer = pos;
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http/HttpRandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 74
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http4/Http4RandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 73
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http5/Http5RandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 73
monitorInputStream = new HttpFileObject.HttpInputStream(getMethod);
        // If the range request was ignored
        if (status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            final long skipped = monitorInputStream.skip(filePointer);
            if (skipped != filePointer) {
                throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider.http/get-range.error", fileObject.getName(),
                        Long.valueOf(filePointer), Integer.valueOf(status));
        dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(new FilterInputStream(monitorInputStream) {
            public int read() throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read();
                if (ret > -1) {
                return ret;

            public int read(final byte[] b) throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read(b);
                if (ret > -1) {
                    filePointer += ret;
                return ret;

            public int read(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read(b, off, len);
                if (ret > -1) {
                    filePointer += ret;
                return ret;

        return dataInputStream;

    public long getFilePointer() throws IOException {
        return filePointer;

    public long length() throws IOException {
        return fileObject.getContent().getSize();

    public void seek(final long pos) throws IOException {
        if (pos == filePointer) {
            // no change

        if (pos < 0) {
            throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider/random-access-invalid-position.error", Long.valueOf(pos));
        if (dataInputStream != null) {

        filePointer = pos;
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http4/Http4FileProvider.java Apache Commons VFS 303
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http5/Http5FileProvider.java Apache Commons VFS 299
protected SSLContext createSSLContext(final Http4FileSystemConfigBuilder builder,
            final FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions) throws FileSystemException {
        try {
            final SSLContextBuilder sslContextBuilder = new SSLContextBuilder();

            File keystoreFileObject = null;
            final String keystoreFile = builder.getKeyStoreFile(fileSystemOptions);

            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(keystoreFile)) {
                keystoreFileObject = new File(keystoreFile);

            if (keystoreFileObject != null && keystoreFileObject.exists()) {
                final String keystorePass = builder.getKeyStorePass(fileSystemOptions);
                final char[] keystorePassChars = (keystorePass != null) ? keystorePass.toCharArray() : null;
                sslContextBuilder.loadTrustMaterial(keystoreFileObject, keystorePassChars, TrustAllStrategy.INSTANCE);
            } else {

            return sslContextBuilder.build();
        } catch (final KeyStoreException e) {
            throw new FileSystemException("Keystore error. " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (final KeyManagementException e) {
            throw new FileSystemException("Cannot retrieve keys. " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new FileSystemException("Algorithm error. " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (final CertificateException e) {
            throw new FileSystemException("Certificate error. " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            throw new FileSystemException("Cannot open key file. " + e.getMessage(), e);

    protected FileSystem doCreateFileSystem(final FileName name, final FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions)
            throws FileSystemException {
        final GenericFileName rootName = (GenericFileName) name;

        UserAuthenticationData authData = null;
        HttpClient httpClient;
        HttpClientContext httpClientContext;

        try {
            final Http4FileSystemConfigBuilder builder = Http4FileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance();
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http4/Http4FileSystemConfigBuilder.java Apache Commons VFS 203
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http5/Http5FileSystemConfigBuilder.java Apache Commons VFS 223
return Http4FileSystem.class;

     * Gets the connection timeout.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @return The connection timeout.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #getConnectionTimeoutDuration(FileSystemOptions)}.
    public int getConnectionTimeout(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getDurationInteger(opts, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT);

     * Gets the connection timeout.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @return The connection timeout.
     * @since 2.8.0
    public Duration getConnectionTimeoutDuration(final FileSystemOptions opts) {

     * Gets the cookies to add to the request.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @return the Cookie array.
    public Cookie[] getCookies(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getParam(opts, "cookies");

     * Gets whether to follow redirects for the connection.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @return {@code true} to follow redirects, {@code false} not to.
     * @see #setFollowRedirect
    public boolean getFollowRedirect(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getBoolean(opts, KEY_FOLLOW_REDIRECT, DEFAULT_FOLLOW_REDIRECT);

     * Return keystore file path to be used in SSL connections.
     * @param opts the file system options to modify
     * @return keystore file path to be used in SSL connections
    public String getKeyStoreFile(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getParam(opts, KEYSTORE_FILE);
     * Return keystore pass phrase for SSL connections.
     * @param opts the file system options to modify
     * @return keystore pass phrase for SSL connections
    String getKeyStorePass(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getParam(opts, KEYSTORE_PASS);

     * Get keystore type for SSL connections.
     * @param opts the file system options to modify
     * @return keystore type for SSL connections
     * @since 2.7.0
    public String getKeyStoreType(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getString(opts, KEYSTORE_TYPE, KeyStore.getDefaultType());

     * Gets the maximum number of connections allowed per host.
     * @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
     * @return The maximum number of connections allowed per host.
    public int getMaxConnectionsPerHost(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
     * Gets the maximum number of connections allowed.
     * @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
     * @return The maximum number of connections allowed.
    public int getMaxTotalConnections(final FileSystemOptions opts) {

     * Gets the proxy authenticator where the system should get the credentials from.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @return The UserAuthenticator.
    public UserAuthenticator getProxyAuthenticator(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getParam(opts, "proxyAuthenticator");

     * Gets the proxy to use for http connection. You have to set the ProxyPort too if you would like to have the proxy
     * really used.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @return proxyHost
     * @see #setProxyPort
    public String getProxyHost(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getString(opts, "proxyHost");

     * Gets the proxy-port to use for http the connection. You have to set the ProxyHost too if you would like to have
     * the proxy really used.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @return proxyPort: the port number or 0 if it is not set
     * @see #setProxyHost
    public int getProxyPort(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getInteger(opts, "proxyPort", 0);

     * Gets the proxy-scheme to use for http the connection. You have to set the ProxyHost too if you would like to have
     * the proxy really used.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @return proxyScheme: the http/https scheme of proxy server
     * @see #setProxyHost
     * @since 2.7.0
    public String getProxyScheme(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getString(opts, PROXY_SCHEME, HttpHost.DEFAULT_SCHEME_NAME);
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/ftp/FtpRandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 69
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/sftp/SftpRandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 72

            public int read() throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read();
                if (ret > -1) {
                return ret;

            public int read(final byte[] b) throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read(b);
                if (ret > -1) {
                    filePointer += ret;
                return ret;

            public int read(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read(b, off, len);
                if (ret > -1) {
                    filePointer += ret;
                return ret;

        return dis;

    public long getFilePointer() throws IOException {
        return filePointer;

    public long length() throws IOException {
        return fileObject.getContent().getSize();

    public void seek(final long pos) throws IOException {
        if (pos == filePointer) {
            // no change

        if (pos < 0) {
            throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider/random-access-invalid-position.error", Long.valueOf(pos));
        if (dis != null) {

        filePointer = pos;
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/filter/AndFileFilter.java Apache Commons VFS 96
org/apache/commons/vfs2/filter/OrFileFilter.java Apache Commons VFS 92

    public void addFileFilter(final FileFilter fileFilter) {

    public List<FileFilter> getFileFilters() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.fileFilters);

    public boolean removeFileFilter(final FileFilter fileFilter) {
        return this.fileFilters.remove(fileFilter);

    public void setFileFilters(final List<FileFilter> fileFilters) {

     * Provide a String representation of this file filter.
     * @return a String representation
    public String toString() {
        final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        if (fileFilters != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < fileFilters.size(); i++) {
                if (i > 0) {
                final Object filter = fileFilters.get(i);
                buffer.append(filter == null ? "null" : filter.toString());
        return buffer.toString();

File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/webdav/ExceptionConverter.java Apache Commons VFS Jackrabbit 1 48
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/webdav4/ExceptionConverter.java Apache Commons VFS Jackrabbit 2 42
final Element error = davExc.toXml(DomUtil.BUILDER_FACTORY.newDocumentBuilder().newDocument());
                if (DomUtil.matches(error, DavException.XML_ERROR, DavConstants.NAMESPACE) && DomUtil.hasChildElement(error, "exception", null)) {
                    final Element exc = DomUtil.getChildElement(error, "exception", null);
                    if (DomUtil.hasChildElement(exc, "message", null)) {
                        msg = DomUtil.getChildText(exc, "message", null);
                    if (DomUtil.hasChildElement(exc, "class", null)) {
                        final Class<?> cl = Class.forName(DomUtil.getChildText(exc, "class", null));
                        final Constructor<?> excConstr = cl.getConstructor(String.class);
                        final Object o = excConstr.newInstance(msg);
                        if (o instanceof FileSystemException) {
                            return (FileSystemException) o;
                        if (o instanceof Exception) {
                            return new FileSystemException(msg, (Exception) o);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                throw new FileSystemException(e);

        return new FileSystemException(msg);
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http4/Http4FileSystem.java Apache Commons VFS 63
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http5/Http5FileSystem.java Apache Commons VFS 63
protected Http4FileSystem(final FileName rootName, final FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions, final HttpClient httpClient,
            final HttpClientContext httpClientContext) {
        super(rootName, null, fileSystemOptions);

        final String rootURI = getRootURI();
        final int offset = rootURI.indexOf(':');
        final char lastCharOfScheme = (offset > 0) ? rootURI.charAt(offset - 1) : 0;

        // if scheme is 'http*s' or 'HTTP*S', then the internal base URI should be 'https'. 'http' otherwise.
        if (lastCharOfScheme == 's' || lastCharOfScheme == 'S') {
            this.internalBaseURI = URI.create("https" + rootURI.substring(offset));
        } else {
            this.internalBaseURI = URI.create("http" + rootURI.substring(offset));

        this.httpClient = httpClient;
        this.httpClientContext = httpClientContext;

    protected void addCapabilities(final Collection<Capability> caps) {
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http4/Http4FileProvider.java Apache Commons VFS 244
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http5/Http5FileProvider.java Apache Commons VFS 239
UserAuthenticationData.PASSWORD, UserAuthenticatorUtils.toChar(rootName.getPassword())));

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(username)) {
            credsProvider.setCredentials(new AuthScope(rootName.getHostName(), rootName.getPort()),
                    new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password));

        final HttpHost proxyHost = getProxyHttpHost(builder, fileSystemOptions);

        if (proxyHost != null) {
            final UserAuthenticator proxyAuth = builder.getProxyAuthenticator(fileSystemOptions);

            if (proxyAuth != null) {
                final UserAuthenticationData proxyAuthData = UserAuthenticatorUtils.authenticate(proxyAuth,
                        new UserAuthenticationData.Type[] { UserAuthenticationData.USERNAME,
                                UserAuthenticationData.PASSWORD });

                if (proxyAuthData != null) {
                    final UsernamePasswordCredentials proxyCreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(
                                    UserAuthenticatorUtils.getData(proxyAuthData, UserAuthenticationData.USERNAME, null)),
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http4/Http4FileObject.java Apache Commons VFS 124
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http5/Http5FileObject.java Apache Commons VFS 125
final int status = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

        if (status == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException(getName());

        if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
            throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider.http/get.error", getName(), Integer.valueOf(status));

        return new MonitoredHttpResponseContentInputStream(httpResponse, bufferSize);

    protected long doGetLastModifiedTime() throws Exception {
        FileSystemException.requireNonNull(lastHeadResponse, "vfs.provider.http/last-modified.error", getName());

        final Header header = lastHeadResponse.getFirstHeader("Last-Modified");

        FileSystemException.requireNonNull(header, "vfs.provider.http/last-modified.error", getName());

        return DateUtils.parseDate(header.getValue()).getTime();

    protected RandomAccessContent doGetRandomAccessContent(final RandomAccessMode mode) throws Exception {
        return new Http4RandomAccessContent<>(this, mode);
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/webdav/WebdavFileObject.java Apache Commons VFS Jackrabbit 1 567
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/webdav4/Webdav4FileObject.java Apache Commons VFS Jackrabbit 2 569
final DavProperty property = getProperty(name, DavConstants.PROPERTY_RESOURCETYPE);
            final Node node;
            if (property != null && (node = (Node) property.getValue()) != null) {
                return node.getLocalName().equals(DavConstants.XML_COLLECTION);
            return false;
        } catch (final FileNotFoundException fse) {
            throw new FileNotFolderException(name);

     * Returns the resource name from the path.
     * @param path the path to the file.
     * @return The resource name
    private String resourceName(String path) {
        if (path.endsWith("/")) {
            path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
        final int i = path.lastIndexOf("/");
        return i >= 0 ? path.substring(i + 1) : path;
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/GenericURLFileNameParser.java Apache Commons VFS 31
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/URLFileNameParser.java Apache Commons VFS 32
public GenericURLFileNameParser(final int defaultPort) {

    public boolean encodeCharacter(final char ch) {
        return super.encodeCharacter(ch) || ch == '?';

    public FileName parseUri(final VfsComponentContext context, final FileName base, final String fileName)
            throws FileSystemException {
        // FTP URI are generic URI (as per RFC 2396)
        final StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder();

        // Extract the scheme and authority parts
        final Authority auth = extractToPath(context, fileName, name);

        // Extract the queryString
        final String queryString = UriParser.extractQueryString(name);

        // Decode and normalise the file name
        UriParser.canonicalizePath(name, 0, name.length(), this);
        final FileType fileType = UriParser.normalisePath(name);
        final String path = name.toString();

        return new GenericURLFileName(auth.getScheme(), auth.getHostName(), auth.getPort(), getDefaultPort(),
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/ftp/FtpRandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 72
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http/HttpRandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 84
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http4/Http4RandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 85
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http5/Http5RandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 85
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/sftp/SftpRandomAccessContent.java Apache Commons VFS 75
            public int read() throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read();
                if (ret > -1) {
                return ret;

            public int read(final byte[] b) throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read(b);
                if (ret > -1) {
                    filePointer += ret;
                return ret;

            public int read(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) throws IOException {
                final int ret = super.read(b, off, len);
                if (ret > -1) {
                    filePointer += ret;
                return ret;

        return dis;
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/webdav/WebdavFileSystemConfigBuilder.java Apache Commons VFS Jackrabbit 1 43
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/webdav4/Webdav4FileSystemConfigBuilder.java Apache Commons VFS Jackrabbit 2 43
public static HttpFileSystemConfigBuilder getInstance() {
        return BUILDER;

     * The user name to be associated with changes to the file.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options
     * @param creatorName The creator name to be associated with the file.
    public void setCreatorName(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String creatorName) {
        setParam(opts, "creatorName", creatorName);

     * Return the user name to be associated with changes to the file.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options
     * @return The creatorName.
    public String getCreatorName(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getString(opts, "creatorName");

     * Gets whether to follow redirects for the connection.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @return {@code true} to follow redirects, {@code false} not to.
     * @see #setFollowRedirect
     * @since 2.1
    public boolean getFollowRedirect(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getBoolean(opts, KEY_FOLLOW_REDIRECT, DEFAULT_FOLLOW_REDIRECT);

     * Whether to use versioning.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param versioning true if versioning should be enabled.
    public void setVersioning(final FileSystemOptions opts, final boolean versioning) {
        setParam(opts, "versioning", Boolean.valueOf(versioning));

     * The cookies to add to the request.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @return true if versioning is enabled.
    public boolean isVersioning(final FileSystemOptions opts) {
        return getBoolean(opts, "versioning", false);

     * @return The Webdav FileSystem Class object.
    protected Class<? extends FileSystem> getConfigClass() {
        return WebdavFileSystem.class;
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/GenericURLFileName.java Apache Commons VFS 33
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/URLFileName.java Apache Commons VFS 36
public GenericURLFileName(final String scheme, final String hostName, final int port, final int defaultPort,
            final String userName, final String password, final String path, final FileType type,
            final String queryString) {
        super(scheme, hostName, port, defaultPort, userName, password, path, type);
        this.queryString = queryString;

     * Gets the query string.
     * @return the query string part of the file name
    public String getQueryString() {
        return queryString;

     * Gets the path and query string e.g. /path/servlet?param1=true.
     * @return the path and its query string
    public String getPathQuery() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);

        return sb.toString();

     * Gets the path encoded suitable for url like file system e.g. (http, webdav).
     * @param charset the charset used for the path encoding
     * @return The encoded path.
     * @throws FileSystemException If some other error occurs.
    public String getPathQueryEncoded(final String charset) throws FileSystemException {
File Project Line
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/webdav/WebdavFileObject.java Apache Commons VFS Jackrabbit 1 285
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/webdav4/Webdav4FileObject.java Apache Commons VFS Jackrabbit 2 283
DavProperty property = iter2.next();
                if (!attributes.containsKey(property.getName().getName())) {
                    property = getProperty(fileName, property.getName());
                    if (property != null) {
                        final Object name = property.getName();
                        final Object value = property.getValue();
                        if (name != null && value != null) {
                            attributes.put(name.toString(), value);
            return attributes;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider.webdav/get-attributes.error", getName(), e);

     * Returns the size of the file content (in bytes).
    protected long doGetContentSize() throws Exception {
        final DavProperty property = getProperty((URLFileName) getName(), DavConstants.PROPERTY_GETCONTENTLENGTH);
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org/apache/commons/vfs2/util/MonitorInputStream.java Apache Commons VFS 129
org/apache/commons/vfs2/util/RawMonitorInputStream.java Apache Commons VFS 76

     * Reads a character.
     * @return The character that was read as an integer.
     * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs.
    public int read() throws IOException { // lgtm [java/non-sync-override]
        if (finished.get()) {
            return EOF_CHAR;

        final int ch = super.read();
        if (ch != EOF_CHAR) {

        return ch;

     * Reads bytes from this input stream.
     * @param buffer A byte array in which to place the characters read.
     * @param offset The offset at which to start reading.
     * @param length The maximum number of bytes to read.
     * @return The number of bytes read.
     * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs.
    public int read(final byte[] buffer, final int offset, final int length) throws IOException { // lgtm [java/non-sync-override]
        if (finished.get()) {
            return EOF_CHAR;

        final int nread = super.read(buffer, offset, length);
        if (nread != EOF_CHAR) {
        return nread;
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org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http/HttpFileSystemConfigBuilder.java Apache Commons VFS 305
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http4/Http4FileSystemConfigBuilder.java Apache Commons VFS 527
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http5/Http5FileSystemConfigBuilder.java Apache Commons VFS 560
setParam(opts, HttpConnectionManagerParams.MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, Integer.valueOf(maxTotalConnections));

     * Sets the given value for preemptive HTTP authentication (using BASIC) on the given FileSystemOptions object.
     * Defaults to false if not set. It may be appropriate to set to true in cases when the resulting chattiness of the
     * conversation outweighs any architectural desire to use a stronger authentication scheme than basic/preemptive.
     * @param opts The FileSystemOptions.
     * @param preemptiveAuth the desired setting; true=enabled and false=disabled.
    public void setPreemptiveAuth(final FileSystemOptions opts, final boolean preemptiveAuth) {
        setParam(opts, KEY_PREEMPTIVE_AUTHENTICATION, Boolean.valueOf(preemptiveAuth));

     * Sets the proxy authenticator where the system should get the credentials from.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param authenticator The UserAuthenticator.
    public void setProxyAuthenticator(final FileSystemOptions opts, final UserAuthenticator authenticator) {
        setParam(opts, "proxyAuthenticator", authenticator);

     * Sets the proxy to use for http connection.
     * <p>
     * You have to set the ProxyPort too if you would like to have the proxy really used.
     * </p>
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param proxyHost the host
     * @see #setProxyPort
    public void setProxyHost(final FileSystemOptions opts, final String proxyHost) {
        setParam(opts, "proxyHost", proxyHost);

     * Sets the proxy-port to use for http connection. You have to set the ProxyHost too if you would like to have the
     * proxy really used.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param proxyPort the port
     * @see #setProxyHost
    public void setProxyPort(final FileSystemOptions opts, final int proxyPort) {
        setParam(opts, "proxyPort", Integer.valueOf(proxyPort));

     * The socket timeout.
     * @param opts The FileSystem options.
     * @param timeout socket timeout.
     * @since 2.8.0
    public void setSoTimeout(final FileSystemOptions opts, final Duration timeout) {
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org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/GenericURLFileName.java Apache Commons VFS 98
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/URLFileName.java Apache Commons VFS 102
return new GenericURLFileName(getScheme(), getHostName(), getPort(), getDefaultPort(), getUserName(), getPassword(),
                absPath, type, getQueryString());

     * Appends query string to the uri.
     * @return the uri
    protected String createURI() {
        if (getQueryString() != null) {
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);

            return sb.toString();

        return super.createURI();

     * Encodes a URI.
     * @param charset The character set.
     * @return The encoded URI
     * @throws FileSystemException if some other exception occurs.
    public String getURIEncoded(final String charset) throws FileSystemException {
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org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/UriParser.java Apache Commons VFS 68
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/UriParser.java Apache Commons VFS 152
if (count < 3) {
                    throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider/invalid-escape-sequence.error",
                            buffer.substring(index, index + count));

                // Decode
                final int dig1 = Character.digit(buffer.charAt(index + 1), HEX_BASE);
                final int dig2 = Character.digit(buffer.charAt(index + 2), HEX_BASE);
                if (dig1 == -1 || dig2 == -1) {
                    throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider/invalid-escape-sequence.error",
                            buffer.substring(index, index + 3));
                final char value = (char) (dig1 << BITS_IN_HALF_BYTE | dig2);
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org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/tar/TarFileObject.java Apache Commons VFS 75
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/zip/ZipFileObject.java Apache Commons VFS 77
protected void attachChild(final FileName childName) {

     * Determines if this file can be written to.
     * @return {@code true} if this file is writable, {@code false} if not.
     * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
    public boolean isWriteable() throws FileSystemException {
        return false;

     * Returns the file's type.
    protected FileType doGetType() {
        return type;

     * Lists the children of the file.
    protected String[] doListChildren() {
        try {
            if (!getType().hasChildren()) {
                return null;
        } catch (final FileSystemException e) {
            // should not happen as the type has already been cached.
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        return children.toArray(ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);

     * Returns the size of the file content (in bytes). Is only called if {@link #doGetType} returns
     * {@link FileType#FILE}.
    protected long doGetContentSize() {
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org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http4/Http4FileObject.java Apache Commons VFS 91
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/http5/Http5FileObject.java Apache Commons VFS 92
final Http4FileSystemConfigBuilder builder) throws FileSystemException {
        super(name, fileSystem);
        final FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions = fileSystem.getFileSystemOptions();
        urlCharset = builder.getUrlCharset(fileSystemOptions);
        final String pathEncoded = ((GenericURLFileName) name).getPathQueryEncoded(getUrlCharset());
        internalURI = URIUtils.resolve(fileSystem.getInternalBaseURI(), pathEncoded);

    protected void doDetach() throws Exception {
        lastHeadResponse = null;

    protected long doGetContentSize() throws Exception {
        if (lastHeadResponse == null) {
            return 0L;

        final Header header = lastHeadResponse.getFirstHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_LEN);
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org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/webdav/WebdavFileObject.java Apache Commons VFS Jackrabbit 1 118
org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/webdav4/Webdav4FileObject.java Apache Commons VFS Jackrabbit 2 117
final URLFileName fileName = (URLFileName) getName();
            final String urlStr = toUrlString(fileName);
            if (builder.isVersioning(getFileSystem().getFileSystemOptions())) {
                DavPropertySet set = null;
                boolean fileExists = true;
                boolean isCheckedIn = true;
                try {
                    set = getPropertyNames(fileName);
                } catch (final FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
                    fileExists = false;
                if (fileExists && set != null) {
                    if (set.contains(VersionControlledResource.CHECKED_OUT)) {
                        isCheckedIn = false;
                    } else if (!set.contains(VersionControlledResource.CHECKED_IN)) {
                        DavProperty prop = set.get(VersionControlledResource.AUTO_VERSION);