All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for circuit breakers.
An internal enumeration representing the different states of a circuit breaker.
Abstracts and defines operations for ConcurrentInitializer implementations.
Builds a new instance for subclasses.
Proxies to a Future for subclassing.
Abstracts supplying an instance of T.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text AggregateTranslator instead
Helper methods for working with Annotation instances.
Joins an array or Iterable into an existing Appendable like a StringBuilder; with the goal for call sites to avoid creating intermediary Strings.
Builds instances of AppendableJoiner.
Provides methods for identifying the architecture of the current JVM based on the "os.arch" system property.
Fills and returns arrays in the fluent style.
Sorts and returns arrays in the fluent style.
Operations on arrays, primitive arrays (like int[]) and primitive wrapper arrays (like Integer[]).
A specialized implementation of the ConcurrentInitializer interface based on an AtomicReference variable.
Builds a new instance.
A specialized ConcurrentInitializer implementation which is similar to AtomicInitializer, but ensures that the AbstractConcurrentInitializer.initialize() method is called only once.
Builds a new instance.
A class that allows complex initialization operations in a background task.
Builds a new instance.
An implementation of the ThreadFactory interface that provides some configuration options for the threads it creates.
A builder class for creating instances of BasicThreadFactory.
Supports operations on bit-mapped fields.
A functional interface like IntConsumer but for boolean.
Operations on boolean primitives and Boolean objects.
The Builder interface is designed to designate a class as a builder object in the Builder design pattern.
Helps use Calendars.
A specialized BackgroundInitializer implementation that wraps a Callable object.
Java 7 introduced StandardCharsets, which defines these constants as Charset objects.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text CharSequenceTranslator instead
Operations on CharSequence that are null safe.
A set of characters.
Operations on CharSet instances.
Operations on char primitives and Character objects.
An interface describing a Circuit Breaker component.
An exception class used for reporting runtime error conditions related to circuit breakers.
Helps work with ClassLoader.
Operations regarding the classpath.
Operates on classes without using reflection.
Inclusivity literals for ClassUtils.hierarchy(Class, Interfaces).
Exception thrown when a clone cannot be created.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text CharSequenceTranslator instead
Utility library to provide helper methods for translating Comparable.compareTo(T) result into a boolean.
Provides access to the available methods
Assists in implementing Comparable.compareTo(Object) methods.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text CompositeFormat instead
Definition of an interface for a wrapper around a calculation that takes a single parameter and returns a result.
An exception class used for reporting error conditions related to accessing data of background tasks.
Defines the thread-safe initialization of objects.
An exception class used for reporting runtime error conditions related to accessing data of background tasks.
A utility class providing functionality related to the java.util.concurrent package.
A very simple implementation of the ConcurrentInitializer interface which always returns the same object.
Utility reflection methods focused on constructors, modeled after MethodUtils.
Provides Consumer instances.
An exception that provides an easy and safe way to add contextual information.
A runtime exception that provides an easy and safe way to add contextual information.
Static methods to convert a type into another, with endianness and bit ordering awareness.
Date and time formatting utilities and constants.
DateParser is the "missing" interface for the parsing methods of DateFormat.
DatePrinter is the "missing" interface for the format methods of DateFormat.
A suite of utilities surrounding the use of the Calendar and Date object.
Default implementation of the context storing the label-value pairs for contexted exceptions.
A Diff contains the differences between two Diffable class fields.
Diffable classes can be compared with other objects for differences.
Assists in implementing Diffable.diff(Object) methods.
Constructs a new instance.
Excludes a field from being used by the ReflectionDiffBuilder.
A DiffResult contains a collection of the differences between two Diffable objects.
Specializes NumberRange for Doubles.
Duration formatting utilities and constants.
Utilities for Duration.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text EntityArrays instead
Utility library to provide helper methods for Java enums.
Assists in implementing Object.equals(Object) methods.
Excludes a field from being used by the various reflectionEquals methods defined on EqualsBuilder.
A simple implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern that counts specific events.
An EventListenerSupport object can be used to manage a list of event listeners of a particular type.
Provides some useful event-based utility methods.
Allows the storage and retrieval of contextual information based on label-value pairs for exceptions.
Provides utilities for manipulating and examining Throwable objects.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text ExtendedMessageFormat instead
This class provides utility functions, and classes for working with the java.util.function package, or more generally, with Java 8 lambdas.
A functional interface like BiConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like BiFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like BiPredicate that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like BooleanSupplier that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Callable that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Consumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleBinaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoublePredicate that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleSupplier that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleToIntFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleToLongFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleUnaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Function that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntBinaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntPredicate that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntSupplier that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntToDoubleFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntToLongFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntUnaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongBinaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongPredicate that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongSupplier that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongToDoubleFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongToIntFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongUnaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ObjDoubleConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ObjIntConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ObjLongConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Predicate that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Runnable that declares a kind of Throwable.
A functional interface like IntSupplier but for short that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Supplier that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToDoubleBiFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToDoubleFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToIntBiFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToIntFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToLongBiFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToLongFunction that declares a Throwable.
FastDateFormat is a fast and thread-safe version of SimpleDateFormat.
FastDateParser is a fast and thread-safe version of SimpleDateFormat.
FastDatePrinter is a fast and thread-safe version of SimpleDateFormat.
Faster methods to produce custom time zones.
Utilities for working with Fields by reflection.
A fluent BitSet with additional operations.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text FormatFactory instead
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text FormattableUtils instead
Fraction is a Number implementation that stores fractions accurately.
Factory for Function.
Consists of utility methods that work with FutureTask.
Assists in implementing Object.hashCode() methods.
Exclude a field from being used by the various reflectionHashcode methods defined on HashCodeBuilder.
Provides IEEE-754r variants of NumberUtils methods.
An immutable pair consisting of two Object elements.
An immutable triple consisting of three Object elements.
Utility methods focusing on inheritance.
Specializes NumberRange for Integers.
Factory for IntStream.
Represents a function that accepts an int-valued argument and produces a char-valued result.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text UnicodeEscaper instead
An enum representing all the versions of the Java specification.
Implementations of Collector that implement various reduction operations.
This class provides a generic implementation of the lazy initialization pattern.
Builds a new instance.
Operations to assist when working with a Locale.
Combines the monitor and visitor pattern to work with locked objects.
Wraps a domain object and a lock for access by lambdas.
This class implements a wrapper for a locked (hidden) object, and provides the means to access it.
This class implements a wrapper for a locked (hidden) object, and provides the means to access it.
Specializes NumberRange for Longs.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text LookupTranslator instead
Definition of an interface for a wrapper around a calculation that takes a single parameter and returns a result.
Converts Method objects to lambdas.
Utility reflection methods focused on Methods, originally from Commons BeanUtils.
A specialized BackgroundInitializer implementation that can deal with multiple background initialization tasks.
A data class for storing the results of the background initialization performed by MultiBackgroundInitializer.
Works with ToStringBuilder to create a "deep" toString.
Provides mutable access to a value.
A mutable boolean wrapper.
A mutable byte wrapper.
A mutable double wrapper.
A mutable float wrapper.
A mutable int wrapper.
A mutable long wrapper.
A mutable Object wrapper.
A mutable pair consisting of two Object elements.
A mutable short wrapper.
A mutable triple consisting of three Object elements.
Thrown to indicate that a block of code has not been implemented.
Specializes Range for Numbers.
Provides extra functionality for Java Number classes.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text NumericEntityEscaper instead
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text NumericEntityUnescaper instead
Enumerates NumericEntityUnescaper options for unescaping.
Compares Object's Object.toString() values.
Operations on Object.
Class used as a null placeholder where null has another meaning.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text OctalUnescaper instead
A pair consisting of two elements.
The Processor represents a microprocessor and defines some properties like architecture and type of the microprocessor.
The Processor.Arch enum defines the architecture of a microprocessor.
The Processor.Type enum defines types of a microprocessor.
Generates random Strings.
Supplements the standard Random class.
An immutable range of objects from a minimum to maximum point inclusive.
Works with ToStringBuilder to create a "deep" toString.
Assists in implementing Diffable.diff(Object) methods.
Constructs a new instance.
Assists in implementing Object.toString() methods using reflection.
Helpers to process Strings using regular expressions.
Helps query the runtime environment.
Exception thrown when the Serialization process fails.
Assists with the serialization process and performs additional functionality based on serialization.
Works with ToStringBuilder to create a toString.
StopWatch provides a convenient API for timings.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text TextStringBuilder instead
Provides utility functions, and classes for working with the package, or more generally, with Java 8 lambdas.
Use Streams.
A Collector type for arrays.
A reduced, and simplified version of a Stream with failable method signatures.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text StringEscapeUtils instead
Operations on String that are null safe.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text StringLookupFactory instead
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text StringMatcherFactory instead
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text StringSubstitutor instead
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text StringTokenizer instead
Helps use Supplier.
Accesses current system property names and values.
Helpers for System.
Helpers for Thread and ThreadGroup.
Use a Predicate.
Use a Predicate.
Use a Predicate.
Use a Predicate.
A simple implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern that opens if the requested increment amount is greater than a given threshold.
A specialized semaphore implementation that provides a number of permits in a given time frame.
Helps to deal with TimeZones.
A function that accepts two arguments and produces a boolean result.
Assists in implementing Object.toString() methods.
Excludes a field from being used by the ReflectionToStringBuilder.
Controls String formatting for ToStringBuilder.
Use this annotation on the fields to get the summary instead of the detailed information when using ReflectionToStringBuilder.
Represents an operation that accepts three input arguments and returns no result.
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
A triple consisting of three elements.
Generalization of "has a type."
Type literal comparable to javax.enterprise.util.TypeLiteral, made generally available outside the JEE context.
Utility methods focusing on type inspection, particularly with regard to generics.
WildcardType builder.
Abstracts the concept of wrapping a checked exception as unchecked.
An Future that throws unchecked instead checked exceptions.
Unchecked TimeoutException.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text UnicodeEscaper instead
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text UnicodeUnescaper instead
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text UnicodeUnpairedSurrogateRemover instead
This class assists in validating arguments.
As of 3.6, use Apache Commons Text WordUtils instead