All Classes and Interfaces

A specialized implementation of FileLocationStrategy which checks whether the provided file name is already an absolute file name.
Abstract configuration class.
A specialized configuration class that extends its base class by the ability of keeping more structure in the stored properties.
An abstract base class for concrete ListDelimiterHandler implementations.
A base class for configuration implementations based on YAML structures.
A configuration wrapper to read applet parameters.
Basic configuration class.
A fully-functional, reflection-based implementation of the ConfigurationBuilderProvider interface which can deal with the default tags defining configuration sources.
A specialized SAX2 XML parser that processes configuration objects.
A base class for objects that can generate configuration events.
A specialized hierarchical configuration implementation that is based on a structure of ImmutableNode objects.
A specialized visitor base class that can be used for storing the tree of configuration nodes.
A specialized implementation of FileLocationStrategy which tries to construct a file path from the locator's base path and file name.
An implementation of BuilderParameters which handles the parameters of a ConfigurationBuilder common to all concrete Configuration implementations.
Definition of a properties interface for basic parameters which are supported by all ConfigurationBuilder implementations derived from BasicConfigurationBuilder.
An implementation of the ConfigurationBuilder interface which is able to create different concrete ImmutableConfiguration implementations based on reflection.
Definition of a context object storing all required information for the creation of a bean.
Definition of an interface for declaring a bean in a configuration file.
Definition of an interface for bean factories.
A helper class for creating bean instances that are defined in configuration files.
A class that allows the creation of configuration objects wrapping a ConfigurationBuilder.
An enumeration class with different options for supporting the EventSource interface in generated ImmutableConfiguration proxies.
An interface to be implemented by objects which can be used to parameterize a ConfigurationBuilder.
Thin wrapper around xml commons CatalogResolver to allow list of catalogs to be provided.
Overrides the Catalog implementation to use the underlying FileSystem.
Extends the CatalogManager to make the FileSystem and base directory accessible.
A specialized FileLocationStrategy implementation which searches for files on the class path.
A special implementation of the BeanDeclaration interface which allows combining multiple BeanDeclaration objects.
Definition of a parameters interface providing a fluent API for setting all properties of a builder for a combined configuration.
A specialized parameters object for a CombinedConfigurationBuilder.
Definition of a properties interface for the parameters of a combined configuration builder.
A hierarchical composite configuration class.
A specialized ConfigurationBuilder implementation that creates a CombinedConfiguration from multiple configuration sources defined by an XML-based configuration definition file.
A specialized ConfigurationBuilderProvider implementation which deals with combined configuration builders.
A specialized implementation of a FileLocationStrategy which encapsulates an arbitrary number of FileLocationStrategy objects.
A specialized ReloadingController implementation which manages an arbitrary number of other ReloadingController objects.
CompositeConfiguration allows you to add multiple Configuration objects to an aggregated configuration.
The main Configuration interface.
Definition of an interface for objects that can create ImmutableConfiguration or Configuration objects of a specific type.
A base event class for events generated by a ConfigurationBuilder.
An interface for creating builders for configuration sources of a CombinedConfigurationBuilder.
A specialized event class which is generated by a ConfigurationBuilder when a result configuration has been created.
Comparator for configurations interface.
A Configuration task that may throw a ConfigurationException.
Configuration converter.
A specialized BeanDeclaration implementation that represents the declaration of a configuration source.
An interface for decoding encoded values from a configuration source.
The ConfigurationDynaBean dynamically reads and writes configurations properties from a wrapped configuration-collection Configuration instance.
The ConfigurationDynaClass dynamically determines properties for a ConfigurationDynaBean from a wrapped configuration-collection Configuration instance.
An event class that is used for reporting errors that occurred while processing configuration properties.
An event class for reporting updates on a configuration object.
Any exception that occurs while initializing a Configuration object.
A class that handles interpolation (variable substitution) for configuration objects.
A class providing basic logging capabilities.
A specialized implementation of the Lookup interface which uses a Configuration object to resolve variables.
The ConfigurationMap wraps a configuration-collection Configuration instance to provide a Map interface.
Implements the NodePointerFactory interface for configuration nodes.
Definition of a Visitor interface for a configuration node structure.
A simple adapter class that simplifies writing custom node visitor implementations.
FactoryBean which wraps a Commons CompositeConfiguration object for usage with PropertiesLoaderSupport.
Allow use of Apache Commons Configuration Objects as Spring PropertySources
A configuration related runtime exception.
A convenience class which simplifies the creation of standard configurations and their builders.
Miscellaneous utility methods for configurations.
A base class for "faked" XMLReader classes that transform a configuration object in a set of SAX parsing events.
Looks up constant fields in classes.
A class representing an argument for a constructor invocation to be used by a BeanDeclaration.
Thrown when a property is incompatible with the type requested.
An interface defining the possible data type conversions supported by the configuration framework.
A specialized implementation of DefaultParametersHandler that copies the properties of a BuilderParameters object (passed at construction time) onto the object to be initialized.
Definition of a parameters interface providing a fluent API for setting all properties for a database configuration.
A specialized parameters object for database configurations.
Definition of a properties interface for parameters of a database configuration.
Configuration stored in a database.
Decorator providing additional getters for any Configuration.
The default implementation of the BeanFactory interface.
A simple class that supports creation of and iteration on configuration keys supported by a DefaultExpressionEngine object.
A default implementation of the ConversionHandler interface.
The DefaultEntityResolver used by XML Configurations.
A default implementation of the ExpressionEngine interface providing the "native" expression language for hierarchical configurations.
A class representing the various symbols that are supported in keys recognized by DefaultExpressionEngine.
A builder class for creating instances of DefaultExpressionEngineSymbols.
FileSystem that uses or HttpClient.
The default implementation of the ListDelimiterHandler interface.
An enumeration class defining constants for built-in Lookup objects available for Configuration instances.
Definition of an interface for setting default values for specific configuration parameter objects.
A class for managing a set of DefaultParametersHandler objects.
A default implementation of the ReloadingDetectorFactory interface.
A specialized implementation of the ListDelimiterHandler interface which disables list splitting.
A simple dummy Lookup implementation.
DynamicCombinedConfiguration allows a set of CombinedConfigurations to be used.
Interface used for registering and retrieving PUBLICID to URL mappings.
Interface that identifies the class as using an EntityResolver
A Configuration implementation that reads the platform specific environment variables using the map returned by System.getenv().
The base class for all events generated by this library.
Definition of a generic event listener interface.
A class for managing event listeners for an event source.
A special Iterator implementation used by the getEventListenerIterator() method.
A specialized parameters implementation for BasicConfigurationBuilder which allows for a convenient event listener initialization.
Definition of an interface that is evaluated by a ConfigurationBuilder to initialize event listeners.
A data class holding information about an event listener registration.
An interface for configuration implementations which support registration of event listeners.
EventType<T extends Event>
A class representing an event type.
Definition of an interface for evaluating keys for hierarchical configurations.
Lookup that allows expressions to be evaluated.
The key and corresponding object that will be made available to the JexlContext for use in expressions.
List wrapper used to allow the Variables list to be created as beans in DefaultConfigurationBuilder.
Definition of an interface to be implemented by objects which know how to read and write themselves from or to a character stream.
Definition of a parameters interface providing a fluent API for setting all properties of a configuration of a file-based configuration builder.
An implementation of BuilderParameters which contains parameters related to Configuration implementations that are loaded from files.
Definition of a properties interface for parameters of file-based configurations.
An interface which combines the FileBased and Configuration interfaces.
A specialized ConfigurationBuilder implementation which can handle configurations read from a FileHandler.
A specialized implementation of ConfigurationBuilderProvider which determines the name of the result configuration class based on the extension of the file to load.
A class that manages persistence of an associated FileBased object.
A listener interface for receiving notifications about updates of a FileHandler.
An adapter class simplifying the implementation of custom FileHandlerListener classes.
A specialized implementation of ReloadingDetector which monitors a file specified by a FileHandler.
An interface allowing applications to customize the process of locating a file.
A class describing the location of a file.
A typical builder implementation for creating FileLocator objects.
Definition of an interface to be implemented by FileBased objects which need access to the current FileLocator.
A utility class providing helper methods related to locating files.
Some FileSystems allow options to be passed on File operations.
Abstract layer to allow various types of file systems.
A specialized implementation of FileLocationStrategy which uses the passed in FileSystem to locate a file.
Definition of a parameters interface providing a fluent API for setting all properties for a hierarchical configuration.
A specialized parameters object for hierarchical configurations.
Definition of a parameters interface for hierarchical configurations.
An interface for mutable hierarchical configurations.
A specialized SAX2 XML parser that "parses" hierarchical configuration objects.
A specialized implementation of FileLocationStrategy which searches for files in the user's home directory or another special configurable directory.
The main interface for accessing configuration data in a read-only fashion.
An interface for immutable hierarchical configurations.
An immutable default implementation for configuration nodes.
A builder class for creating instances of ImmutableNode.
Definition of a parameters interface providing a fluent API for setting all properties for a INI configuration.
A specialized parameters class for INI configuration.
Definition of a parameters interface for INI configurations.
A specialized hierarchical configuration implementation for parsing ini files.
Builds instances of INIConfiguration.
Definition of an interface to be implemented by Configuration implementations which support a special initialization method.
A specialized node model implementation which operates on ImmutableNode structures.
A specialized version of the NodeModelSupport interface which allows querying an InMemoryNodeModel.
Definition of an interface to be implemented by objects which support reading from an input stream.
A simple value class defining a ConfigurationInterpolator.
A builder class for creating instances of InterpolatorSpecification.
Definition of a parameters interface providing a fluent API for setting all properties for a JNDI configuration.
A specialized parameters object for JNDI configurations.
Definition of a properties interface for parameters of a JNDI configuration.
This Configuration class allows you to interface with a JNDI datasource.
A specialized hierarchical configuration class that is able to parse JSON documents.
A specialized implementation of ListDelimiterHandler which simulates the list delimiter handling as it was used by PropertiesConfiguration in Commons Configuration 1.x.
Definition of an interface that controls the handling of list delimiters in configuration properties.
An enumeration used by SynchronizerSupport to specify how an object is locked.
Definition of an interface for looking up variables during interpolation.
A strategy to reload configuration based on management requests.
MBean definition for managing configuration reload.
A Map based Configuration.
A specialized implementation of the NodeCombiner interface that performs a merge from two passed in node hierarchies.
Definition of a parameters interface providing a fluent API for setting all properties of a builder managing multiple file-based configurations.
A specialized parameters object for MultiFileConfigurationBuilder.
Definition of a properties interface for the parameters of a multiple file configuration builder.
A specialized ConfigurationBuilder implementation providing access to multiple file-based configurations based on a file name pattern.
A specialized ConfigurationBuilderProvider implementation for integrating MultiFileConfigurationBuilder with CombinedConfigurationBuilder.
A simple data class used by ExpressionEngine to store the results of the prepareAdd() operation.
A base class for node combiner implementations.
Definition of an interface for accessing the data of a configuration node.
An abstract base class for decorators of a NodeHandler.
Definition of an interface which allows resolving a (property) key for different manipulating operations.
An interface for matching nodes based on specific criteria.
Definition of an interface describing a model based on a nodes structure.
An interface to be implemented by objects that support a NodeModel.
An enumeration class with several pre-defined NodeMatcher implementations based on node names.
A class for selecting a specific node based on a key or a set of keys.
A class providing different algorithms for traversing a hierarchy of configuration nodes.
A simple data class used by node models to store parameters of an update operation.
An implementation of the Synchronizer interface which does not perform any synchronization.
A concrete combiner implementation that is able to construct an override combination.
A convenience class for creating parameter objects for initializing configuration builder objects.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
Wraps a BaseHierarchicalConfiguration and allows subtrees to be accessed via a configured path with replaceable tokens derived from the ConfigurationInterpolator.
A timer-based trigger for reloading checks.
Definition of a parameters interface providing a fluent API for setting all properties for a properties configuration.
A specialized parameter class for configuring PropertiesConfiguration instances.
Definition of a parameters interface for properties configurations.
This is the "classic" Properties loader which loads the values from a single or multiple files (which can be chained with "include =".
A default implementation of the IOFactory interface.
Definition of an interface that allows customization of read and write operations.
An alternative PropertiesConfiguration.IOFactory that tries to mimic the behavior of Properties (Jup) more closely.
A PropertiesConfiguration.PropertiesReader that tries to mimic the behavior of Properties.
A PropertiesConfiguration.PropertiesWriter that tries to mimic the behavior of Properties.
This class is used to read properties lines.
This class is used to write properties lines.
A helper class used by PropertiesConfiguration to keep the layout of a properties file.
A utility class to convert the configuration properties into any type.
NeXT / OpenStep style configuration.
Token literal values and constants.
Token Manager.
A specialized implementation of FileLocationStrategy which checks whether a passed in FileLocator already has a defined URL.
A data class representing a single query result produced by an ExpressionEngine.
A special implementation of Synchronizer based on the JDK's ReentrantReadWriteLock class.
An extension of the NodeHandler interface which allows access to so-called references stored for a node.
An extension of CombinedConfigurationBuilder which also supports reloading operations.
A class for adding support for reload operations in a generic way.
Definition of an interface to be implemented by components which support reloading operations managed by a ReloadingController.
An interface to be implemented by objects which can detect whether a reload operation is required.
Definition of an interface for objects which can create a ReloadingDetector.
An event that is fired when a reload operation is required.
A specialized ConfigurationBuilder implementation which can handle configurations read from a FileHandler and supports reloading.
A specialized MultiFileConfigurationBuilder implementation which adds support for reloading.
A configuration wrapper around a ServletConfig.
A configuration wrapper to read the initialization parameters of a servlet context.
A configuration wrapper around a FilterConfig.
A configuration wrapper to read the parameters of a servlet request.
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
Strict comparator for configurations.
A specialized hierarchical configuration class with a node model that uses a tracked node of another node model as its root node.
A subset of another configuration.
An interface controlling synchronization of configuration instances.
Definition of an interface for objects that can be associated with a Synchronizer.
A configuration based on the system properties.
Describes the input token stream.
Token Manager Error.
A specialized NodeModel implementation that uses a tracked node managed by an InMemoryNodeModel object as root node.
Utility methods.
A specialized implementation of the NodeCombiner interface that constructs a union from two passed in node hierarchies.
Carries options and operates on URLConnection.
Definition of an interface used by ListDelimiterHandler to perform additional transformations on behalf of a configuration when a property value is escaped.
OutputStream that can be checked for errors after it is written to.
A file-based reloading strategy that uses Commons VFS to determine when a file was changed.
FileSystem that uses Apache Commons VFS.
An implementation of the BeanDeclaration interface that is suitable for XML configuration files.
Definition of a parameters interface providing a fluent API for setting all properties for a XML configuration.
A specialized parameters class for XML configuration.
Definition of a parameters interface for XML configurations.
A specialized hierarchical configuration class that is able to parse XML documents.
This configuration implements the XML properties format introduced in Java, see
Property list file (plist) in XML FORMAT as used by macOS X (
A specialized implementation of the ExpressionEngine interface that is able to evaluate XPATH expressions.
A specialized hierarchical configuration class that is able to parse YAML documents.